So we only had one night left of our holiday after visiting Yarndale. We headed to our last stopover (via Chesters for coffee!), the Crown Hotel in Wetheral. This is a lovely village in Cumbria, just a few miles from Carlisle, on the River Eden. The husband decided to go for a swim and I walked into the village to try and get something to ease my sting. After dinner the previous evening I had been stung on the left arm by, I think, a wasp. The area around the sting was gradually getting redder, swollen and more irritated. Unfortunately the village shop didn't stock anything suitable. I optimistically thought it would improve but I was wrong. Thankfully I was able to get cream and anti-allergy medication the next day (when the reaction had got even worse).
Back to Wetheral on the Saturday afternoon. When I came out of the village shop I decided to go for a walk as the village is very picturesque. First I walked down a steep hill and found myself at the river. This is the Wetheral Railway Viaduct.
It was really lovely but I didn't stay. Instead I started to retrace my steps back up the hill. Coming near the top I saw a sign for the Priory Gatehouse and decided to investigate. This road was more or less level and I had a lovely walk through the countryside. Before long I came across the Wetheral Parish Church called Saint Trinity. This picture is taken from the road, through the gateway. I should have taken a picture of the gateway itself but you can see it here if you want.
This is the church from the side.
Further along the road I came to the Priory Gatehouse.
There was a stone spiral staircase up the inside of the tower.
I was very tempted to walk up all those steps but, according to the sign, the place was going to be closed in about five minutes time. I certainly didn't want to end up being locked in the tower! Years ago I got locked into the School of Music one Saturday morning. The following Monday was a bank holiday so the building wasn't going to be opened again until the following Tuesday. I banged the door as loudly as possible and, thankfully, the caretaker hadn't left so was able to let me out.
Sorry, I digressed there. I was still wearing my Yarndale Skirt, as you can see. It was very comfortable and easy to wear.
It was time to head back to the hotel as I reckoned the husband would have finished his swim. When I got back to our room he was already there. Doesn't sound unusual, does it? The thing was, I had the key! It turned out the he hadn't been able to get into the pool and, after waiting and waiting for me to return, had finally got the spare key from reception. Anyway, by this stage he knew he'd be able to get swimming so we both headed over to the leisure suite. I was worried about irritating my arm further with the chlorinated water so I sat at one of the poolside tables and crocheted. The wool I'd bought a few days previously at the New Lanark Mill was calling to me to be made into a bag. It's very difficult to refuse pure wool in gorgeous colours calling to be made into something useful with a crochet hook! I gave in and made Fudge squares from my 200 Crochet Blocks for Blankets, Throws and Afghans book. Each square is made using five colours so I changed the order of the colours so no two of the five squares I needed were the same.
All the squares are crocheted and blocked now but I still need to join them to make into a bag. Then line it as well. The reason I'm hesitating with finishing is that I can't make up my mind about the handles. When I get there, I'll let you see it.
Well that was the end of our holiday and we sailed home again the following day. Planning has started for next year's holiday!
All the best for now. I should be able to show you some of my finished projects soon. I'm looking forward to it.