This is the Integra part of a special Hellsing series created for Valentines ... click here for Alucard's version We R BB
the blog's code. Dry your tears milady Call on me if you need I will be your comfort, Oh my love, remember me ...
Bravenet makes great counters |
Tuesday Mhahwhahhahaha ... this is sooo rich!!! ... imprisoned within my blood ... Murasaki-san, one more tibit to add to your Hakkai and Gojyo thingee ... It's in book 9, when Goku made everyone play mahjong to deal with the fact they just so lost in book 8? Hakkai is the only one who was intially supportive of Goku and sat down when Goku said he wanted to play mahjong. Gojyo thought it was a stupid idea and was about to bitch (sorry for the bad grammar) when he caught the look Hakkai was giving him and shut up immediately. Don't you just love the fact he went flushed and sat down immediately? XD Speaking of Eriol, I rewatched my CCS ... the last 2 episodes, specifically the one where Sakura had to change the return card *wink*. But I can never figure out something (which Reins also finds strange), I know Eriol is actually a 30 year old man but if he stopped his growth at 10, why the heck does he even sound older than Clow whom I'm sure was older than 30 when he announced to Yue and Kero that it was his last day on earth? AND I SO WANT THAT CHAIR *evil cackling* Reins I didn't use the combi lock, I used a proper lock and perversely that allowed the french airport to cut the lock (it's very hard to cut zips when they're in the combi lock of the suitcase but it's too easy to jimmy). I tend not to use combi locks coz I also have a knack for jimming them. I'm not pissed with the airport for cutting the lock and forcibly cutting the zip for the other suitcase, I'm pissed with them for not telling me that they did. I dragged my suitcases all over london with 2 open suitcases and it was a mercy nothing fell out. I would have written to bitch to CDG but I'm feeling lazy ... then again, I might do so once I've worked out how much trouble I'm willing to go thru for this. For those who are wondering, the security when I was travelling was insanely tight at all European airports. I missed my transit coz getting from one transit point to another involved something like 3 security checkpoints (in the past, transit areas have at best one checkpoint?) ... naturally I missed my connecting flight and this prompted the french airport to cut my bags to make sure I wasn't some terrorist who was trying to load bombs on planes via missed baggage. Actually, all the people on my flight missed the same connecting flight ... I wonder if their bags got cut too. As I was saying, I don't blame them for the cutting, times are hard and everyone's tense ... this I understand. BUT it would be nice if they SAID SOMETHING!!! I mean, while my bags were in the baggage liner for the 2nd plane, things could have dropped out ... it would have been nice if they could have put my luggage in a plastic bag or something to prevent things falling out AND at least have the courtesy to inform me when I got to Heathrow. GRRRR ... Don't kill your ototo, well not yet, think ... free driver cum IS support *evil grin*. Tsu-chan I'm also leaving the message for you at the ODFM ... too ^ ^;; to put on this blog where people can see how uhm ... ^ ^;; I'm *sweatdrops* heh heh ... *grabs Clow and scoots him off to the ODFM first*. You can see my posters and other "manga and anime viruses" when you come down in Dec. *rushes off the ODFM with evil evil thoughts* All WRBB members and Fuuma, please report there accordingly too. Oh, haven't seen Wingy blog for a while ... are you ok Wingy-san? Kamui ... I get to be genki Sei-chan ... cool ^___^ ... imprisoned within my blood ... Monday Eve san, you read manga in Chinese too? Me too ... I can never get the Jap names like most people coz I only know the names in Chinese. Oh, that poor senior ... hmm, actually he might have a chance with Taro tho', coz as long as he has food, he has Taro's attention *giggles*. But my absolute favorite is the "evil" professor, you know the one who Taro's teacher finally marries. Laine, absolutely healthy layout there!!! Speaking of tomatoes, the latest diet fad in Taiwan are tomatoes, yellow ones to be precise. And since tomatoes tend to remind me of vampires, Lilack-san that is SO the ending for Hellsing. Can someone tell me where I can get my white pasty hands and fangs on some Hellsing anime? I love the manga but it's not going fast enuff. Oh Integra and Alucard ... yeAh!!! And me thinks me should get back to work now. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Thanks for the tip Ruby. And in case anyone is interested, my big gorgeous (sorry about the gloating but I soooo love this calendar) Saiyuki poster calendar is hanging in my cubicle, beside my phone. And Meia, guess what ... Hakkai is poster boy for May and June *winks* Grandniece get well soon!!! ... imprisoned within my blood ... Got an unsolicited email from someone I don't know entitled W32 ... removal tools. Deleted it immediately but any bets it's probably a virus trap? Made chocolates last nite. I think my white chocolate one is good, or at least my sister did. Also cooked dinner last nite. Haven't cooked in the longest of time but it was okay *phew* Watched a Korean movie yesterday entitled "My wife is a Gangster". Black humour and ganster fights, throw in comedy and you have a hysterical Kit laughing at almost every scene. Was soo good, can you imagine, this woman mafia boss trying to learn how to be a woman so as to marry and fulfil her sister's dying wish? Her confusion and her timid homebody husband's nagging coupled with his confusion as to his wife's occupation is ABSOLUTELY riotous!!! My goodness, I wish I was her. MHAWHAHAHA!!! Clow - :P Kit - What? Don't you think I would make a pretty niffy gangster? *Practices her killer stare* Clow - *groans* Kit - And you can do the dishes now thank you ... HAHAHAHA *laughs in a very gangster voice* Clow - *throws dishes at kit* Kit - Meep *ducks* ... imprisoned within my blood ... Sunday Tests taken from Tsukineko: Buffy guy Icecream eater Buffy gal Bad Buffy gal Style Okay, that was fun ... back to packing. ... imprisoned within my blood ... In case anyone's wondering ... YES, I admit, my feet are too big. Actually no, my toes are too long ... can't get nice shoes *sob* Ahh, have been ultra mondo cranky the last few days ... gomen. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Nice new layout at Leareth's ... and grandniece dear, nothing a little practice can't fix (but for that matter, I'm equally rusty, it's just that I have a grandma to keep tabs on me). I better go, lots of things tomorrow. Oh, I'm trying to draw a dozing D ... going to bomb the unsuspecting readers of my blog with it when it gets done. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Okies dearie. Anyway, Clow has just posted something at the ODFM ... all WRBB members might wanna go check it out. And what's Eisu's addy again? Major insane ranting below, you probably want to skip this. Except for the last para. Peeves ... I hate it when I get stared at for the way I speak. In the words of Fuuma, I have a bit of an accent. Now it's not deliberate ... I don't know where I got it but trust me, it used to be worse ... my gran's american bone doctor thought I was from Boston. Maybe it's Ernie's fault ... hmmm ... anyhows, most of my friends generally speak like that too. I was talking to my parents today about how the new ez-card system in our public transport was not such a good idea and this stupid woman turned 'round to stare at me. Now, she probably had one of the following on her mind. One, she wanted a totally quiet environment to vegetate in which all I have to say is ... go get your car. Two, she resents the fact I have an opinion to which I say, go soak your head. Three, she like most other people I've encountered from the time I was in high school, think I'm trying to pretend to be better by speaking with an accent to which I say ... GO AWAY!!! I don't particularly like the way I speak but I don't particularly hate it either ... what I do hate is people who give you "this look" just because you don't speak colloq English. Sheessh ... okays, I'm just ranting ... NEXXTTTT ... Oh dear, another rant. Well, I'm miffed coz I've grown fatter ... better start looking for a good exercise programme else I'm going to have the same complaint as Reins and Masako with regards to the cut of clothes in the region (okies stop sniggering the both of you) ... grief, why can't I be like you-know, smaller? I like my height too, but it has been the cause of some rather embarassing situations when I try to buy distinctly female clothing. Why? Coz half the time when I try to buy clothes, the salespeople mistake me for a guy (like why is that guy trying on a skirt *bangs head against wall*), or they tell me the clothes don't come in my size (which is okay if only they didn't quite snigger thereafter when they think you're NOT looking. Fine, I'm fat ... so what?). Today was the worst, I was looking for certain items and even my mother was somewhat surprised as to why I had to ask for ... UGH in that size, it's embarassing enuff already (two salespeople out of three - not counting the one I'm speaking to who realises only by virtue of my voice that I'm NOT a guy, staring at me like I was some weirdo), more so when the salesgirl tells you the item DOES not come in the size you want. I hate being so odd sized. I much prefer it in Europe where I am more normal *sigh*. That's it ... I'm shopping in Europe or the States for stuff *grrr* It irritated me more as I was walking down the shopping area today as I realised I'm more guyish in stature than some of the guys here *slaps forehead*. My shoulders are way too broad and while I'm not tall, it's embarassing when I tower above the average male. *evil thought* If only I looked good as a guy at the very least ... then I could proceed to join a male model agency and earn some good cash - just joking ... I know, I know, I should stop reading "Ganbette" and go to bed. Sigh, so many things to do later today. Oh Meia, Aine, Kaori, Lin, Reins and Masako ... remember the last time Masako suggested we do X. Well, I just realised this, I have hell a lot of black suits. So, anyone want to be Subby-chan? ... imprisoned within my blood ... Saturday Heee, glad to see that you are liking your new place. XD YEah, Aimo is wanting to get EVA from you. Just mail it to Eisu's place... ... imprisoned within my blood ... Friday Ho ho ho ... it's secretary's week so the department went out for lunch today at Intermezzo. The food is okay altho there was way too much garlic in the cooking :P Anyhow, KL was really hilarious today. The restuarant had a fashion show as part of the celebrations with models and all ... well, we started talking about models and how the popular ones beat us at salary any day when KL asked if he should be one too. I told KL I would pay him $50 to catwalk and he said he would take up the challenge if everyone wanted it too ... can you imagine? Here we were at this classy restuarant and our table was haggling with KL for the terms of his catwalk *giggles* E tried to get him to take off his shirt but he refused so we settled it at $10 per head at the table for him to walk around the whole restuarant behind the models, doing exactly the same thing as them (he was lucky the department took up most of the restuarant ^___^) which he gamely did. Our table couldn't stop laughing ... the other tables at which our colleagues were, were greatly amused as with the rest of the restuarant and the waiters. The models were not pleased tho' (you should have seen their stares) ... I made KL carry around a stalk of violets we snitched off the table *mad gwaffing* ... it was really a sight!!! In the end, KL only kept the partner's $ (returned the LAs') and we really had a good laugh especially when the waiters came over to compliment that he "looked gorgeous". There was a lucky draw and our department won most of the prizes altho it was supposed to be a draw for the patrons of the restuarant for the whole week. I won a free one year's subscription to 2 local female magazines ... going to put it in the office as I don't read such stuff anyway but it was fun (can you believe how ridiculous it was? Guys got the shopping vouchers for women's clothes and beauty products while gals won car magazines - altho I got a female mag subscrip, I so do not read them). Ahh, I do believe my "carefree" week is ending ... but I think I'm going to like it here ^___^ but what a lunch, all THREE hours of it. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Thursday Grandniece dearie, it's not Koo Suk, it's Suk Gong (suk is uncle, gong is grand for guys ... Koo Suk is aunt-uncle). Anyways, nice speaking to you and Fummie-chan, even if he wants to kill me ... meep!!! Chat again soon. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Ruby, what's Eden like? I am so tempted to buy it but I can't really read Jap very well at this point (perverse thing is I have a better time with Kanji than Hirigana ^ ^;;). So what's the storyline like? Met got my email from my new workplace yet? Wow, you're going to be in Korea!!! Pity I can't move now ... financially injured after my trip to Europe ^ ^ ;; and am still on probation *sulks* Meia I so agree that Hakkai is "strangle-boy" but I absolutely love it when people in Saiyuki call him beautiful and he just stares back at them blankly. And speaking of beautiful, Jen and Brit have one beautiful Trigun layout ... as they say in Singapore ... SEDAP!!! (Malay for great). And speaking of Singapore (gosh this line is getting so corny), Aine take care of yourself, the Singaporean weather is pretty erratic right now. Sometimes I think that if the weather in Singapore doesn't kill us, almost nothing else will. Eve-san I absolutely agree Morinaga Ai's works are hilarious!!! What issue of the manga are you at now? The Chinese translations are only at volume 1 *sulk* ... but I absolutely love Yamada (all 14 volumes) for its wicked humour. There were so many yaoi implications and innuendoes that turned out to be false leads!!! Ahh ... for those who might be interested in the havoc I've been inflicting on the world these days and vice versa: 1. My gran is somewhat better. She's in a coma but she's cheated death twice when the doctor called us to "prepare for the worst". I just wish she would wake up ... On a personal note and I'm blogging about this coz I can't quite release my anger in any other avenue - I'm quite disgusted with the rest of the relatives who are only interested in settling the funeral arrangements ... my first reaction is %(*$Y(#!!! COZ everyone is acting like she's dead when SHE'S NOT!!! While I would accept it if she did go (and hopefully in peace) coz of my belief I will see her again one day, it's like HELLOS ... she's NOT dead yet! Why can't they see that? The show ain't over until the fat lady sings ... so it gives me great perverse pleasure to see her thrawt their plans time and again by refusing to give up. Pray for her please ... I love that stubborn streak which I hope I've inherited. 2. My new job is great. I don't want to sound whiny and I know this is an unnatural state of affairs coz I'm new and will be gainfully unoccupied until at least the end of this week, but the things I see here make me wonder what the hell have I been putting myself thru the last 3 years. The place here is pretty, people are NOT (or appear not to be) that stressed (even tho' busy) and breaks are allowed and provided for (now where is that playstation room?). Of course it could be that work isn't so heavy now with the recession and all giving me a rather unreal impression of how things really are but I quite like it here. For all the people I've scared off taking law in law school or have scared off practice, here's a possibility that life may not be soo messed up afterall. For one, I just went for breakfast with some colleagues. They're busy but NOT quite swamped ... Bel, are you reading this? They also provide good equipment and all which makes life a LOT easier. For one, this new laptop is suggoi! I guess practice is what you make it to be. But if anything, I still don't regret the friends I've made at the old place ... am meeting some of them for lunch today *beams* 3. Can you believe it but I've actually gotten more Clow-obsessed? Had a fun time bothering Reins yesterday. Hee hee, the conversations we had were sooo R-rated. Sigh, I guess that's it ... I can't get out of the BB part of WRBB huh? Alright ... Leareth, I've signed in so expect more R-rated (Read-diculous) stuff from me ... Clow: *scrowls and hits baka kit on the head* Kit: Help!!! Grandniece your granduncle is being abusive again!!! Clow: AM NOT!!! Get back to work you bum!!! Okies, I've probably wasted enuff time ... maybe I should scout around for something to do. Oooh, I remember a conversation with Masako and Reins while they were down here ... won't it be great if Clow was real and if *ahem* he was my secretary??? *evil grin* For one, he could make all the files disappear *very evil grin* Oooh, need to fix scanner and scan my Hellsing sketches as well as my photos. Masako, any luck the Fuuma vs Tom Riddle thing is ready for public poisoning? PS: Uhm Kira, how do I access your archive posts? I'm trying to catch up on everyone's blogs for the period I was away but I can't seem to access your blog's archives ^__^;; ... imprisoned within my blood ... Wednesday Nooo ... Clow's mine even if well ... it's a delicate story that only my bosom buddies know (I still maintain Reins that I hardly qualify for this new clique ^ ^;;) and Kaho is Eriol's (who is definitely NOT my Clow honey) :P ... imprisoned within my blood ... Ahh, lunch was quite fun. Bought mushroom soup from soup central, brought along a book and plonked myself under a tree beside the river to sit, eat and read. Always wanted to sleep in the park near my old office but never quite did. Maybe I'll pack sandwiches from home the next time, it's less messy to eat. Ahhhhhh ... ... imprisoned within my blood ... Gosh, dying of boredom ... but it won't last for long I know ... Grandniece, do we have to put up badges for the we R bosom buddies thingee? Click here to take the test! (stolen off bosom buddy Leareth) *grin* ... imprisoned within my blood ... Tuesday Murasaki has a great great great new layout!!! Met' are you joining the club? Speaking of the club, Grandniece Masako dear ... I WANT GACKT TOO!!! *peers around corner cautiously for miffed bish* Gosh, I ate a whole tub of ice cream tonite ... I don't feel so good now, too much sugar in the system. I need to loose weight, or at least for the fat to be converted to assets instead AND for the avoidance of doubt, I was referring to my brain up here (gosh, I am so praying they don't change my supervisor to S). ... imprisoned within my blood ... Work place is great ... pretty like hell and very comfy except I now sit in a cubicle rather than a room. My good friend sits just behind so that's quite nice. My boss is away so it's quiet. Nearly died of a heart attack today. My boss is supposed to be C but HR told me this morning they would be "bringing me to meet my mentor S". S is well known to be problematic. Smart but problematic. As a friend told me, she hates having to report to him coz in her words "my eyes are up here not at my chest". Anyway, the database says C is my boss so it better be that way ... *prays* Tsu, you wanna be in the WRBB? Hee hee ... did you get my SMS? You are Q-chan aka. Sofu D Like a large enigma you like to stay in the dark and your looks can be extremely deceiving. You are dettached, arrogant and wise, though all this can be disguised without your littlest effort. You are very protective of your loved ones. Hmm ... I got Chris the last time ... Read something today I would call poetic justice. I know I'm being so mean and wicked but revenge is a dish best served cold and by another's hand *evil shrill laughter* ... imprisoned within my blood ... Kit.... how is work at the new place, deshou???? hehehe, pass me Leareth's and Meia's number.... I wanna annoy them on sms XD ... imprisoned within my blood ... Val is back with a great new layout!!! Ugh, I've got to report to my new job later at 9 sharp today and I'm still surfing ... all my documents aren't ready and I don't care :P I'm going to try to SMS the kitty and the puppy ... if anyone else wants me to SMS them, give me ya number before I turn off my auto-roaming *ducks into bed quickly* ... imprisoned within my blood ... Monday Oh, I've just got a grandniece (in addition to a grandnephew) ... ya right ... so grandniece dear, how's the new club coming along? ... imprisoned within my blood ... Ahh, I feel so lost ... so much to catch up on. Yeap, last day in office ... plan to waste the whole day *grin*. Laine, Europe was fun. My scanner is down so I can't scan the photos now but I'm quite happy with them ... Zhin likes his cross, way to go Masako. Let me know when the "product of our latest fieldtrip" is up. Lilack and Liz have really nice new layouts ... I want too!!! So much things to do at home ... why did they have to insist I attend my last day at work *sulk* Nic, Viv, Sandra and Sarah gave me great pressies tho' ... need to sneak out to settle my tax and to get some drinks, it's hot here. I am surprised I actually haven't died from the heat yet, considering the average temp in Central Europe while I was there was 1 degrees celcius. Masako, I found Lin's earrings, she left them in my teacup on my dresser. I'll send them soon. Met' ... more fics!!! I'll be contacting you and the rest at my new address tomorrow or the day after. Uhm to whoever who's wondering this I think the answer is "you're bored aren't you". ... imprisoned within my blood ... Sunday Masako, Lin and Reins have left *sigh* ... ah well, see ya guys either in July or Dec? Really hope they all can come including Fuuma, the kitties and the puppy ... and can I take it that you guys, i.e. Meia, Aine and Kaori will be there too? It would be so fun but I hope the island can survive us *ponders* Well, back to my chocolates, spiked with all sorts of alcohol ... hoo hooo!!! And Meia, I have to SO agree with you on TB and Saiyuki ... hee hee ...?¼ ... imprisoned within my blood ... Let's go bug Zhin's blog for a while. If you don't see a post soon, well ... well you don't see one then. TOO BAD :P Masako: ^__________^ Lin: I'm stuck here with nuts ... HELP!!! XD XD XD Kit: Hmph!! ... imprisoned within my blood ... Oh well, Blogger ate the post. So here it is again. There's also the story about how Clow is a great uncle but gives bad angpow and Muraki and the milk bottle story, but I'll leave the people responsible for the ideas to present them to you. Masako: Leareth when are we officially launching the "we R bosom buddies club" Can Tsukineko join us too? Lin: *sulks* Tis a prejudiced idea. Kit: None of my business *shakes head* Masako: Yeah right. You're so in this. Kit: Don't meet the requirements plus I'm such a good little innocent sane and normal little girl trying to make a living here ... RIGHT? Lin and Masako : *rolls eyes* Kit: BUT I AM *puppy dog expression* ... imprisoned within my blood ... Was at friend's wedding ... nice. Then met the rest of them at Bugis ... poor Masako, Reins and Lin. Kare Kano was closed *gasps* There's the cute but grumpy guy in shop story but I'll leave Masako to tell you about it. We watched anime at Aine's ... Requiem is a hoot. The animation is bad and the translations are cheesy but you HAVE to watch it. Trust me on this one. Am bothering Zhin with Masako or rather helping Masako bother Zhin. I'm bored. I didn't drink enuff tonite ... HUMBUG!!! Masako: *nods head* ... imprisoned within my blood ... Saturday Masako got him look out ... Fumma lookalike!!! ... imprisoned within my blood ... I got Ume-chan (said in Masako's genki genki voice). Reins got Sano ... we're waiting for Masako now. Go read Zhin's blog. We posted some very evil evil comments to his first post of today ... GO SEE!!! MAHWHHAHWQHHAHAHAHA ... *evil grin* Watched Vampire Hunter D last nite ... nice, if he wore glasses it would be PERFECT! Reins - *rolls up eyes* ... imprisoned within my blood ... Friday Leareth, yeah we have Yuna posters. When do you want it? Reins got a Zoro poster at HMV and is deliriously blogging about it beside me while Masako is peering over all our shoulders. Anyway, we drew a photo of Fumma giving Tom Riddle the evil eye and the Shinigami's adventures in Singapore. Contact Masako for details. There could also be a new Tatsumi doujin in the making and Masako is cooking up something, literally and figuratively. Hee heee ... ... imprisoned within my blood ... Hahaha, at home now with insane kitties, Lin, Reins and Masako. We're having fun playing around, reading manga, eating MOS burger and watching anime at nite ... Leareth and Tsu dear, any luck you guys are coming to Singapore in Dec? Masako is planning to come with her Fummie *waves, hi Zhin* so we could have a blast, especially if Reins and Lin can make it too, onegai? We've conquered both kinos, Reins has had a great haul!!! Going to meet Meia, Kaori and Aine ... byes!!! ... imprisoned within my blood ... Tuesday hohohohoh, you're really having a heck of time there, eh? Looking at bishies here and there.... ... imprisoned within my blood ... Am in Paris now ... Reins, will call Lin's aunt when I get back to Singapore. Ate cheese yesterday that tasted great but smelt so bad its smell is akin to shit ... but lovely taste nonetheless. Also saw Clow looklike on metro, well almost ... his eyes were blue and he needed to shave ... but cute ... and receptionist back at hotel was eye candy himself ... I'm having way too much fun. I like Paris, I just wish things were cheaper ... call u guys later. Au Revoir. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Monday Oho, I guess we go to Lin's aunt's place and see if we could go roaming by ourselves. I'll talk to Mask about heading to MRT to meet you, if you want. Which is easier for you? You meeting us at her aunt's or we meeting you via MRT? ... imprisoned within my blood ... Sunday Your objective is simple: World Domination Your motive is a little bit more complex: Madness Stage One: To begin your plan, you must first Traumatize a Rich and Powerful CEO. This will cause the world to sit up and take notice, stunned by your arrival. Who is this Evil Genius? Where did they come from? And why do they look so good in a Corporate Suit? Stage Two: Next, you will Seize control of the White House. This will cause countless hordes of Corporate Suits to flock to you, begging to do your every bidding. Your name will become synonymous with Sheer dementedness, as lesser men whisper your name in terror. Stage Three: Finally, you will Covertly Move your Opening of the Seven Seals, bringing about an End to Sanity. This will all be done from a Corporate Tower, an excellent choice if we might say. These three deeds will herald the end, and the citizens of this planet will have no choice but to elect you their new god. Trust us, it'll all come together in the end. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Okies. Uhm, so does this mean I pick u up at Lin's aunt's or at clementi? Today was a fine weather day ... FINALLY. Went out to the countryside tho' so this means my Vienna photos will all be bleak just like my Paris ones were 2 years back. Anyhow, I'm looking forward to returning coz (drumroll) Reins and Masako will be in Singapore (more drumrolls). And I think I'm plonking too much of my money on this hostel's internet services so that's it for Vienna. See u in Paris the next time. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Saturday Aiyaah, will take your advice. Anyway, I found out that my phone does not have int roaming. So, I'm like basically dead in S'pore XP I think Lin's cell will work. Ah, there is always the public phone ne? Gotta admit I haven't used one in years.. anyway, will print your instructions and bring it to Sing. Feels like a Mission Impossible like scenario doesn't it? *cue theme* ... imprisoned within my blood ... UGHHH!!! COLD!!! ... imprisoned within my blood ... Am Ed. Also am seriously playing with internet in hostel here ... hee hee, a week without access is painful. Nope, weather still bad ... rainy and cold but was visiting musuems mostly. Am in smoky pub in hostel right now so I doubt I'll last long. Was waiting for coffee today when seriously cute waiter appeared with tray of coffee ... nearly fell off chair in surprise. Whooppeee!!! I know, I'm a jerk. Anyhow, will be in Melk tomorrow. Hopefully the weather is better there. I HOPE (keeps fingers crossed). My vienna photos are going to be soooo crappy due to the lack of light. Sulking is not helping ... gotta go. See ya chums and I definitely spelt goodbye in german below wrongly the first word should be auf and I still can't get the second (which starts with w). ... imprisoned within my blood ... Friday See u soon Reins and Masako! ... imprisoned within my blood ... Archtype Three The caring, mysterious type. Your favourite bishounen are a pleasant mystery. They're supportive, kind, fun, but usually with another side. These bishounen are always more than they appear. You must like depth (test taken from Lilack's) ... imprisoned within my blood ... New layout at Aine's and Em's. Em, so what do we call u from now? And did u draw ur layout? Very nice! Very cool layouts at Leareth's too ... and Lilack's. Thanks for the hugs Lilack and Kaori. Take care of ur-selves Meta and Tsu. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Welll ... beer and bish are always good. Hmm, SMS me on the time u guys will arrive in Singapore. I suggest u guys either hang around Lin's place and meet me at the nearest MRT station (ask Lin's aunt which one it is and SMS me) at about 3:30 pm (call me to confirm) or if Lin's aunt is agreeable let me have her number (u can let Lin know I'm fine if her aunt wants my number) OR take a bus to Clementi (take bus no. 196 to its last stop, paying S$1.30 each) and explore the area (call me at about 4:15 or meet me at the Clement MRT station which is near the last stop u dropped off 196). Anyhow, am in Vienna now. The weather is quite cloudy and on the first day I arrived, it was raining nonstop. I really hope there will be sun later in the afternoon (it's 7 am now) so my photos will turn out nice. I think they won't look too good (the Vienna ones) coz there's insufficient light. Sigh, but Vienna is a lovely place. The art is lovely and there is lots of chocolate liquor - yum!!! Everyone here (including Prague and Vienna) keeps thinking I'm a jap boy, it's quite funny ... my mum refers to me as the 'extremely evil fake konnichiwa' :P But it's pretty amusing. Either I do like jap which I doubt, or the general assumption is that any tourist with yellow skin is Jap. Watched an opera Turandot in Prague and noticed that even they got very confused ... the opera was supposed to be about a Chinese princess ... looked like a jap cum thai princess instead. Oh well. Visited Mozart's house yesterday and people watched at a smoky Viennese coffee bar. Fun ... want to tell u more but the german keyboard here is driving me crazy ... plus I want to read some blogs ... so until Paris, averta sai (can't spell I know). And it seems from my sis, my gran has just been discharged ... yatta!!! I knew stubborness was a family trait and I'm glad of it. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Tuesday eh?? now what would I do with beer and bishies.... not a lot I must say XDDD having fun? XDDD Sing trip update; Anyway, we're going to buy our train tickets this Wed. But, Mask wants to take the night train, So, we'll reach there in the morn of 17th. Ergo, we now have four hours to kill before we meet up with you in the afternoon. Any ideas on what we can do by ourselves? ... imprisoned within my blood ... Monday Hi, am in Praha now. Cold ... it's about -2 degrees to 2 degrees here. Lots of beer tho so that helps somewhat. Jing, if you've not been able to call me for the last 2 days it's coz my charger doesn't fit the plugs here in praha. I hope Vienna is ok with the plugs tho'. Anyhow, it's lovely here as usual. Things are cheap and the people are nice. The czech guys are dreadfully bish ... so I'm dying of dehydration thru drooling ... this means only one thing - MORE BEER!!! HAHAHAHA!!! Reins, I wish you were here ... If Bel were here, I'm sure she'll never leave .... shopping galore!!! ... imprisoned within my blood ... Saturday Hi I'm alive. My gran's condition stabilised before our plane was due to leave so I'm in London. City's great. Just too smogy and too expensive. Am meeting up with friends ... fun. The train line directly back to my hotel was jammed this evening :P Met a Jap tourist going the same way who was totally lost so me just dragged her along. Anyhow, as you would have realised, I've made it back ... after millions of changes double :P So here I am in an internet cafe with a bunch of gents in suits checking out the football news ... Gosh, what a way to spend a Fri nite huh? Should be in a pub but NO MONEY *tears hair* But lots of fun so far, me being me am getting into a million scraps, also saw lots of good looking bish (esp today *grin* - including the guy that runs this joint *grins more*). Reins, I've sent the parcel to Lyn. SMS me if anything but if I don't hear from you, I'll meet you, Masako and Lin at Tanjong Pagar on the 17th. Going onto Prague on Sunday. Got lots of things to say actually but need to hurry coz obviously, the longer I blog, the more I pay no? Byes loves. Tell you the full story when I'm back in Singapore. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Tuesday Ahh Wingy, your friends' hands were on fire? That sounds scary. Thank you for the kind words and now I'm all curious about Merill's entries ... will be checking them out. Blogger is a little strange. I think it's publishing but it won't let me see anything. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Gomen Masako ... I haven't finished Subaru coz I got stuck at the hair bit and I also can't do the eyes until the hair is ready ... gomen, gomen. I don't think it'll be ready when you get here unless I can solve the hair problem and thanks for the kind thoughts too. I am reading everyone's blog as I am waiting for my mail to load so pardon me if the posts tonite are chopped up. Trying to draw to calm self down for sleep but not working. Should go now, gotta lot of admin things to help dad with tomorrow. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Thanks Lilack for the concerns, I hope she gets well too. On a happier note, Meia, Aine, Jo and Kaori have great layouts for the April Fool Festival. Felt better after talking to Bel and Euph. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Monday My grandmother is in a comma. She had one more stroke this morning ... please pray for her. Gave the hospital a good scolding. Stupid dolts did something very dangerous with the saline drip. Not very happy. I hate to say this but I guess year 2002 is probably NOT my year *sigh* ... imprisoned within my blood ... Lots of nice new layouts - Jen, Jen& Brit, Leareth, Lilack ... woowww!!! And cool dream Laine, if a bit strange ... but spam for road? Leareth, I'll try to get a shot of the dollie. Wow, major html-ing work there ... shame about the Queen Mother's passing (yeah, we're commonwealth citizens here too) but blessings be on her. Lilack, it's true that life seems so unfair sometimes when some people draw so well but I think as long as you practice and continue drawing, you'll find your own niche one day. I love the Jap fanarts too and I would love to be able to do something akin to the quality of what we see on the net ... Actually, was digging all the fanart I've ever drawn since uni and was looking at the different styles I've gone thru. Quite sobbering an experience *ponders* Back in the office briefly coz had a feeling I should be here. Phew, clients sent work which I have to send on to the correct people quickly ... at times, I'm glad I have this whacky radar for trouble or maybe not (my sixth sense is pretty accurate but I can't give you the winning lottery ticket number for the week - I can predict marriages, divorces, deaths and disaster tho'). Finished packing. Bullying parents into bringing less luggage. They're not too happy. You would think we were escaping from Singapore or something. Sis is not happy to be left behind and I'm struggling with my taxi bookings in London. Stupid flights from Stanstead only leave at 7 in the morning or the evening. Giving myself about 45 minutes to check in ... I know it's too little but I'm hoping to make it ^ ^;; And finally got to the Endless quiz - Am dream. And since we're doing quizes - am Sakura??? But I wanna be Clow!!! If anyone has anything urgent to let me know, please use sms (I hope it works, or at worst call). I will check mail every 3 days but I doubt I'll surf blogs, but then again, I can count on one hand the number of people who might need to contact me urgently and they have my number anyway. My doctor was really funny. He was more distressed about me still having the flu than me. He was running thru emergency procedures should my eardrums burst because of pressure aggravated by the flu (since my hearing is very sensitive) this morning until his nurse tapped impatiently at his window to remind him he had other patients (which happens like all the times I have visited him - according to my dad, my last visit with him was 45 minutes and we only spent 5 minutes on the diagnosis ^_^;;). But I like my doctor. We've been good friends since he started his clinic (altho I nearly killed him that once when I was walking to college for my finals and he suddenly jumped out behind me to yell "surprise"). I've just realised that one of the gameshow hosts for this new show is my good friend from secondary school. It's strange finding a good friend with whom you have not spoken with since you graduated, smiling at you from the TV screen. OK, I can be quite negligent with friendship and catching up ^ ^;; Yesterday was a disaster. My grandmother (not the one I stay with, that's gran to me) fell down and broke her arm. Considering she had just recovered from a broken knee, it was not good. Worse still, she had a minor stroke and passed out when they intially discharged her. So I wake up late on Easter ^ ^;; to have my mum tell me to rush to the hospital's A&E "just in case". Hadn't eaten much or drunk much and a tummyache didn't help my mood, nor the fact a lady whom I don't acknowledge as aunt was there. I've reached a point I don't hate the relatives I used to hate, but if I can help it, I would rather not come within a 2 m radius of them. Anyhow, the point is, my grandmother who used to be a dignified strong lady is now a wilful self-centered screamer. I don't really know what to do at this point. It's strange coz she's sometimes like her old self at times sitting there and talking to you quite normally, but then, all of a sudden, without warning she'll break into her hysterics, demanding this and that - most of which are unreasonable and ridiculous. Imagine this, the doctors had confined her to bed for observation following the minor stroke and put her arm in a sling so it would heal. She can hardly sit up in the bed without help but she suddenly took off the sling and tried to climb out of the bed so she could sit in a chair. It's worrying as she gets crankier and crankier. My gran is a lot better. Her temper is a bit bad at times but comparing her and my grandmother, gran's still fine. I don't know what is going to happen with my grandmother tho'. Doesn't help we have to leave tomorrow nite. I don't know what's going to happen but she's my grandmother no matter what. But I can't help but wonder if my folks or me will also become cranky when we age (if I live long enuff to find out). End of posts, HAPPY APRIL FOOLS ... every year I play a good online trick but I regret to say I must pass this year, things have been a little problematic recently. Anyhow, I hope everyone had a good Easter weekend. I'm looking forward to Europe and I hope my doctor's doomsday prediction of bursting eardrums doesn't come to pass (pray for me ears no?). But now? TO THE MANGA SHOP to ask Oniichan to help keep an eye on the imports while I'm away *grins* Ja ne. For now. ... imprisoned within my blood ... ... how long will it be before I lose control ... how long will it be before he finds me? ... oh preserve my soul, preserve my pride Preserve my sanity thru this nite ... |