Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fun in (and out of) the Sun

Our weather continues to be bipolar, but on Tuesday it was gorgeous and warm. We drove up to the Gateway to do a little Father's Day shopping and I promised the kids that they could play in the fountain after we shopped. I didn't bring swimsuits or towels or anything because in the past neither of them have gotten more than splashed in this fountain, but alas, Weston decided he is now a big fan of running through the fountain. When I realized they were getting really wet I took off their shirts. Weston got soaked. He had a blast though. It was definitely worth it.
Yesterday we tried to go to the park for lunch. Well we did go to the park for lunch, but it was miserable. It was crazy windy and clouds blew in and made it chilly. That afternoon Weston put together this little project while I was on the phone with my sister.
If you guessed it is a giraffe you would be right! I thought it was pretty cool. He just tore his paper into strips, colored on it, and taped it all together. He made a baby giraffe for Davin and a human. He's very into "projects" these days. :)

Last night Ian took the boys to a magic show at the library while I went to a Relief Society activity/dinner. It was nice to get a little break. Ian took on a rush project at work, so he ended up going back to the office after the magic show and he will be working late tonight, but I'm crossing my fingers that the resulting bonus will get us new carpet in the den. We'll see.

I started watching Pride and Prejudice yesterday. It makes me happy. What doesn't make me happy are creepy pregnancy dreams. I had a bizarre and very vivid dream last night. Lets just say in it I had twins (a boy and a girl) and I had them now (at 15 weeks). The rest of the details are even more weird. Also I am tired today. I have finally given up trying to sleep on my stomach. I just don't sleep well on my side though. On the plus side I am feeling much better in this stage of pregnancy and finally have a little more energy. I'm looking forward to a busy, but fun Father's Day weekend!


Jenny said...

congrats on #3!

Liz Smith said...

wow...i have constant weird dreams and i'm not even pregnant. not to mention i ALWAYS sleep on my stomach. guess i won't be getting much sleep once i get knocked up. i better stock up on it now.

Katie and Bryson said...

Hey Shannon-congrats on numero tres! I hear ya on the weird dreams when preggo. Pure craziness. Your boys are getting so grown up and handsome. Have you found out what you're having this time around? Ella is really into art projects too, I bet they would be friends :)

Tasha said...

That giraffe is AWESOME. Seriously, that is cool. Good luck with Ian working lots for a few days.

Anonymous said...

Outdoor fountains you can get wet in are the best! I hope your weather makes up it's mind...that can be such a pain :/

Delia said...

Very cool giraffe! Nice job Weston. Glad you are feeling a bit better. Ah...the uncomfortable sleep pregnancy woes.

sara said...

That is one cool giraffe! I love that he's into projects. And aren't pregnancy dreams the worst?! Hope you get some better sleep soon!

Carly said...

I love Weston's giraffe! So fun. I hear ya on the sleep getting harder. I am also a stomach sleeper. I can my side... but all night long? Let me sleep on my stomach or back at least for a little while!!

Tabitha Blue said...

Trips through water fountains are just as much fun as shopping trips!! Haha. Congratulations on your pregnancy! What a special miracle of life! I'm sure with 2 boys, that little boost of energy feels like magic! I could use some of that ;)


J, J and B said...

Wow! Your husband seems to be working a lot lately! Hopefully you'll reap those rewards! And, I LOVE Pride and Prejudice. Could watch it over and over!