Credit Where It Is Due

Credit Where It is Due

I like to make photographs, and I enjoy being praised for what I have done. But God teaches a different attitude, one of thankfulness and humility. He pointed that out to me recently. I DO NOT MAKE THESE PHOTOGRAPHS ALONE. I didn't create the light, or the technology which makes photography possible. I didn't buy my camera, it was a gift from my husband. I didn't give myself the ability to see through the camera in order to make an image which others find pleasing. It is right to use what I have been given to the best of my ability, but it is wrong to take credit for what I have not done. God made the light, the elements which are used to manufacture the camera, and the world from which these images come. He has given me gifts: people to teach me, eyes to see with, and a brain to process information. I am thankful for these gifts. He deserves all the praise, not I.

Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts

Monday, August 27, 2012

Wood Grain, Life, Death, and What Remains

This is a view of a dead tree. The bark is gone, revealing the beauty of the wood.

It has been a long time since I posted last. 
The yard sale is over and I am disposing of what remains. It is a lot of work! 
I have learned:
Junk to me is treasure to someone else.
Treasure to me is junk to others.
Most importantly, no matter what my treasure is, when I am gone, it is still here. 
If I have not provided for its disposal, my heirs will have to. 
I hope to leave many treasures, especially memories, 
and few pieces of junk.