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Showing posts with label Testing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Testing. Show all posts

April 22, 2021

State Testing - What I've Learned

Just when you think you can't learn anything else in one year, let's throw in state testing - virtual and in person.  

In person - it's feels like past years.  They come in, log in, and do their thing. But there is the component that the kids are not coming each day, and have to readjust their school device for each testing session. It's easier to readjust on some computers than others. Some days this week I feel like a computer genius, other moments I just want to give up.  I don't have extra devices like in past years, so when a computer isn't working then there isn't the choice of grabbing another one for a kid to use.  That's been hard.

Virtual - it's nothing at all like past years.  Kids have to log into our TEAMS meeting to get the code, then get the server to work on their device. If they picked up their school device and still have their home device at home, they can talk to me on TEAMS for me to help problem solve from a distance until they get onto the server.  That has been helpful. Some kids have had an older sibling or parent help with downloading a server, some kids are doing it by themselves.  That's been hard. The actual virtual server is pretty cool.  Being able to see the kids working, send them messages, and have mini meetings to check in. That is pretty cool. 

Tech things that I've learned:
*TEAMS has to be completely shut down, there are settings in each student's profile that need to be un-checked so it doesn't automatically restart.  If TEAMS is running, even if it's hidden, then it won't let them log into the server. Since the kids are logging into TEAMS on the days they don't test for attendance and to work on their assignments, well, it's a lot of readjusting.  
*I've learned that the in class kids have to be logged into the actual district wifi, not the distance learning wifi, or the district guest wifi.  If it's not the real one, then it will kick them out.  
*I've learned that kids need to keep their finger on their mousepad, because if the screen saver turns on (like if they are reading something for a long time), then the screen saver will kick them out.  
*I've learned that a hard reboot can fix a lot of stuff - like a hard reboot of holding the power button for over a minute and waiting and watching a clock...
*I've learned how to redownload the testing server on student devices because the newest one isn't the one that was downloaded earlier on in the year.  
*I've been reminded that restarting a computer can fix almost anything and that when one asks kids to make sure that their devices are charged for the next day, that there will always be one or two that need access to a power outlet.  :)  

*Each day is getting easier... That seems to be the motto for the school year.  

*Countdown - 26 more school days until Summer.  

Hope you had a good day.  P.S. - It's almost Friday. :)  

April 12, 2021

An Ode to State Testing

I don't know how to make an ode, but I just wanted to let you know the current plan for testing.  

Right now I just want to fast forward the next 4 weeks. Or we can even start the countdown to summer. That’s okay too. I’ve got spring fever and I’m ready for state testing to be over... 

Week of 4/19 ELA testing 
Week of 4/26 Science testing 
Week of 5/3 Math testing 

3 weeks... come on May! 

It probably doesn’t help that we got word that in class and distance learners can not test at the same time. The plan had been that half of the DLs would test with Group A, the other with Group B, so no afternoon testing would be needed, other than make ups. But that now won’t work, so here’s the current revised plan. 

Every morning all the kids will log on for a few minutes to take attendance and go over their must do’s. Then in class will start testing, and at home will go about their daily independent work. 

Monday am - Group A is in class, testing 
Monday pm - all Distance Learners log in and test virtually 

Tuesday am - Group B is in class, testing 
Tuesday pm - anyone not done with that part logs in to finish it up at home

Wednesdays- the only day we are all together, virtually, doing review, catching up, moving forward together. Hopefully we can also have some fun. I feel that testing is going to suck up all the joy of school. :(

Thursdays and Fridays - more testing, same schedule. 

The kids at home that aren’t testing will have work to do that is due that same day. Distance learners will have both days to do the must do’s since they are testing in the afternoons. I figured out a basic outline that I can plug in content. We are still at the limit of 4 hours of school stuff per day, and with testing that pretty much doesn’t leave a lot of other time. 

I figure the only way to move forward is to record intro. videos for Social Studies and Science. I do an overview, and they do the independent work. Then I will also record sections of our novel so they can still listen to our story. We will be starting Ben and Me over the next few testing weeks. :) 

I’ll have to record the lessons the week before to add to our assignment tab and our Weekly Breakdown. So more to do on my to do list. I really like Screencast-o-matic. It has made it so easy this year!! 

For Math, they will be working on their game boards for Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader? to review for the math test. It’s a whole thing in itself, so I’ll share about it in a separate post. 

It’s about to get a little crazy up in here... who am I kidding?  I guess it’s been crazy all year long. I can’t wait for things to be back to normal. Whenever that happens it will feel like a piece of cake compared to all this. 

Now I want cake. Baking does relieve some stress. 

Hope you are well. :)

March 23, 2015

Testing Time - Little Brainiacs

We have started getting into Test Mode.  Reviewing everything, including strategies to help us do our best on the upcoming tests.  I found these adorable FREE heads over on TPT from Twinkl Printable Resources, and decided to have my kids create their own little brainiacs to help them remember the key things.  

My kids helped me brainstorm some important things to remember during a test - Reread directions, Pay attention, Take our time, get a good night's sleep, etc..  Then I passed out a piece of construction paper (I chose yellow because that's what I had a lot of to make it pop on the wall - able to see their writing and drawing), and then a half size girl or boy head.  The download has a lot of options, I just chose one girl and one boy that I made copies of.  

After they decorated their head to resemble themselves, I had them cut it out, and then glue it on the middle of the paper.  They then added a t-shirt below and wrote a positive message (I can do it, Believe in yourself, Don't give up, etc).  

Here's what my board looked like... 

Here are some of their creations.  All these little brainiacs are staring at us from the wall.

I hope this helps you!  The kids loved it, and it was a good review of what is important.

November 1, 2014

Online Math Test Issues

This year we have a new math program and the students are supposed to complete their math assessments on the computer.  It's been a transition to do so.  With the first test I realized that I needed a way to show my students and parents their scores without printing out hundreds of papers, so I used some task card templates by I'm Lovin Lit to create the above Math Note.  Now I just take my powerpoint version and edit the chapter number, what the test covered, and the possible score for the new chapter.  I only print out the assessments for the students that didn't pass (which parents then have to sign), and it's saving a lot of paper.  

Another issue that I found was that the kiddos would race through the test, answering questions on their whiteboards, and I didn't have any accountability from them, since they just clicked a multiple choice button.  I couldn't see how they were solving the equations.  My easy fix was to have them answer the entire test on binder paper, showing their work, proving their answers.  That binder paper gives them additional points (not included in their test grade).  It's working! 

Any other helpful hints that you have learned about online test taking?  I'm open to more ideas!

April 6, 2014


Yes, I meant to shout!

Last week the kids took their first dose of the new SBAC tests.  It was different being in the library, away from the comforts of the classroom.  This year was all practice - the whole point was to provide exposure so they know - and we can spot issues - of what to expect next year when it counts.  My 4th graders only worked on the math portion.  No writing, no reading - just math.  Don't know why they only had to do the math portion, but it was still a learning curve.

I was pleasantly surprised how easy it was to get going each day.  Being the first time we all did this, we had an "expert" in the room to help teach us the routine, but by the end of the first day I had a good grasp of what I needed to do.  The kids marched on into the library, they had little cards that had their student information on it (that they had to plug into the computers), and then I did my portion on the administrator computer.  When they were waiting for me to get everyone on the right spot, they grabbed a clipboard, pencil, and piece of of scratch paper from the tub and got settled in.  

Then it was just a matter of wandering around, smiling, and remaining calm.  Some kids were able to finish the portion of the day, so they had a book to read while they waited.  Other kids needed more time and that was fine too.  The format threw some of the kids for a loop - the split screen, using the tools, and scrolling.  We had sent home directions to the families on how to check out the released test questions (mainly to understand how the test was different than past years).  We also stressed the importance of typing the past 4 months as well - typing homework, etc - just to be familiar with the keyboard.  I believe it was easier for the kids that did practice at home.  Other random moments when the computer froze or just logged off altogether made it interesting, but we made it.   

Highly recommend clip boards if your tables don't have a lot of room to work.  Since my grade level was rotating throughout the day - one hour each class, 4 days total - we found it was easier to just leave my class set of clipboards in the library so we didn't have to haul them back and forth - especially during those moments we went straight to recess or P.E.  
Are you ready to Rock the Test? Standardized Testing Strategies

Last year I picked up these posters from Dots n Spots.  Even though it was just a practice test (scores don't count - we don't even see scores), my class still went through the different steps of what is important to remember in a testing environment.  

Test Prep Poster Activity

Then we used this poster from Elementary Lesson Plans to brainstorm what helps us individually on assessments - all assessments.  We tackled this on Monday, and then tested Tuesday-Friday.  Good review.  
Shine On!  Motivational Notes for Testing
I also used these little notes from 4th Grade Frolics to tell my kids how proud I was of them.  

Hope you had a relaxing Sunday!  

April 16, 2013

Tried It Tuesday - Smile, It's Testing Time!

Hi Everyone!

Today I'm linking up with Holly over at Fourth Grade Flipper to share something I've done recently.  

What did I do... other than test prep???

More test prep and then some fun stuff that went along with test prep.

Every year I sharpen the hundreds of  numerous amounts of pencils in preparation for the big test.  This year I got smart and yesterday gave each student their own special pencil.  I told them that they needed to sharpen it themselves, but that we were going to make it special by adding stickers to the tops of them.  I pulled out my basket of stickers and they acted like I was royalty or something.  It's all about the power of the sticker.

Then after more test prep... I turned on this video from School Tube... and then I sang along with it.  Once again they were in awe of my singing abilities as I belted out this version of the Dynamite song.  

Not my own picture - but you get the idea :)
At the end of the day, after lunch, in the last 15 minutes of the day... I gave each child a piece of sidewalk chalk and we headed outside.  They wrote encouragement notes all over the pathway in front of our 4th grade portables.  They said it was awesome and they were excited to "Rock the Test".  I'm excited that they are excited.  :)

I picked up the encouragement notes from Tara, they are sitting at school ready along with a big batch of Red Vines.  The red vines are for after the test.  :)

4 days of testing - here... we... go!   

April 11, 2013

Test Prep Thursday - UGH!

Testing begins in 3 days and this week we have been hitting it pretty hard doing final review.

Here's some of what we have been doing in Math and ELA.

Those Homework Printables have been a God-send.  The one I bought is the math set.  When I picked it up during the sale I was thinking of next year when we are in full swing Common Core - to use with parents, etc... but then on Monday I had brought  the stack to school, and I started thinking of using them for centers for review.  So I laminated all 50+ pages of it on Monday, made a hole punch in the top, and put them into the 5 main standard groups using a binder ring.  This week as we are going through the different units, I am pulling those specific sheets from the rings to use with the kids that had a hard time on the benchmark tests throughout the year.  It's been pretty easy to do.  I have also been switching up the task card & partner stations and putting these in as well since there is an answer key for the kiddos to check things out.    

In addition to all of this we have been reviewing test prep strategies using Dots-n-Spots Rock the Test set.  We started out by drawing a video game controller ( ____ takes control of the test) and then we used her strategies - labeling the video game controller's buttons with the different labels.

I'm SOOO tired, ready for testing to be over... of course then it will be onto Earth Day, Open House, Gold Rush Day, Carnival, Field Trip, and End of School activities.  

How do you review?