Showing posts with label bead cruise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bead cruise. Show all posts

April 30, 2012

Bead Cruise 2013

It's been a busy time as we finalized details for Bead Cruise 2013.  I'm super excited about the new classes I will be teaching next year!  I'm offering this Art Deco Tiger Lily class as one of our full day choices.  

My 2013 cruise is sailing out of New Orleans next year, so I'm really excited about playing with the theme of Jazz and the 1920's.  My next class is also vintage include:

During the Filigree Blooms class we'll delve into vintage-inspired cagework with seed beads and filigree.  I'll also share how to make those sweet French beaded leaves.

And my last class is my popular Nest Pendant.  This class is so much fun and students love walking out with several pendants and lots of inspiration!

Registration opens today - space is very limited so don't wait!

When: March 2-9th

Where: New Orleans, Cozumel, Grand Cayman, Jamaica

Who: I have a great line up of national known instructors including Kerry Bogert, Tracy Stanley, Ronna Sarva Weltman, Beverly Herman and Erin Siegel.

What: A week on a cruise ship, taking classes, having fun with beads, friends and exploring tropical islands!

March 15, 2012

10 Days of Paradise

The Bead Cruise was amazing - how could it not be? 

I didn't take many photos, hardly any of the beading events - I was just having too much fun and a little medicated at the same time.  Not a good combo for capturing moments!

 Hibiscus flowers were in bloom in Florida - what a beautiful start to our trip. 

Participants enjoyed classes with our awesome instructors - I'm an official member of the Kerry Bogert fan club.  We enjoyed fun demos and talks from each instructor. I picked up some fun metal texturing tips from Tracy Stanley.  We had so much fun at the Queen's Ball cocktail party - we invited everyone to wear a tiara, mask or fascinator for a costume contest.  The winner of the contest dressed in full Renaissance Queen's costume.  We had a crazy parade with all those who dressed up and then ended the night with an impromptu conga line.  The conga line was a first on the Bead Cruise.  Each instructor offered kits, beads, books and more at the Bead Bazaar where there was shopping, open beading and lots of visiting with old and new friends.

All of our ports were so beautiful.  I love spending time on the islands and that is where I seem to have snapped the most photos.  Despite my mobility issues I was able to wheel around and sight-see on each island.  One of my favorite ports was Old San Juan in Puerto Rico.  We wandered around the cobblestone streets with sherbet colored buildings with decorative verandas.  We stumbled across two bead shops and picked up a few little treasures.

My second favorite stop was Labadee, a private port in Haiti.  Of course, it was artificial, built up by the cruise line - but the natural beauty of the island was preserved and just a little slice of paradise.  There were bands playing as we arrived.  There were beaches at every turn along with palm trees and tropical scenes built around little walk ways.  There was this amazing rock formation that looked like a giant lizard. I could have spent a few days here, sitting under the swaying palm trees, enjoying the sound of the ocean.  Oh pure bliss!

After the ports we enjoyed our last day of classes and a fun farewell party where we voted for our design contest winners.  I was excited to see that the winner has used some of her components from the Faux Sea Glass that I had taught earlier that week.  The winning design was created by Janis Garich.

The Bead Cruise flew by too quickly, as it always does.  I came home to sunshine and the smiling faces of my daughters and Jess.  I'm happy to be home with all those sunny memories tucked away as I work on taking care of myself and get back to the biz of selling beads again.  And wait until you see the beads I have to offer!!! 

You can check out all my island photos on my Flickr set and go visit Kerry's blog - she has been sharing great photos and stories since she got back!  We are already planning 2013 and soon will be looking forward to our next vacation in paradise.

May 16, 2011

Bead Cruise 2012

I've finally worked out all the details for Bead Cruise 2012.  It takes a team to get it all working and thanks to Memory Crusin', my travel agent, for all the hard work they do behind the scenes.  I get the fun jobs, like planning our events and picking another round of awesome instructors.  And then we get to work out what amazing classes to offer.

I am teaching two classes on the cruise next year.  The first one is shown above, it's a Faux Sea Glass pendant.  I will teach how to make a flexible mold, how to work with 2-part resin, adding colorant and other tips and tricks to create these beach-inspired pieces.

The second class is a variation on a project from my book.  I'll have new photos for that soon.

Joining me for 2012 include instructors Tracy Stanley, Kerry Bogert, Jill Wiseman and Beverly Herman!  I'm really excited to work with such a fun and talented group of artists.  Classes range from beading, to metalwork, wire-work and we have fun classes like the resin and even a jewelry photography class.

You can read some of the details about the next Bead Cruise on the website and full details will be up by Wednesday.

April 5, 2011

Island Photos

Some days I feel really spoiled.

The Bead Cruise was amazing and just flew by way too quickly.  So I had a day off to recover and now it's back to work.  If you are waiting for an email from me, it's coming in just a wee bit.  I wanted to relive a few of my favorite moments with you before I get back to business.

Our first island was Cozumel and a group us went to Chankanaab Park for the day for snorkeling, an eco tour and lunch on the beach.

The park hosts the only lagoon on the island that features a coral reef.  There were tropical fish swimming in this teal blue water that was crystal clear.

This is Paco, he is 18 years old and a favorite in the park!  He just hangs out by the lagoon all day.  Not a bad life.

He wasn't the only wild life found on the island.  We ordered a round of Dirty Monkeys served in pineapples and coconuts.  (A Dirty Monkey is a pina colada with Khalua, Bailey's and a banana.  Yes, you do need to try one soon and if you can get them in a pineapple with a fruit monkey face - all the better!)  Did I mention they served these drinks to us on the beach, while we laid on lounge chairs under a cabana?  I did mention that I'm spoiled, didn't I?
On the eco tour through the gardens, they had a replica of a traditional Mayan house and this lovely bit of weaving was on display.

Mayan Kitchen
They had a Mayan woman who cooked us handmade corn tortillas with a salsa of fresh tomatoes, squash blossoms and cilantro. 

Jamaica was fun and very touristy.  I was smitten with the fruit stands and local handcrafted goods. We went to Falmouth, which is a new port and our ship was the first to visit it. The locals had bands and dancing and were so happy to have the cruise ships visit this impoverished area.  Our island hosts were warm and friendly and completely charming.  It was a joy-filled day for the local people and they left a great impression on those who visited.   
In Jamaica we took a quick tour and enjoyed learning more about the country. I was happy to support the local artists selling their handmade goods.  These baskets were made from coconut and palm leaves and are the dark and light patterns are called "rice and peas".

We also spent the day in Grand Cayman, but for some reason that was a no photo day for me.  We didn't do anything special, just shopped, goofed off and had lunch.  You know - just another day in paradise.
The best part of the cruise was spending time with my mom and aunt, visiting with our amazing instructors and making new friends with those traveling with us and our little family reunion with those who returned to enjoy another great week together. 

I'll share more later.  Right now I have to go to work.  (Pouty face!) I have some new bead ideas I must make and my shops will open later today. 

I did miss our little visits here, thanks for stopping by again!

March 11, 2011

Bead Cruise Countdown

16 days until I set sail for Bead Cruise 2011!

I'm trying to be reasonable about my to do list for the next two weeks.

Things I keep reminding myself:

1. I only have two hands.
2. I will get everything done in the time allotted. 
3. Whatever I make, it will be enough.
4. Most importantly, I must take time off to spend with my family, no matter how long that list is.

Hmm, these are actually reminders for myself no matter what deadline is on the horizon.

Have a great weekend!

December 20, 2010

The Best Christmas Present Ever

In March we'll set sail for the 6th annual Bead Cruise!  After the holidays the cruise is my big focus.  There are kits to put together and plans to finalize.  Along with running the show on the cruise I have two classes I will be teaching.  I work hard to bring you an event that is fun, creative and relaxing.

Above is the polymer clay pendant class that I'm teaching.  You'll learn to make tropical flower canes, beads, create a bezel pendant and embellish it with Vintaj brass and crystal components.

Another class I'm offering is a bracelet and necklace focusing on asymmetrical design.  Learn my secrets for fearlessly combining beads without a pattern!

I've gathered together 5 other amazing instructors including Dallas Lovett, Tracy Stanley, Marcia DeCoster, Beverly Herman and Jean Campbell.  Classes range from beading, resin, polymer clay, metal and wire work.  There is something for everyone.

I put together this awesome mini-magazine for our guests.

It's filled with projects, tips and resources.  Last year I used components from our sponsors in each project.  (If you are a bead shop or beadmaker you can become a sponsor for next year, click here for details.)  Our guests receive gift bags that are filled with goodies from our sponsors.  Ornametea donates a cool tote bag for us each year.  We love our sponsors!

We are heading to three tropical islands next year: Cozumel, Jamaica and Grand Cayman.  In Cozumel we have an optional day planned that includes going to the state park, there are gardens, beaches, snorkeling and eco tours there.  We'll enjoy lunch on the beach and shopping in town after our day at the ocean.

On the cruise along with classes, workshops and demos, we have a Bead Bazaar with shopping with Bello Modo and our instructors.  There is also a fun cocktail party, group photo, casino night and time to bead together and work on projects.  It's 7 days of beady fun with like-minded bead-obsessed creative people.

Oh and then there is this whole amazing cruise ship to enjoy with delicious meals, shows and all kinds of entertainment and parties.  You'll need a vacation from your vacation!

We still have a limited number of spaces available.  Just think about what your hometown looks like in March?  I live in Texas and it's cold and bleak still.  Now think about sitting on a tropical beach, drink with umbrella in hand, surrounded by beady friends?  Ready to give yourself that gift for Christmas?  Head on over to the Bead Cruise website for all the details.  I would love to have some of my blog friends join me!

April 3, 2010

Bead Cruise 2011

Well, the muse had held me captive this week and away from the computer.  Today I'm going to share with you the news about Bead Cruise 2011.  I would love for some of my blog readers to join me this year!  Of course, not everyone can sneak away for a week to travel to tropical islands and play with beads on the way, so whether you are dreaming or seriously thinking about going, here is the scoop!

We are sailing next year from Galveston, TX.  Galveston is this completely charming island on the other side of Houston.  I recommend coming in the day before the cruise and staying at a hotel across from the ocean. 
We are setting sail March 27th for 7 nights of beads, friends and fun! We'll sail on Royal Caribbean's Voyager of the Seas to Cozumel, Grand Cayman and Jamaica.

This year in Cozumel we are planning a group excursion to go to the national park together.  It's one of my favorite places on the island.

Instructors include Dallas Lovett, Melinda Barta, Tracy Stanley, Beverly Herman and Marcia DeCoster! Check out the classes here.  I'm also teaching two classes on the cruise.

Tropical Garden Pendants: Create a domed bezel to fill with polymer clay and embellish with Vintaj brass fastenables. Learn to create a flower and leaf cane from bright tropical colors to decorate your pendants. We'll cover a simple surface treatment to add interest to clay backgrounds. We'll complete several pendants and accent beads.

Woodland Treasures: Join me for a fun class exploring asymmetrical design. Are you afraid to break the rules and create without a pattern? This is the class for you! Learn the secrets of successful asymmetrical design and how to trust their own creative instincts during this class. String a multi-strand bracelet with a fun mix of beads and a coordinating necklace that uses the same elements.

I wrote an about page for the cruise if you'd like to learn more.  Of course if you have any questions, feel free to email me.  For those who are new to my blog, this is my event. I plan, organize and host this annual bead retreat!  I plan my dream vacation, gather my favorite instructors and invite you to join us.

For cabin prices and registration information visit the travel agent's site

Registration opens April 10th. is the official Bead Cruise website.

February 9, 2010

Faux Patina Pendants

On the Bead Cruise each instructor had a 30 minute session during our evening events.  There were demos, lectures and two make-and-takes.  Bello Modo did a UV resin project provided by TierraCast.

I did a make-and-take using Vintaj altered blanks to create faux patina pendants.

Adirondack Acrylic Paint Dabbers (Stream, Juniper, Lettuce and Pebble)

1. Dab on the paint lightly, wipe the excess with a tissue.  You can wait for this coat to dry or dab on another one for a mixed paint effect.

2. Stamp with StazOn ink pad and rubber stamp.

3. After the pendant is completely dry, use a tissue to wipe on a thin coat of wax.  Let dry completely.  If you don't have wax you could use Matte Spray.

This example was domed first with a dapping block and punch.  Use an unmounted rubber stamp for domed pieces.

Use can use domed pieces turned over as a bezel cup for trinkets and resin. 
1. Paint.  2. Stamp. 3. Add resin, 1/2 way.  Cure.  4. Add trinkets and more resin.  Cure again.

Egg beads can be found in my etsy shop.  Read all about the silk ribbon used on this pendant on the Art Bead Scene today.

And my mom happened to catch part of the demo on her Flip video camera:

Part 1. Here is the link, in case you can't see the video.

Part 2. And the link.

January 27, 2010

Home so soon?

Bead Cruise 2010, you flew by way too fast. 

Dare I say, this was the best Bead Cruise yet!  I loved all the instructors.  They were so talented, generous and fun.  The ship was amazing.  Each port was beautiful.  We enjoyed beading, shopping, eating, laughing, laughing until we were crying.  There were celebrations, love you Sherry!  And adoration - congrats to the Design Contest winners!  We hardly slept, there was so much to do and see. 

But like the say on the islands, 'Leave only footprints, take only memories' - most of my memories were not caught on film.  I was surrounded by shutterbugs, so I will borrow from their photos and tell you more in the days to come.

The photos above: Coco Cay, St. Thomas, bead shop in St. Thomas.  Lunch, the market and the beautiful view all in St. Martin.

January 6, 2010

Bead Cruise Progam

Oh, it's getting close! One of the last things on my to-do list each year before the cruise is finishing up the Bead Cruise program.  This is a mini-magazine with tips, trends and resources for jewelry makers.  This year I've added in quite a few new projects.  And best of all - I had the brilliant idea of offering it as a downloadable PDF after the cruise.  It will be for sale at the end of January! 

In the projects I used items from our sponsors.  Pictured above is a ceramic pendant from Every Heart Crafts and the face cab is from Earthenwood Studios.  Just two of the awesome artists, shops and manufactures who donated items for our gift bags. 

Okay, back to the grind for me!

October 19, 2009

With needle, thread, beads and wool

It's not quite fall here in San Antonio yet, but the mornings are chilly and tease us just enough to think it may be around the corner.  It never fails, every fall I pull out the wool roving and seed beads to see what I can create.  I have this whole series of nature designs sketched that would look awesome in wool and beads, but for now they patiently wait.

Some sea inspired beads

I first created this piece as a promotional image for the Bead Cruise and now for 2010 I will be teaching this design.  If you read the Art Bead Scene you already got the scoop, if not head on over to the Bead Cruise website to see the 5 new classes that we are offering.

Maybe I'll go pull out the wool, you know just to look...

June 26, 2009

Bead Cruise Design Contest Winners

Every year on the Bead Cruise each student receives a gift bag from our incredible sponsors. Talk about a pirates' treasure! In the past they have been filled with art beads, beads, findings, product samples and much more. This year I decided to get a little creative and the Bead Cruise sponsored a design contest using 2 or more items our gift bags into a jewelry creation. On the last night of the cruise we displayed the winners and everyone voted for their favorites. Here are the winners:
Show favorite from Sherry Bercaw. Sherry used a pendant from Off Center Productions and seed beads from Foxden. I wish I had a better photo, but lighting on the cruise at night is impossible. Sherry was the show favorite and won first prize!

Royelle Gidding, who is a very talented instructor from the Houston area, created this stunning lariat. I think every mouth dropped when they saw this one. She did this in a week, while on a cruise. I can get over that! She won runner-up in the Intense Beading category. She used turquoise cubes from Rings & Things and Vintaj brass charms that were included in the gift bags.

Our next runner-up in the Simple & Sweet category is from Kathy Annane. Kathy used another pendant from Off Center Productions, those charms from Vintaj, tiger eye cubes from Rings & Things, a lampwork bead from Sue Beads and a brass filigree from Beadaholique. There may be more beads from the gift bag snuck in there but those are the ones I can identify.

And here are the winners sporting their creations: Kathy, Royelle and Sherry. Great job everyone! I will upload the other entries in the Bead Cruise flickr group later next week. Again, me+camera+cruise ship=bad photos! Sorry about that.
Bead Cruise registration opens tomorrow, don't you want to come play with us next year?

June 19, 2009

What would you do for Humblebeads?

Would you put on a stretchy red table cloth and dance around? Someone did, but I'm not going to name names!!! See the fun you missed out on the Bead Cruise! Start making your plans to join us for 2010.

March 13, 2009

Bead Cruise Classes

On the Bead Cruise on the days at sea we hold our classes. I taught the Calypso Cuff Bracelet and Sea Beads. We had a great time in both classes, I love teaching but I don't think I will be teaching again for a while. It's not the direction I want to take my business, I would rather focus on submitting for publications and writing books. That's teaching, in a way! The best part about teaching is spending a few hours with so many talented people.
Pictured above: my bracelet class, we enjoyed watching the view as the ocean passed us by.

Here Becky Lord is working diligently. She was determined to finish.

And my 3 star pupils: Sandy, Sherry and Sandy, they finished their bracelets in record time and sported them around the ship. Ah, I'm so proud of them!

On the last day at sea I taught how to make Sea Beads. You just can't help but have fun when the polymer clay gets pulled out. I loved seeing all the different beads everyone came up with, they worked so hard and made some wonderful sea beads. (Above are Becky's beads.)

I can't for the life of me remember who made these beads, but I love the "barnacley" looking ones so much!
Rosanne made a beautiful collection, talent must run in the family!
I have some new sea beads of my own to list in my shop, but today is Jesse's birthday so there are birthday meals, cake and spoiling to attend to now.