Complementary Colors
Remember the Color Wheel? Remember the notion of complementary colors, located across the wheel from one another?
Well, during my very busy weekend, I noticed a few lovely pairings of blue and orange.
The few persimmons that grew on our tree this year are ripe, and the local birds didn't lose any time in finding them. This Western Scrub Jay is feasting.
And this slug is probably having a fine meal of orange fungus on the side of a fallen log.
(How was everyone's weekend? I worked all Saturday. Robb and I refinanced our house with a door-to-door notary on Sunday. I went to the grand opening of a fiber studio in Oakland, and most of the meeting of a local hand-spinning guild. And I went hiking.)
Remember the Color Wheel? Remember the notion of complementary colors, located across the wheel from one another?
Well, during my very busy weekend, I noticed a few lovely pairings of blue and orange.
The few persimmons that grew on our tree this year are ripe, and the local birds didn't lose any time in finding them. This Western Scrub Jay is feasting.
And this slug is probably having a fine meal of orange fungus on the side of a fallen log.
(How was everyone's weekend? I worked all Saturday. Robb and I refinanced our house with a door-to-door notary on Sunday. I went to the grand opening of a fiber studio in Oakland, and most of the meeting of a local hand-spinning guild. And I went hiking.)
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week, Wendy