Showing posts with label Daily Grind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daily Grind. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

On a date again.

Last week was a pretty stressful week for us. For one, there were some issues that we had to go through and pray about. And then work was, as usual, busy. While I created dozens of proposals for salary structure improvements, my hubby was busy dealing with people and helping them in terms of reverse mortgage information. In fact, I would test him sometimes on how well his knowledge is about reverse mortgage and what the reverse mortgage pros and cons are. Based on his answers, I could swear my husband has turned from an IT professional into a mortgage expert. And I see how much has changed with his disposition now. He’s so much relaxed, so much happier, without any regrets. The big sacrifice that he did a few months back has indeed paid off. There is nothing like trusting your gut feel and keeping your priorities right.

Overall, I am quite happy that we both are enriching ourselves and our minds with the challenges we encounter daily at work, even with the stresses and all.

Anyway, since it was another three-day weekend last week, we thought of leaving the kids behind and going out for dinner to somewhere new. With this in mind, we found ourselves going to Quezon City, particularly at the site of the UP Ayala Techno Hub where there are several new dining options.

Our feet led us to Kanin Club.

The last time we ate at Kanin Club was when we went to Sta. Rosa and then up to Tagaytay for Zoe’s 2nd birthday. And obviously, we missed their signature Crispy Dinuguan.

We waited around 40 minutes to get seats but since the breeze was a bit cold outside, we really didn’t mind.

Here’s a view of the UP Ayala Techno Park, the restaurant, salt and pepper squid appetizer we ordered and Kanin Club’s Crispy Dinuguan.

The dinuguan was high in cholesterol but it was delicious and not necessarily bad if you take it only once in a blue moon.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Lately, I’ve been very lucky to be able to hitch a ride with a neighbor going to the office. We used to belong to the same company but now she works in another office. The good thing is, her new office is still located at the central business district of Makati. Anyway, I’m just so glad that she offers me a ride to work whenever she can. Now, many of my mornings are now relaxing compared to when I still have to fall in the line to get a service going to work. Plus, I am always never late anymore.

On the way to the office, we just talk about anything: our cell phone plans, her recently acquired IPhone, our individual office rants and so on and so forth. Thus, we barely even notice the traffic on the road. And since we both work in a bank, we also tend to compare notes on our bank services, i.e. how we ask clients to apply for credit card and how we keep our interest rates competitive since that is what our customers want.

I really learn a lot from her. She is truly heaven-sent.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

We're Ready for Summer!

We're gearing up for the summer! This Saturday, my college friends and our families are going up to Tanay in our friend's newly-renovated resort to have a super fun time under the sun.

We're bringing the two kids with us, of course. If you know me well, you would know that I'm not exactly a beach (err..water) person. Thus, we really seldom go to swimming outings. Given that, please be don't be so surprised to know that this would actually be just the second time for Zoe to be on an out-of-town swimming trip and then the very first time for baby Luigi. Personally, I really prefer making use of above ground pool pumps at home for some fun time with the water. I like the idea of mimicking a swimming party by just inviting friends and their kids over to our house, let them play on an inflatable pool and have some good food like barbeque and other snacks. I have surveyed some quick set pools in the market and find it safer and not to mention cheaper than bringing the whole family to far-flung beach places for a swimming adventure. With the cost of gas these days, I'd very much stay at home, thank you. Besides, I also don't like to me and my kids to get too sunburnt from staying too long under the sun. With an inflatable pool, which sometimes comes with a above ground pool cover, you can swim outdoors and indoors too! And when you're at home, you can distract them from swimming with other things like tv, fun games and yummy food. Hehehe.

Anyway, I'm giving in on this weekend's outing since it will be courtesy of my friend and we are only hitching a ride with another friend. :-) We already got Zoe a new inflatable Dora The Explorer life vest and she's excited to use it already. :-)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

For Wine Lovers

I came across a blog a few months ago wherein the person finds the thrill in trying out with a certain group of friends the different wines served mostly in known restaurants across town. Well, I learned from that that it takes experience and quite an expertise to develop the skill of pairing wine with the correct type of food.

At any rate, as much as I want to experience that same level, because of economy, I would rather keep a just a small personal collection of good vintage wine in the house. Not that I’m an alcoholic or something (far from it). But we do appreciate a good glass of wine on special occasions. Anyway, one of the must-haves that I would want buy soon is a beautiful rogar estate wine opener. I saw in the internet several designs of rogar wine openers that would sure lure you into wines. The designs of the rogar for sale are so lovely that it’s almost good as a display in the dining room.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Reunion Coming Up

I love hosting parties and reunions. As much as possible, I try to invite my relatives to dine with us on special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries. On moments like this, I bring out the nicest tableware in the house and recently, also lay them all out with our new set of silver flatware which was a gift from my relatives from Germany.

And of course, just like in any party, I also try my best to serve good food and drinks. We try to serve different kinds of festive meals each time. Sometimes, I try to do my research about cooking and try to learn something new and enticing for the guests to chew on.

Actually, my mother’s death anniversary is coming up at the end of this month. Although it may be viewed as a sad occasion, I always look forward to it because apart from offering mass and visiting my mom in the cemetery, we also make it a point to invite my relatives for lunch or dinner because I know my mom would appreciate it.

Now I wonder what kind of cuisine will be the theme for this year...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Praying for Rain

With the event of the El NiƱo phenomenon that is adversely affecting our country, the local archbishop has asked us to implore the help of our Creator to send us ample rain and ease the drought that we are facing.

Rain is a very important occurrence in the cycle of life. It restores our land and provides the resources needed in giving enough water and power supply to our country. Rain water is also very beneficial to aid of domestic needs for water. A basin of fresh rain water is helpful enough to use for gardening, washing, and for other cleaning activities.

Speaking of rain, rain chains often present a decorative as well as functional piece in collecting rain runoff. Having chains rain adds a bit of beauty versus the usual downspout. A rain chain exhibits a fountain-like motion to the dropping water which when looked at gives a feeling of relaxation and peace.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Uses of Lockers

Lockers are very convenient to use in big facilities which have a lot of people going to and fro. It’s the best for schools, gyms, offices, dormitories, etc. etc.

For example, school lockers are quite useful because it allows students to leave their books and stuff as they go about their daily class schedules. Just like in my own personal experience as a student, the wood locker that I had and rented in college was simply heaven-sent. Because of this, I would be free from lugging around from building to building all those thick Economics books, heavy gym uniforms and rubber shoes. For only a minimum fee per semester, I had less worries and was able to secure my stuff for school. The problem then was, the lockers were so old already. I don’t know now if the student council was finally able to replace it with better looking ones. There are many lockers for sale online now and from there they might be able to choose good quality but affordable lockers.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

No "Me Time"

Howdy? How have you been?

As for me, it’s been a pretty busy, I should say. My US-based guests already flew back last Tuesday and we seem to be back to normal now (if there is such a condition). Our relatives were with us for a whole month and it’s been fun having them, to say the least. I think it’s enjoyable to have them around the house. My uncle loves to talk and tell stories during meal time and it gives us a chance to stop and enjoy some family time and not rush to do the next thing. They also happily gave us a hand in taking care of my kids. Oh, do they adore Zoe and Luigi! And maybe because of our fondness for them, Zoe woke up on Tuesday morning crying because her Grandpa Jerry and Grandma Tita are no longer at home. It’s actually the first time that that happened. We always had relatives stay with us but Zoe doesn’t really look for them when they are gone. Well, good thing is, they will both be back in Manila in three months because one of my cousin’s getting married on May 22.

Anyway, with our relatives gone and just when I thought I could “snatch” some moments for “me” time, like finding the chance to soak on a hot tub at home, there comes a very tedious assignment at work. It’s profit sharing time once again in the office and my table is practically being flooded of loads of lists and proposals…in other words, TONS of WORK. And like any other officer in my company who likes the possibility of variable earnings, I am also wishing and hoping that this bonus will send us a windfall. If that happens, never mind the overtime and effort spent at the office. And I guess the hot tubs can wait. Wish me luck!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Travels and Field Trips

My relatives have been talking over dinner about their past travels together. They have been almost around the world and we just drool with envy while listening to their interesting stories. And even with that, they are still planning for more trips in the future, including a trip to Beijing, China to see the Great Wall of China. Wow!

Anyway, one of the more recent trips they had was a road trip going to Washington D.C. with their grandchildren. It was one of the first out-of-state trips of their grandchildren. They really maximized their time going around the major attractions. They said that what they couldn't and shouldn't miss is a trip and a picture at the steps leading to the Lincoln Memorial (oh what a great photo opp this was!) and of course, a whole day tour at the famous Smithsonian. Everyone knows that Washington is home to the best museums for kids and that includes a tour round the Smithsonian Nationa Museum of Human History. They went to the O. Orkin Insect Zoo and the Butterfly Pavilion and the kids had a blast! Oooh! If only we can also bring Zoe and Luigi to these kinds of wonderful places too. It would be so much fun! Anyway, I'm making that a dream project for the family in the few 3 to 4 years. :-)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What did Zoe receive last Christmas?

Before I answer that question, here is a hint.

These are what she got for Christmas for the past two years.

She got a Care Bears Light and Sound Ride On when she was a year old. Isn't she a cutie?

When she turned two, she got a Disney Princess tri-bike. She's getting bigger and more independent here.

So what did she get for Christmas this year? Well, I'll mention in on my next post (sorry for the suspense). But it's pretty obvious, don't you think?

Meantime, let me just say that this year's Christmas was very happy. We now have baby boy Luigi with us and that made us feel so blessed indeed. We may not have as much abundance in money, luxuries and other material things this year but we are happy, together and healthy. That's what really counts. So no reason to sulk or be envious of what the others have and that we don't have. We have learned to count our blessings and from my point of view, our blessings have been A LOT, thanks be to God.

Anyway, I am off to look for some food suppliers now for my relatives' family get-together scheduled next week. I plan to utilize a business web directory to help me where to start looking. Learning about how to use a web directory is a heaven-sent tool for busy moms like me.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What Happened to me today.

For the past two days, I secretly felt that something “bad” will happen and what’s worse, I felt that that “bad” thing will happen to no one else but me. I don’t know where the feeling came from but it sure was there. And a lo and behold! Murphy’s Law ("If anything can go wrong, it will") did happen and it left me with aching bones and several scratches.

Today, I fell on my tush in the middle of the street as I was getting off the van that I was riding to go to work. I was about to go down (I know my voice was loud enough to inform the driver that I was going down, promise!) when the driver suddenly stepped on the gas without looking behind, leaving me (with my bags and the big tray of spaghetti that I was lugging for our breakfast potluck today) down on the ground. And worse still, I was wearing a skirt!!! I heard shrieks from the people riding with me as I fell. It was like in the movies when a kidnap victim is trying to jump off the moving car to get away from her kidnappers! It was crazy!

Luckily, I managed to get up after a kind lady who was standing in the side walk helped me. I felt horrible! My knees were shaking as I got up and as I saw the van sped away without stopping to help me. My elbow had scratches and a big dark bruise. My shoulders hurt too. My wrist watch also had several ugly scratches on the crown and on the glass (and I think that saved me from bearing more wounds on my hands and fingers). Good thing, the spaghetti tray that I was carrying, though it got deformed, was intact.

Anyway, I already reported the incident to a contact from the group of drivers who service the people going to Makati. And you know what the driver said? He said that he didn’t notice anybody falling off from his van. What a liar! Anyway, tomorrow, I might see him again and I’ll really face him head to head.

Meantime, I just want to go home now. I could only think of hot tubs and relaxing spas now. Thus, I’m calling the maid in a minute so that she can prepare the bathroom at home where we have a Private Brand Hot Tub. And then I could relax and sulk (ahem) for an hour or so on the tub tonight...and try to get rid of all body aches and negative thoughts once and for all.

Speaking of thoughts, one happy thought is that you can actually buy your tubs online where you no longer need to pay retail prices and state sales tax (except in the state of Florida). Happy thoughts, happy thoughts…

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Wonderful Window Treatments

As you may have read in my old posts, I have been forever looking for a chance to have our living room set re-upholstered. So last week, I finally found the cloth I wanted and was able to contract a woman who could sew the new sofa set cover. And since the living room will now be in yellow and white, I now need to also have a new set of curtains to match it.

Later did I realize that I just can’t buy ready-made drapes in the department store because our windows are larger and higher and the size of the curtains that are usually being sold in the department stores are a tad bit shorter for our windows. Therefore, I looked and looked and found this online shop the other day which sells compatible (and ready-made!) curtains which are perfect for our living room and dining room windows! And boy did I found myself just drooling over their lovely and classy styles! It was curtain heaven, if you ask me.

How I wish I can have these wonderful window treatments right in my very own house soon!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Online Find

Now that I'm on the second half stretch of my maternity leave, I have been able to find more time to get some other things done such as read books, do the weekly menu, clean up some clutter, check my email and download helpful informational 'stuff' online. By 'stuff' I would mean downloading and searching for things related to child care, breastfeeding, health, exercise and the like, all of which are at the top of my concerns now. And speaking of online 'stuff', I recently discovered that you can do a Free PDF Search for all of your pdf file search needs. It could help you get to the information that you need quicker and more hassle free. You now don't encounter those unneeded files and webpages that do not lead you to what you really are looking for. I think this is so helpful for busy moms like me.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Bathing Suits Appropriate for Me

With me currently carrying an 8-month baby bump now, I sometimes (no, not sometimes but all the time!) feel so heavy, tired, and not to mention, big. But I don't really feel bad about it because I know and believe that in due time, I'll lose those extra pounds gained from this pregnancy. I know that could still go back to my pre-pregnancy clothes and even to my old bathing suits again. I only have to eat right and exercise regularly to do that.

Part of my exercise plan is to swim as much as I could after giving birth. I think that wouldn't be so hard, right? And in preparation for such, I have started looking for new swimwear which can fit me. Browsing through the web, I am actually so glad that there are still decent and beautiful swimsuits designed for my size. Wearing these in the pool or in the beach after I give birth would be just fine with me especially during the transition time when I move from preggy size to normal size. The designs are also in line with my taste because they are not so revealing (a factor that is hard to find in the stores these days!) plus, they are quite affordable too!

With this kind of appropriate swimwear, there's now no reason for me to avoid going to the pool or the beach to exercise as well as to have some fun in the sun with my family and friends. I can confidently swim in the pool wearing these and not have to worry about covering up my bulges. LOL.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Gift Options - Laundry Bags and More

Do you like buying gifts?

I don't know with you ~ but me, I do! I get giddy trying to think of a gift idea that would be best for my family, my friends, my boss (yeah, yeah), and even for my household helpers. I simply love going around the mall looking for that gift which I think would make them smile and happy. I like the process of wrapping each gift with delicacy and detail.

The only problem with buying gifts in the mall these days is that there is just not much option to choose from. Most of the stuff I find are generic and non-personalized. Good thing I found this online site which offers lovely gift ideas for every one in the family. In particular, I found several styles of laundry bag which is perfect for my sister. You know, my sister is the only person I know in this world who has a laundry bag. And since I think her laundry bag is already a little overused, I would want to buy a new one soon. I also found a towel wrap that is best to give to my girl-friends. I'm sure they would love this! Lastly, the site also has a collection of nap mats which is a great gift idea for my godchildren who are toddlers. I'm so lucky to have found this online store!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Looking for Truck Rims

My husband has been forever prodding me to buy him a set of truck rims for our pick-up truck. However, I don't know really how much budget I need to have to be able to purchase a classy set of chrome truck rims nor am I ready just yet. We usually would see several truck rims tires for sale in some areas in the metro but nothing seems to particularly catch his fancy. It's either the styles available are not so great or the price is just too much.

Incidentally, I learned about I would surely tell my husband about this site. Maybe he will see something he likes there. Meantime, I'll have to have my budget ready for this. LOL.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Not Again!

Just today, I saw that something in my Dad's bathroom has been leaking again. The water from the bottom of the toilet tank has been dripping again unto the floor and it has been causing not only a true wastage of precious water but it is also causing the tiles to be subject to grout, discoloration and mold (which I really hate, by the way). I still remember having that problem fixed a few months back but now it's again, well, problematic. So I guess the person we got to fix it wasn't really good. He was actually just a person our maid got from around the neighborhood and I don't really know if he is really a plumber by profession. Probably he is only a "construction worker" or an all-around and not really a "specialist" when it comes to plumbing matters.

Anyway, if you don't want this to happen to you as well, better get the excellent and reliable services of a good professional plumber and not just anybody that you find around the corner. You can ask your relatives for referrals on persons who can offer you quality service that is always guaranteed. And if you are in the San Antonio and Charlotte areas, I recommend that you check out the service of a San Antonio Plumber or a Charlotte Plumber. If I were you, I'll do that now. I already learned my lesson and I will be depending on professional plumbing services from now on.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Four Easy Steps

On the way to work today, we passed by this car showroom. My husband and I just drooled over this new car model that seems to be perfect for our growing family. I think we are already nearing that stage wherein we are both ready to give up our old red car and exchange it for a bigger and better car. Besides, it's only like two months to go before baby boy comes along and we definitely need more room when we travel as a family.

If you are like us and are thinking of finally getting the new car that you need so badly, then I can tell you that getting to that objective only takes four easy steps. Now you can get and enjoy a new car in four easy steps. Yes! It's true.

If you are on the lookout for great Auto Title Loans, there is no better place to look but online. All you need to do is apply online (or make that call, if you may), get an approval, receive the money after an hour and then headed out to enjoy the money. Of course, you better have a good credit standing to qualify.

In particular, if you reside in the California area, there are several locations that are proximate to you and your place of residence. There are quick and easy Auto Title Loans Hayward and Auto Title Loans Fresno. Moreover, you can also choose several other offices in California such as in Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Sacramento.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Classy Bathroom

One of the best things about the internet is definitely online shopping. Never in my mind did I imagine that you can actually buy or build almost anything with a click of a mouse.

Among the many things which you can buy online (and not regret it!) are elegant and beautiful things for your home. In particular, you can actually design and build your bathrooms, and classy ones at that, just by browsing through the internet and making safe online transactions.

For a homeowner like me, a good quality bathroom is a must. When we were building our house, I searched almost endlessly for the best bathroom accessories that would fit my criteria for quality, price and design. My point is, you spend so much time working all day. Thus, to at least care for yourself, one of the things that you can invest in is a good classy bathroom where you can bathe in and relax. A good luxurious bath is definitely a stress-remover, if you ask me. That is why we made sure that our bathrooms only has the best cabinets, accesories, showers and tubs that one can imagine.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Safety Precautions

We just received a notice from our homeowner's association regarding some safety precautions that homeowners like us need to keep in mind in order to avoid any untoward incidents from happening such as fire, car-napping, robbery, and other modus operandi by criminals that could be going around the area.

Some of the tips are the following:

1. Install energy saving lights (CFL or compact flourescent lamps) on dark areas around your house perimeter.

2. If you have to park your car outside, park it on a well-lighted side of the street.

3. Install a car alarm if you do not have one.

4. Instruct family members and household helpers to be on the lookout for suspicious-looking individuals, vehicles or motorcycles and report such incidents to our security as soon as possible.

5. Be wary of prank callers, most especially callers informing that a family member had an accident and needs money to be brought to a specific location.

6. Regularly have a Baltimore Electrician check your home electric wiring. As much as possible, get the service of a licensed electrician to do all your electric and house wiring needs. Indeed, making sure that all your electrical connections are done properly prevents the occurrence of fire and lets you have restful nights all the time.

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