Showing posts with label decor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label decor. Show all posts

Plastic Cups Wreath and Decor Tutorial

Plastic cups like dixie cups, party cups, soda cups etc. aren't just for drinking out of. You can keep those plastic cups after using and repurpose them into crafts, decoration, gifts, wreaths and more. Actually it's pretty easy to make a decor and wreath, just a little bit time consuming but worth the waiting. Try one!

New Crafty Life for your Old Keys

If you've got a drawer having a tons of keys and don't know what to do with them, well we've got an new crafty life ideas for your old keys. Since we lose track of what old keys fit where and their function is lost... then be inspired and discover a ways and let those tons of keys open the doors to something new and surprisingly different. Here are some DIY ideas for your old keys.

Lighting Fixture


Football Decor

Fruits Bowl

Wine Glass & Bottle Decor


Wall Sculpture


Wall Decor








Recycled Snowman Christmas decor

Try making these creative Christmas snowman from recycled items if you live in an area where there is no snow, even if you have a snow around still you can appreciate your creativity when decorating it around the house. Enjoy!!

Baby Food Jars

Painted Pallet

Porch Spindles 

Wooden Log

Styrofoam Cup

Car Tires

CD Glitter 

Creamer Bottles


Cardboard Box

Soda Bottle

Painted Clay Pot

Plastic Bottle

Light Bulb

Paper Plates


Tin Can

Bottle Cap

Busted Incandecent Lamp

Milk Bottles

Incandecent Lamp with glitters

Magazine Pages

Plastic cups

Soda Can

Book Pages

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