Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts

Monday, November 02, 2009


Greetings from the Guest house. Blake and Nolan have moved in with me here for a couple of days. Blake is over helping Great Grampa F take down the Frankenstein that was in their front yard.
Nolan and I are unpacking their bags.

Friday night we stayed in and had take-out Fish & Chips from Demetrie's, our favorite neighborhood Greek restaurant.
Saturday was spent Halloweening with Bernie and the family.


The rolling suitcases above are from The Pottery Barn outlet.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Blake & Nolan

It is hard being away from the grand children. We only live about two hours away but at times like this it seems like a lot farther. These are a few pictures that I borrowed from my daughter Dana's blog of the boys.

This one of Blake in his Mom's Bat Girl costume cracks me up!

Little Nolan as the Pumpkin Boy makes me want to pick him up and give him a big squeeze.

Blake in his Scarecrow costume with his face all painted so precious has him looking oh so angelic.
No pictures yet of Aaron and Angie's little Trick or Treater's! Angie, you really need to get a blog........ OK just kidding, but pictures, I need pictures. I'm off to check out Cathy's blog to see if she has pic's of the Colorado gang. I would post a link but it has the family name in it and since my PayPal incident I'm paranoid.
Have a great day all.