Tuesday, October 07, 2008



Anonymous said...

I know this change happens every year but it's still a wonder to behold.

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

It starts with such subtle, wonderful colours in the changing season and than suddenly she blazes away with fireworks.
Here on many trees the fresh new leaves are a dark red to protect the new tender growth from the hot sun.

Anonymous said...

Lovely, lovely colours

Zoë said...

Your witchhazel is much later than mine in changing, I have 3 which colour slightly differently, but always starting as you have shown, it reminds me of an native american blanket. The leaves are all but gone on mine now, having gone either yellow or bright red, the wind and rain took them all at the weekend. They alongside some Cornus and Euonymus put on the most amazing shows around now. Beautiful images, thanks for sharing them.

Gail said...

Very nice!


HappyMouffetard said...

Thanks for your comments. I was just amazed to see the developing colours. I'll try to take some more photos at the weekend, to see how the leaves have changed.

Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

Beauty is in the detail.

chaiselongue said...

Amazing - to see the seasons in the same leaf and the changing from one to another. It's beautiful time of the year. Thanks for the photos.

VP said...

Do we need to go all Northern for tomorrow's LAPCADPOUB? I've changed it to LAPCPADPOOB, but if we made it Let's All Post Cat Pictures and Dire Poetry on Us Blogs day, your acronym would still fit.

I'm not sure which acronym to use now - can you help before my piece gets published tomorrow please?

Yours in confusion,


VP said...

I also see I was so confused, I got the day wrong. But strangely not the date - so I would have gone into my blog tomorrow and panicked when my post wasn't there. I've got things sorted now.
