Showing posts with label table setting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label table setting. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fly Away With Me

Recently I have been really inspired by hot air balloons.  I decided to do a table scape on air balloons and Valentine's Day.   To make the balloons I used scrapbook paper for the balloon part and toilet paper rolls covered with tissue paper for the basket.  On top of the chargers I used pockets cut out from an old shirt and embellished them with embroidery work, and added a beaded pom pom. I stuck the cupcakes in to liitle tea cups to look like capuchinos.  Happy Valentine's Day!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Blue and Pink: A table that is quite in sync

I was inspired by this website.  I love the idea of using napkins for flowers. I started by making numerous flowers, and then I decided where to put them. I decided to put some on my wall and the rest as flowers in vases.  If you don't have any napkins lying around your house, packs are less than a dollar at Walmart.  On the plates I folded napkins using this tutorial, and placed a flower in the middle of it. Enjoy!
linked to:

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April Shower and May flower

I have been seening umbrellas everywhere! The other day I heard someone say the quote about April showers bringing May flowers.  When I heard that I thought that would be such a great theme for a table setting.  Here are some places I have seen umbrellas lately......


Heres my inspired umbrella setting...........

I tried to find a tutorial online to make paper umbrellas, unfortunately there was none. I had to come up with my own pattern.  I cut out a circle of scrap paper and fold it in half different ways about 5 times. After this I folded every other crease in.  This makes the top of the umbrella.  I cut a hole in the top and stuck a straw through.  I used white straws and spray painted them blue and green. After I got the top of the umbrella where I wanted it on the straw I put glue on the straw and clothes pinned the top to the straw until it dried.  When all the umbrellas were made I tacked up a string from one side of the ceiling to the other with some slack.   I then hung the umbrellas from it.
To make the napkin rings I took a toilet paper roll and cut it into 3 pieces.  I took each one and made a napkin ring out of them.  I first covered them with colorful scrapbook paper and then glued different flowers to each one.

**more detailed instructions to come**

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Easter Table

I am so excited to introduce my Easter Table.  I have taken tutorials from several blogs and combined all these great ideas to make one great tablescape.  Scroll down and enjoy!

I found this vintage tablecloth at a garage sale for $2.

Napking holder: Crepe paper flowers hot glued to ribbon and tied around a napkin. To make these awesome crepe paper flowers visit Dear Lillie.

I covered eggs with tissue paper and scrapbook paper.  All I did was cover the egg in Elmer's glue and then I cut out shapes from the scrapbook paper/tissue paper and placed them onto the plastic eggs.

Bunny Banner: Marth Stewart template cut out onto old wallpaper and attached to string.

Place cards: Brass candle sticks spray painted white.  Attached to the candle sticks is a place card made out of srapbook papers.  I placed  Easter eggs covered scrapbook paper ontop of the candle sticks.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Yellow Goodbye

I have decided to do a table setting every month.  Here is the first for the month of march:

Goodbye winter, yellow spring.  For this scape I used a over sized scarf to drape over the table as a tablecloth.  I had matching plates, thanks to Target's line Liberty of London.  I had old brass candlesticks that I had painted white, and I stuck some bright pink flowers at the top.  Laying around were lots of glass candy jars so I filled them with yellow things from around the house; lemons, a necklace, and candy.

photography by: Shannon Houston
table by: Ben Wilde