Monday, December 22, 2008

~ Residing in a Soul ~

Dusk and the boy
Originally uploaded by LensENVY

Has it been in a place?
That resided for awhile
A gap between times
A silence amidst of breath
In a forgotten place
Just deserted even from the wind
Undistracted peace
Weaved within silence
Just detached for all what I think I am
With no clue where I have been
And towards where I would reach
As the weight of bones are freed
Unveiled with humanely skin
With all the scars are erased
No powder mask to face
Then was in my soul exposed
For once, I truly resided into my soul

Copyright 2008 Nasra Al Adawi

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Sunday, December 07, 2008

Walking Towards Married Life

If I was told to write a book, it would have been a book on getting married. Recently it has been so poetic moments as I see the days shredding its time, bringing me closer to be a married woman. My wedding date is on 11/12/2008.

Every day, I see a new page, a page of life that I have never experienced before, it comes with anxiety, anticipation and the fear of choosing a journey I’m not sure where it may lead me. The submission to another soul, where you submit not only yourself but you shred all you clothing (not in actual but in poetic terms) to another human-being for the sake of love and unity of marriage.

Sure its put in many terms, the definition of marriage but as I walk towards it, I’m confused of how it can be termed.

So I ask what has been not touched of me, my inner being. “Oh soul! Is all of you primed to walk on marriage endeavor. Walk slowly like a bride, smile in anticipation that you are afraid but lovingly accepting the terms of this entire journey. Grow wisely with its waves, embrace all its tides, and when there are times passes you, gasp for air to exist and to excel of who you are. Yet, there are times just gasp for love, an air that you must inhale as if it runs amiss how you can survive. Keep thoughts in mind that when its all low tides, raise the waves so it can skirt ashore.” A soul conversing.

So, you can see that even though seeing my feet walking on the aisle. Yet I’m taking the journey empowered with love, not only his love but my family who have been so courageous to survive wedding symptoms and let me assure you that there are many of those. I can not explain such family love cause it has translated in each member of my family, I can not be lucky than I am for being granted with such love …To you my family, I’m all gratified to your love and kindness..

Though it remains here as the last line, but I kept it for you my friend so it will remain till the end in your mind. Thank you for being all you can be ….a friend of mine in this new journey. You friendship, did not move me, but it made me who I am now walking on love. Thank you for being a friend …

Nasra Al Adawi

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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

~Feet That Takes Me~

I appreciate
At each step
That carries me forward
A stand that holds me
Keeping me walking
Despite the uncertainties
With all my trembling
You see me standing
So I learn that my feet
Keeps me walking
Standing beyond obscurities
I stand and take steps forward

Today, Im all appreciating for the feet that keeps me standing, I crossed many miles because my feet keeps me walking..

Be tender to your feet, care for them immensely, as they are the one that keeps you standing …

Copyright 2008 Nasra Al Adawi

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

~A Journey Missed ~

fog road
Originally uploaded by jamtea

It’s the road
When its unclear
That is what it scares us
We fear the journey
A journey unclear

Its in all of us, a fear of taking a course that seems unclear. How do we grasp on bravery to explore what waiting at the end of the road. Don’t miss the journey; you will know what awaits you when you take that path …

Copyright 2008 Nasra Al Adawi

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

~ Transformed Swan ~

Originally uploaded by dennyshortt

How feminine can a woman be without her nails?
A long nails, in French manicure
Seem to be a necessity for a wedding day
As I wait for transformation
To glow in a bridal swan
I’m all that bride
With her nails and toes all done
It can only be a French manicure to beautify slick nails
Then pedicure glossing my toes

copyright 2008 Nasra Al Adawi

So what does it take to get married in Omani Zanzibarian culture. I would have made a movie out of it. The episodes and the need to transform into a beautiful swan, a must for every bride.

Would love to share more, I begin the episodes with nails and nail toes … SO my learning does not stop here, here bits from on nails and toes :

WordNet: manicure

The noun has one meaning:

Meaning #1: professional care for the hands and fingernails


The verb manicure has 2 meanings:

Meaning #1: trim carefully; of fingernails

Meaning #2: care for one's hand by cutting and shaping the nails, etc.

A pedicure is a way to improve the appearance of the feet, and their nails. It basically is a manicure for the feet. The word pedicure comes from the Latin words pes, which means foot, and cura, which means care. It also means the care of the feet and toenails. A pedicure can be helpful because it can prevent nail diseases and nail disorders. Pedicure is not just limited to nails, usually dead skin of feet is rubbed off using a rough stone called pumice stone.

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