Showing posts with label DC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DC. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sorry D.C. - We Can't Help Ourselves Sometimes

As most of you know, Mariah and I went to DC with our 10 year old for a rock climbing competition. At the beginning of our 3 days in DC, I thought that we’d do a bit of the ‘normal’ sightseeing thing. We went to the Smithsonian on Friday. There was a lot of playing in the snow up and down the mall and then there was the touring of the exhibits.

All was normal…until Mariah and I decided that faking the tourist thing was just not our speed.

In one exhibit, she began drooling at the below crystal…

…mentioning that it reminded her of my…joy stick (not the coloring of course.)

That made me so happy and proud; I decided to give her this 45 carat ring…

We continued through the esteemed Smithsonian in this manner…dragging Mariah away from things like this…

Then on Sunday, we went back down town to visit the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, White House and Vietnam Memorial Wall. It was cold, windy and…outright unpleasant…until everything became phallic.

And Mariah fondled Lincoln’s balls.

As inappropriate as this may be…we had a blast!!!
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