Welcome to Insomniac OD

This is the Integra part of a special Hellsing series created for Valentines ... click here for Alucard's version





Blogger just goes on and on ...
Comments by: YACCS

I want a Clow shaped chocolate!
So obsessed with
Clow Read
PS: And there are
Clow is my
ABB / SG blogs
<< LOTR Blogs ? >>
<< # Saiyuki Yaoi Logs ? >>
< ? law blogs # >

tragically yours: Cho Hakkai

Little bites
A Midsummer's Nightmare -
Long live "Alucard x Integral"

Fics on FF Net
My private collection of fanart etc.

Thanks to Val for help with
the blog's code.

Dry your tears milady
Call on me if you need
I will be your comfort,
Oh my love, remember me ...


Bravenet makes great counters



Oh before I forget. Sorry about yesterday Zhin but I was running late and no cab wanted to go to Bungsar. Next time? Get well soon.

Masako, I passed some Qoo and Calpis water to Reins, get them from her okies?

*decides to kill her no good cook for making her miss the flight and for stealing her phone to SMS-bug Reins* In this regard, Reins' reaction: "OMG now you can SMS" was a classic!

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/31/2002 07:09:12 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Hi hi, heard your trip was postponed.

Uhm ... left my phone at home. SMS you when I get back or something?

UGH!!! Look at the time ... work work ... aiiee, shall we go to the Pokka cafe at Liang Court the next time? Very very nice *grins* - went there with my folks this afternoon ^__^

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/31/2002 07:06:51 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Hellsing fairy tale - Beauty and the Vamp ~ read at your own peril

Pictures I extorted from Reins:

1. Gojyo - kawaii ne
2. Poor clowie ... and yue is scary - I want to used this for my new blog layout, Reins can?
3. Clow-san wakie wakie
4. Poor Clow - someone can't wait to get her hands on him
5. Integral is missing something - Hahaha!!! Compliments the epilogue

Ahh, SMS from my aunt who is a nurse (the first words of wisdom she gave me this month was "There will always been an idiot within a 1 km radius of you"):

"Don't take yourself too seriously, I know I don't."

~ She's damn happening for a 60-year old no? Okay I sound silly but I think my parents and my aunt are priceless and I would not have been as deranged as I am but for them. Hmmm ...

Need more fun ... but it makes sense, people who take themselves too seriously well, end up taking things in life too seriously too. Go ahead laugh at me, coz chances are, unless it's malicious laughter radiating from your end, I'm probably laughing too.

~ kitten seriously contemplating life as a clown

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/31/2002 07:01:55 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Hi hi I'm home.

Spent 2 days of paper sifting. Joy oh joy. Met my client in person. Rather nice lady if a little odd initially. I guess it's difference in culture. Europeans like to deal personally if they can while Asians are quite happy to shoot o ut instructions and let the matter get done. We seemed to get on well and she gave me a European style kiss thingee when we left so at least I don't think she doesn't like me.

Also spent 2 days torturing Reins!!! HAhahahaha ... made her wait a lot and draw lots of Clow and Integral for me *smirk*. We had a girl's sleepover at the hotel and had a banana split, watched a few shows (it's been ages since I watched TV) and yakked in general. It seems my no good cook has been forcing Reins to play Agony Aunt ... lousy wussy cook.

I'm rather he*tai, as Reins would have you believe. *innocent look* Now what ever gave you the idea dear? Ate roti prata at the roadside. Yum. But very glad to be home. Missed my flight but got replacement except stewards on that flight were idiots. Won't say more but when the passenger is asleep, you don't yell "ZUICE OR HOR DLINK!" twice to him or her. Duh.

I asked Reins this question and I'll ask it again. Do I sound like a bimbo? Why did this guy write to me asking me to meet him and to give my address and personal particulars? Do I sound stupid to you guys?

Will scan Rein's sketchs in a while. Will probably use the "USED" picture as new layout. Been ages since I had one. El, Mura ... what's this about gaiden? Meia, are those grapes you were talking about really small? I had some and they're quite yum but it feels so weird coz they're really tiny. Ange, we're doing crazy things but the party needs ya! I'll social blog later ... got a lot to catch up with ...

Reins, Masa ko and Lin, happy National Day. Now to bathe and go to work ^___^

Oh, and I'm not going to Finland. Bad on one hand coz I don't get to see the place. Good coz my work won't be jammed up and with any luck I still get to see Bel in Aus albeit one month later.

*drags body to work - tired but still genki*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/31/2002 12:16:39 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Wooooo.... if you do ever get the poster, can get one for me or not? *__* Me want......

reins-chan and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/28/2002 03:12:31 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Kim don't throw away the envelope, I'm F*king the post office for it and I want it as evidence if possible.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/28/2002 01:47:08 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Watched Guns & Talks with El (dear scroll to last para). Other than the fact we have a great evil plan hatched up and the Saiyuki photos are almost done, verdict is -


Must really get J to pick up the poster for me. The cinema people won't let me have one but I'll try again next week or when they are about to wrap up the show. Saw a woman pick off her dog's poop from the ground. I'm impressed. The only place that they do this is Prague (or so at least within my personal knowledge).

KL on Thur s and Friday. Must buy qoo, bring manga and a map. Reins, contact me? Reins, Leareth, Met, Masako, Mura - me need to discuss something with ya gals. Send you an email tomorrow or something.

And my little essay on teachers? Well. Point is this. People in Singapore gripe about the standard of education and how it produces people with a basic education but without drive or ability. The point is this. The educators themselves should really ask the question if they are helping things by being so daft in their policies. I find educators here are either: (a) not interested or no longer interested in the job but have nothing else to do so they grudgingly take or continue with the job - cheech and we expect good students with teachers like these OR (b) anal idiots whose idea of good teaching is making students memorise the answers to get good grades - idiots who try to tell you to write an essay in a particular format to "score" points and is anyone surprised originality is so lacking among Singaporeans? Then there is new (c) over genki and idealistic but not realistic tutors who generally evolve into (a) or (b) or a new variant of (c) - usually these teachers are popular with the mainstream population but they really don't add to your learning experience as a student, they probably marry in a year or two and then become happy tutors with "great" ideas that actually add for no good reason to student's problems or irritate the hell outta them - like I do not see the point in students grouping together to read out Shakesphere's lines in groups. Duh, either you act the damn play out or you engage in more intellectual discussion of what he actually meant in those lines he wrote.

Taking literature for an example, (a) will read the damn text and no more, (b) will force you to memorise answers for likely questions in the exams, (c) will prance, hope and teach in an annoyingly high voice. (d) will, if they get assigned to you, ask questions that non-motivated students will resent, like "compare this scene with another scene in X play" or "note the running theme X".

My wonderful luck always has me bumping into (d) the mavericks. These though are quickly clamped down by (b) before long, irritated to death by (c) and quietly disgusted by (a) - especially those who used to be (d)s. Problem is educators here actually think (c) are their best bet for a new inspired generation ... yeah, more over-idealistic people yeah we need more of those as compared to thinkers.

I'm generalising a bit, some teachers border between groups but I believe (d) make good teachers but for the fact their disgust with the system actually leads them to quit or to not fight the flow so blatantly or effectively being irritated so much so by (b) and (c) they evolve into (a). These are the tutors that encourage free thought and for students to understand what they are being taught. They are usually unpopular with the students as they are usually a little cynical and sacarstic as compared to (c) and thus seem unapproachable - when they are not AND very unpopular with (b). Usually they quit.

If Singapore really wishes to revamp the system, they have to do a total revamp. And the truth is, as much as segregation is painful, a student forced to go faster or slower than they want to usually loses interest in studies. Forcing brighter students to study with slower ones make both sides restless and unhappy but the truth be admitted, one must definitely be careful not to end up with students despising the other "group" or resenting the other. Sorry for the bad grammar, I'm tired and it's late.

And reduce class size please. I know this means the bloody education system becomes more expensive but a class that is too big is NOT conducive for learning. My college class for general paper was 25. Can you imagine? I hope college classes are smaller by at least 50% now! Class participation counts for a lot and in smaller classes, people are encouraged to think and speak up coz you can't hide and be a faceless member. 10 is good coz no one can goof.

Back to mindless blogging. If anyone ever sees a girl in her late twenties running like a frightened rabbit, that's probably me 75%, late for an appointment again. If she's dressed like a lawyer, the possibility is 90%. If she's swearing in English or Cantonese the possibility is 97%. I think I know why my stamina is not too bad. After the football game last Wed which I will miss round 2 of, being in KL this Thurs, I was one of the rare nutters not outta breath.

Oh and Guns & Talks is Weiss Kruez in the flesh, only Omi is older. Sniper is Youji less pickup lines, boss is Aya with quirks, bomber is Ken without his prozac and hacker is Omi, only older - you feel less guilty oggling the guy. But seriously, it's damn good. I'm probably going to catch it again.

Now shoo, go watch the movie. And grab me a poster. I was tempted to do things I cannot mention on this blog coz that poster is SO cool. And I've decided. I like the sniper. El, sorry about making you miss the first few minutes of the show. Contact Ange about aoi neko no? And we need to work this out a bit but I think it could be quite fun and possibly profitable.


kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/27/2002 11:55:06 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Get well soon ...

And I'll see you at Lido's Mac 7:15?

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/27/2002 04:58:56 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Inspired by SGek at lunch, I have an essay on the pains of teaching in Singapore. Expect some silly remarks by me soon.

I'm a nutter but that's what this is all about - Life is nuts.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/27/2002 02:17:43 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Wow new gorgeous layout at Kurot's ... *drool*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/27/2002 10:10:27 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

You know you can wash your bedsheets at my place. Just give me a call and I'll pick them up and when they're done I'll return them.

Uhm, I'll book the tickets?

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/27/2002 07:56:59 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


*nods* because technically I'm seme too. He thus needs to be an ultimate seme for me to find the man drool-worthy no?

I can't believe I'm saying this ... you my dear ARE the DEVIL!

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/26/2002 03:29:45 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Taking up inu-chan's take on the use of blogs. I seriously don't know which category my blog falls under:

1. angst
2. soapbox
3. diary
4. intelligent writing

I guess I use it to talk to people (I don't like SMSing long messages and sometimes if you're talking to a few people at a time, a blog message is useful), to announce new manga and anime shipments (no I don't get a commission). I don't angst too often. I don't really have intelligent or thought provoking soapbox worthy things to say and what you see here is definitely edited.

I guess to me a blog is a toy. Yeah, the same way we used to play with those doddle boards as kids. Leave a message for the next person to find or doddle something silly to amuse oneself.

I have already lost thought of this argument. I have no idea where I'm heading but if one knew one's goals in life all the time, what fun would that be?

Ange hi hi *waves*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/26/2002 09:10:25 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Do "Guns and Talks" on Tues or Wed evening? Let me know if you can make it. There are shows for 7:30 at Lido, Plaza Singapura and Jurong East.

Ugh ... overslept on the bus. Ended up in the office an hour later than planned. Well let's say I woke up at Kallang instead of outside the Fullerton *slaps head against desk* Ah well ... better make good use of what's left of the rest of the morning. Oh I tried sussing out the Sunday pluses for 18 Aug and yesterday for kino vouchers. No luck, but then again I was falling asleep as I was going thru papers. Did you find any El?

I really want the movie poster for Guns and Talk ... must hunt down for it (see below and tell me if it is one damn cool poster or what):

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/26/2002 07:37:11 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


This is a story best appreciated if you are Chinese.

Mum and I spent 2 hours telling each other about the silliest things that have been happening to us the last week as she made potatoe salad for our lunches tomorrow.

We spent the last 2 hours laughing. Neighbours must be calling the funny farm now.

Mum's story beats the cake. She is at dessert stall and ordered - peanut fillings tang yuan and hei zi ma (black sesame seed paste). Stall holder refuses to sell her hei zi ma saying that they can't sell her the paste only. Stall holder offers my mum more tang yuan. Mum finally points at signboard showing bowl of hei zi ma asking why she can't buy that.

Stallholder - Mam, that's a picture of the hei zi ma filling tang yuan cut into half.

My mum thought the white skin paste of the enlarged photo of the hei zi ma tang yuan was the bowl. Stallholder was offering her the hei zi ma tangyuan but refused to dig the hei zi ma out of the tangyuan.

LOL ... gran was amused the way we 2 could keep each other amused for the last 2 hours.

Bought SKII ... hell it is expensive. Hmm, want to watch Korean movie "Guns and Talks" before I go to KL. Want poster. 4 dudes in black aiming M-16s and the like at you ... yummy. I WANT POSTER!!!

Mmm ... I want the poster for "My Wife is a Gangster" too.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/25/2002 11:38:27 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

More Calendars to be ordered from Kino:

One Piece S$31.85
Naruto S$31.85
Hikaru no Go S$27.30
Tennis Prince S$31.85
Shaman King S$31.85
Star Ocean S$27.30
Hunter x Hunter S$27.30
Nana S$31.85


Oh inu-chan you want to order Hellsing manga (Jap version)?

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/25/2002 07:01:23 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Need about 28 kino 20% coupons. I think some were printed in 11 Aug Sunday Plus issue. Onegai.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/25/2002 06:55:43 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Well, this on El's blog.

Yes uhm... back in the office but not for long ... I so hope.

I think the KL trip this Thurs and Fri is confirmed. And I so need cash.

Stupid speedpost ... *plots with Eline* Kim, please drop me a mail to say what books you have gotten and more importantly NOT gotten. I plan to kill the post office over Mura's packages and I might as well kill them for your non-delivered packages. Drop me a note ok?

Erijika, I'm working on the translations I'm so sorry about the slow progress.

And the "I'm not the wife damnit" is funny. Uh huh ...

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/25/2002 02:59:42 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Pah ... must leave soon since more things to do tomorrow. Must finish advice and mail it off >_<;; and leave pronto before the paranormal here take it upon themselves to start the disturbance again. Last Sat, they pounded on the ceiling boards to get me out of here. Before you laugh and assure me it's either the ventilation or an air-con contractor, I know what ventilation sounds sound like and it was 1 am. The freaky part? Asking it to stop until I finished two files to actually have it stop and restart when I finished the stated 2 files.

On the other hand, I feel bad but happy I managed to waggle a new phone at no charge out of this really cute salesman. You guys know how freaked out I am about scratched handphones or scratched things in the first place? Well, I love my goldish Samsung slim but was horrified at the casing being scratched beyond belief. Besides it was for some reason, peeling like crazy. Checked with a friend with a similar phone and she said the casing didn't peel on her. I dunno. Anyway, after collecting my Jap cert, I popped by Wheelock to get the casing changed. Didn't even bring warranty coz I didn't think I was entitled to rely on it.

Salesgirl - What's the problem?
me - I need a dustcover. Can I buy some?
Salesgirl - What model of phone is it?
me - Uhm, this one (thinks to self, uh shouldn't you know?)
Salesgirl - *turns to cute colleague* J what's this model?
Salesman - NH 200.
Salesgirl - Oh. No more covers.
me - Huh? (You didn't even check.) Could you call me when there's more stock? I really like to get it.
Salesgirl - What model?
me - Uhm, *looks at salesman wondering if maybe he had more brains*
Salesman - NH 200. (at which point our eyes met we smiled at each other and he looked pretty sympathetic)
me - This is my number. Call me when there's stock ok? By the way, do you have a casing for this model NH 200 *emphasis on NH 200*
Salesman - *walks over* Yes but we only have silver left. Gold is out.
me - Oh. Gold is prettier.
Salesman - Yes. Silver is not so popular. *takes out spare casing* It's the last one though.
me - No choice. I'll take it. Sigh, this thing is under warranty but it's already peeling like crazy. My friend got her phone last year while I got my in April and hers is fine.
Salesgirl - Uhm, we can't change it for you.
me - What? Why not? Don't you have stock?
Salesgirl - It's a cosmetic problem. We can't change it.
me - But didn't you say you had a casing?
Salesgirl - Yes but ...
me - How much do I have to pay?
Salesgirl - S$55 but we can't ...
me - No no, I'm not claiming under the warranty. I didn't even bring it but I need to change the casing, it's gross.
Salesgirl - I ...
Salesman - *takes kit's phone and walks back to his booth. kit happily follows him to his booth*
me - So, can I get it changed? (meaning I'll fork out the $, just change it).
Salesman - When did you get it?
me - March or April?
Salesman - I'll change it for you. No charge and I'll give you a free dust cover too.
me - *GRIN* Thank you. (What the heck was wrong with that woman?)
Salesman - Ok. Can you come back in an hours?
me - OK.

See I meant to pay for it but he offered to change it for free and threw in a new cover for the phone too. I love Samsung service provided they give me a salesperson who recognises the phone models at least.

He's really quite a sweetie isn't he? But I feel a little bad coz I suspect I had an extremely frustrated look - coz I was late for piano. Came back after class and found a woman yelling at the salesgirl. I felt sorry for her but she really wasn't so with it. Salesman saw me. Went in back and fished phone out. What a relief ... *hugs new phone* the color is not my fav but the old one was really peeling beyond belief. Maybe I'll change the casing a year (back to a gold one) or so from now or get a new Samsung phone. I know everyone adores Nokia but I don't want a phone everyone has for the practical reason you can't id your own phone. And Samsung is really good (I'm not just saying it because of today).

I'm rambling ... back to the advice. Should try to get to manga shop tonite - couldn't last nite and I'm dying for my weekly chat with Johnny and oniichan.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/24/2002 07:23:51 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


I thought it was coz I had starved you for about 30 minutes.

Note to self - when I need to meet people at "x" time, try to aim to arrive at area at x - 30 mins coz the applicable murphy law says that if it takes me y minutes to get from office to venue, at about x - y o'clock, someone will turn up at my cubicle and keep me for 30 minutes with something that could have been settled at least 1 hour earlier. Either that or I will be caught at some case where the judge will drone on and on and on ... Judge was nagging at my opponent today. I was innocent (it's rare but once in a while, I'm not the troublemaker) but I had to sit through 2 hours of scolding too, which on retrospect we both agreed was amusing coz he scolded her like the way you scold your 3 year old niece, with that sweet but unamused voice. For a judge that usually bellows, he sounded like a kindly uncle teaching his 3 year old niece why it was not right to play with matches.

Nevertheless, my bladder was the most innocent victim, as well as my aunt whom I met about 10 minutes later than scheduled for lunch.

Just bugged post office for Mura-chan - the package must pass through Mexico, so there's the possibility it's stuck there at customs (maybe Gojyos are illegal in Mexico). Oh, btw ... I may be in KL next Thurs and Fri so wanna do dinner KL-ites? With any luck, I might even be in Finland the week after, depending on the way the file goes. Sounds tiring but fun - Finland is such a pretty place - wish I could do Norway too ^___^

Heh heh ... I almost want to rub this in the face of the people at my ex-firm who said I would be miserable over here. Almost, but that would be a waste of my life and time. Only thing is my inbox here is always too piled for my liking. But I can live with that as long as life is fruitful and enriching ... blah blah blah and all that.

Hey I just got my confirmation letter. What do ya know, I was confirmed more than 2 months ago ... cheechhh ...

*huggles Eriol who is made of velvet and is soft and squishy and all so cute*

Gojyo - I am not illegal in Mexico *sulks*
Hakkai - There there Gojyo, tea?

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/23/2002 02:02:35 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Had dinner with El.

Was disgustingly late. I am such an idiot at times.

But we had lots of fun going thru El's doujin, sighing about how unfair it was that Gackt was so pretty and basically agreeing Europe has much better architecture than Singapore - so hear us Singaporean architects, prove us wrong ... PLEASE *begs*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/22/2002 12:42:02 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


eriol the sheep cushion

And my little cubicle -

hee hee ...

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/21/2002 10:49:07 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Mura-chan - congrats on your new uhm thingee. Just sent a mail to you, contains details of the postal references for Sept's issue of Zero Sum and the Saiyuki Reload Special. Kee hee ... I'm evil but I'm damn glad Serene reserved books for us right El? El ... can I see the Loveless booklet?

Kim??? Do you want the Saiyuki Reload (normal edition)?

Anyhow people, Kit is totally and completely exhausted *collapses* so projects are on hold (if they weren't already). My first draft affidavit is now 220 pages and guess who needs to now compile documents and check for errors and take client's comments on the same?

And I've got a photo of my desk and Eriol the sheep. If I'm not too tired tonite, I'll try to put those up. I need to catch some sleep before the week's workload catches up with me again.

Had a hard time this weekend with the office ghost. Think it really doesn't like seeing people here on weekends. Then again, KL has the theory that it's an ex-partner ... seems this guy was really nice and always encouraged the associates to go home as early as possible but died of overwork himself - so he probably is trying to scare people home to rest. Hmmm ... It's also the ghost month here in Singapore where people believe the paranormal is most rampant in this month. Anyhow, I'm packing work home for the time being.

EK is absolutely in love with DMS ... hee hee ...

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/19/2002 08:49:28 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

People, Saiyuki Reload Special is out of stock. The normal edition is still around tho' but it comes with a monochrome cover (not colored) and without the booklet on the Q&A with Minekura.

LW is mad with me for not having bought one for her. But I did remind her on Friday evening ... she didn't catch the impact then.

But it's unbelievable. Eline weren't there quite a number of the specials at Liang Court that day? Note to the wise: ALWAYS book books.

Until the next annoucement guys ... toodahlooess ...

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/19/2002 07:42:20 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Hmm ... *checks links*

Ahhh, me sees certain boards are excited about the release of Saiyuki Reload - uhm, good for you. Quote information for all you want, but with all due respect, I do not enjoy reading critique of my blog on such boards. I don't mean to be rude but it's something that doesn't gel well with me. That is a privilege reserved for friends.

El, can I pass the Saiyuki photos to you?

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/19/2002 11:33:55 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

I disagree the formula should be: y = x - (m+c)2/x

BTW photos are out ~ not great coz metering had problems and photo shop did some creative light editing ... grrr ... but still useable.

Will do captions etc. soon.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/19/2002 09:43:04 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Tomorrow's headlines: 2 mad students with Saiyuki figurines taking photos along Singapore river. We got stared at - a lot.

I'm camping in the office overnite to finish work so I'll only get to develop them tomorrow. El, I'll call you when they're ready and hopefully do up the captions - if they come out *keeps fingers crossed*

Anyhow, we got SAIYUKI RELOAD specials. Kino was smart and brought in quite a bit so don't blame me if you can't get enuff. Go grab etc. lots of Zero Sum titles out - including Loveless. Zero Sum's titles are really quite good you know.

Saw the epilogue in the special - laughed a lot. Hmm, if you look at the colored ad for Loveless, in particular the bottom right hand corner where for some reason the 4 Saiyuki guys are plastered ... observe. Now go get hana dori or Meteor Garden to some, compare the way F4 stands and the way Saiyuki guys pose and you realise Ange is a genius - Sanzo stands bored looking away like HZL (albeit a grouchy really short of sleep HZL), Goku stands like DMS, Gojyo has got MZ's come on baby stance and Hakkai does a mean impression of XM.

Really. Go see.

Now back to a long long nite.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/17/2002 08:15:27 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Reins sorry about the rush ... had work plus rushing off for photo shoot in about an hour's. Anyway if I stay with this present firm, I'll be going to KL often enuff so meet another time.

TOo mUCh woRK ... but don't worry, Clow won't run, he's here with me *winks*

Laine, spam all you want ^__^

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/17/2002 04:39:16 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Lots of work tomorrow ... going to wake up early and work on laptop at home, grab a game, pick up my Jap cert before trooping back to office.

Hmmm ... and photo shooting in evening ... yatta!!!

Reins, call me when you're here? Your stuff is ready for collection.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/16/2002 10:48:32 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Ouch ... skinned knees from Wed's game hurting like hell!

Met dad at JP for dinner after catching up with oniichan and pei-si. Oniichan's gf wasn't around tho' ... pity, was getting to know her. Anyhow, ate at balcony again and yakked heart out.

Love folks but I'm going to need some quality brooding time soon. Oh BTW, Lawful Drug 2 etc. is out as is Saiyuki Reload!!! HAHAHAHA and I've fully booked all the specials in Singapore, along with my partner in crime one Dr. Mosquito Nii Jien Yi (hee hee, wh o stays at Prince Edward's hostel ^___^).

Also lawfully shoplifted today. Well actually it was like this. Bought vanilla coke and lady told me it was a special offer day so I was entitled to one free bottle for every bottle bought. Being to lazy to wa lk to the front and requeue, I simply paid for one bottle and on the way out, shoplifted my free bottle. Got stared at by all the customers at the front of the shop who didn't know the truth of the matter ...

Dad was jokingly teasing I'll be one of tho se infamous overworked-and-thus-not-intending-to-shoplift-but-shoplifted-some-pathetic-item-anyway-and-got-disbarred lawyers soon.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/16/2002 10:46:31 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

I hope Prague is alright.

Both the people as well as the country's priceless architectural treasures. My mum told me last nite there is a risk that Charles' Bridge may collapse. I really hope not. I love that bridge and god forbid that the bridge who has withstood invaders and tourists go down like that.

Man I am seriously pooped. Have the ineviable task of telling Drew on his first day back after hols that the file is a little behind *gulp*. Have a damn long to-do list too. Fortunately, clients are quite happy with what we've thrown them over the weekend so I get the weekend to work on those hideous thick affidavits subject to frantically saving Drew's file - oh joy oh joy. But the photo shoot is STILL ON!!!

Had a minor heart attack just now. Finish running around like a mad monkey this morning and was talking a 5 minute chat with secretaries. Scotted back to my chair and was slumping in it the same way me Clow-honey does, happily put on me earphones and was plugging away at yet another interesting story of contractors who refuse to pay up when AC runs over and starts shaking my chair like MAD!!!

YIKES!!! I hollered ... he ran off back into his cubicle grining all so innocently!


Once I can finish my files that is ...

>_<;; I miss my 888 lifetimes crew - I'm meeting Nii tomorrow but has member no. one settled in N Caroline yet? Hmm, is member no. three aka the purple streaked one still in mediation??? Oh Nii-san, I think Ange makes a good Gojyo while Mura makes a good Kanzeon. *ducks tomatoes from Ange and Mura* Ehhh, so which character should I play huh (said with ultra Singaporean lian accent)? Hmm ...

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/16/2002 06:25:09 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Damn. Does anyone have 2 to 3 barbie dolls to lend 2 crazy fangurls in Singapore?

Need them by tomorrow. Heck, even 1 doll is good.

Email kit_mangaisgreat@yahoo.com if able and willing to help.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/16/2002 07:14:02 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Thank you for your compliments but me thinks you can beat me anyday with one hand tied behind your back Kurot-san.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/15/2002 12:16:29 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


AC just ran over and poked me in the ribs *evil grin, crack knuckles* THIS MEANS REVENGE!!!

Oh, and one of the senior partners asked me to confess yesterday "admit it, it's rat poison in those chocolates right??? It's part of your scheme to reduce world population right???"

Then we all got distracted by YL putting on a rude T-shirt. The worse thing? He was explaining to a fellow-partner's kid what the T-shirt meant. Hee hee ... then there was this silly car that nearly whamed into another while ... PARKING. My boss turned to me and said "he couldn't have chosen a worse group of witnesses could he?"

I'm having wayyyyy too much fun *looks at undone work and sweatdrops*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/15/2002 08:24:02 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

We played hardcourt soccer and basketball yesterday.

Yes, all of us, associates, seniors and partners. It was really amusing as everyone was sooo competitve but it was fun. I even managed to score about 2 goals. Although I wasn't too pleased about the call on my second score - it deflected off the legs of the defender and as a result it was a half point. *pouts*

I don't see why it should have been so. Can't I take into account legs and position of people to deflect ball off into goal???

But heck it was fun. Got 2 of the partners hooked onto basketball so now they're saying they want a tournment for that soon.

It's a boy's club here but me am loving every moment of it. Everyone then trooped off to the hawker centre for dinner - quite funny to see all these high flying lawyers are really down to earth at heart. Won't see partners in sweaty soccer t-shirts eating with associates at hawker's centre in most firms.

Trooped home with another associate and a secretary - everyone else stayed near that community centre they booked - now why am I not surprised???

Dragged butt in at 6:30 this morning ... finished some work but still a lot UGHHH!!!

~ kitten, lots of work but loving this place ^__^
*off for some breakfast*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/15/2002 07:35:04 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


WHAT??? More files???

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/14/2002 11:10:24 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


To the person looking for "s'pore flag 2002" please note, my country like most normal countries do not change their flags on a yearly basis.

Thank you.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/13/2002 06:11:59 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

family day at hyde park and green park - guess who's the one reading the newspaper? oh gosh, cl ow as integra now? honeymoon

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/13/2002 01:09:29 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


And now I shall take time off and repent of my sins.

Too da loohhsss ... until the bug to blog strikes again. Anyone who needs to talk knows how to reach me pronto pronto.

~ 3 shots of expresso in an hour followed by 2 cups of coke, I really know how to damage my liver. And a bottle of gin is calling out my name.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/12/2002 07:26:57 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Clow - *looks panicked*
Hakkai - Hey Clow-san, why do you look so worried?

Clow - *points to 3 empty expresso shot cups*
Hakkai - Aiiieee ... within what time span?
Clow - The last hour?
Hakkai - 3 shots of expresso within the hour? This is a disaster.
Clow - *nods* Kitten has gone stark crazy. She also left that behind *points at paper bag stuffed with something and a note "DO NOT OPEN" lying on top of her cubicle*

Hakkai - *already on phone* Hello, travel agency? What's the next flight out of the country?

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/12/2002 05:09:38 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

No one's trying to slander anyone.

They have their vested interest in the matter but it's just that as a matter of logic I can't understand why it has to be so dirty? Both countries are different, each with its own weakness and strengths. I'm not saying this just to be politically correct but each has its strong points as well as its weak ones. I just don't like the fact comments are made on my country's internal policies. You may comment on external policies but it doesn't make sense to comment on domestic issues.

That's all.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/12/2002 12:51:37 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Um.. if you guys wanna comment and slander said country, GO AHEAD. I never was that patriotic (only on National Day). All I can say is thank god I'm not a Johorean because those ppl really say nasty stuff about your island.

But seriously, what a country do in its own territory is realy no-one's business but it's own. The idiotic politicians that made them nasty comments.... well, with politicians like those running the country... no wonder our economy is like shit. Yeah. Just know that they're probably doing it because they don't want to lose the water contract you have with the mainland. We're like an over-bearing mother that doesn't want the apron strings cut, even though it is most apparent that the offspring CAN survive on its own and has better looks and publicity.

All and all, it comes down to one thing..... JEALOUSY.

Gah, i seriously wonder why the people here are allowed to run this place when they are doing a very very bad job. Don't hate me for saying so but I think it's true. You have them in Singapore too but they're SMARTER over there. It must be the water here.... retards the brains. See? Use new water!

reins-chan and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/12/2002 12:47:16 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Clow - Kitten can't concentrate today can she?
Kit - *plays with blog while working on affidavit*


In my place, in my place
Were lines I couldn’t change
And I was lost oh yeah

I was lost, I was lost
Coz lines I shouldn’t have crossed
I was lost oh yeah

Yeah .. how long must you wait for
Yeah how long must you wait for him
How long must you wait for him x2 yeah …

I was scared, I was scared
Tired and unprepared
But I wait for y’

If you go, if you go
And leave me down here on my own
Then I’ll wait for you

Yeah .. how long must you wait for
Yeah how long must you wait for him
How long must you wait for him x2 yeah …

Singing please, please, please
Come back and sing to me ,to me
Come on and sing it out now, now, now
Come on and sing it out to me, to me
Come back and sing it

In my place, in my place
Were lines I couldn’t change
And I was lost oh yeah

Oh yeah …


PS: I heard this song briefly and typed the lyrics as best I could ... uhm I know I'm dumb but what's the name of the song?

Going for lunch with Ed and BSS!!! Yipeee ...

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/12/2002 12:44:24 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Ah, I believe (and correct me if I'm wrong) the new water system was recently unveiled say late July 2002?

El, if I don't remember wrongly, they're going to add some of the more "natural" water from our reservoirs to the new water so it'll have a bit more minerals (distilled water having none of that) so you'll still get a bit of chlorine. But seriously our water treatment people are quite good with the control of chlorine in our water system. I've always drunk unfiltered tap water and nonetheworse for it (for the avoidance of doubt, my insanity was caused by me falling out of bed as a 1 year old).

Think it's a good idea guys? Go moot the idea to your government ... if you think about it, it's a good solution for water-strapped countries. The question of course is one of how cost-effective one can make it.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/12/2002 11:35:25 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

What is new water? Well, it's a process whereby water scarce countries distill their used water instead of discharging it into the sea.

I've drunk some. It tastes like distilled water coz that is what it is. The last post was coz I felt the fact someone gloated we were drinking waste was totally uncalled for. The fact the taxi drivers in that country happily gloated about it in my face when I was in that country the last time it is one thing, for a politician to announce on national air that he should warn his countrymen that coffee in Singapore is made of waste water is really rude.

But other than that, no personal affront intended. I don't even hate that country but surely how can Singapore be in the wrong for taking steps to protect its own interest?

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/12/2002 10:07:26 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


This is not meant to be an insult to anyone, but why should any foreign country have any right to comment adversely against my country's decision to use new-water?

Is it really anybody's business but Singaporeans?

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/11/2002 07:02:51 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

my desktop at present

Lots of work undone but must meet friends for dinner. Already twang family for tea today *looks guiltly* am ... like 1 hour late. Sigh, so much still undone ... will probably come in early tomorrow.

*drags carcass home*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/11/2002 06:46:46 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

I really shouldn't be doing this but her take on "Mary Sues" was too inspirational (remove the words in square brackets for a true Mary Sue story):


As she entered the room, Sanzo couldn't help but stare. He had never seen the likes of her before.

[Of course, since when was it one saw a girl whose face could make flowers wilt ... by her sheer ugliness?]

He blushed a shade of red. [To hell with his vows, he would kill the author for doing this to him, veins were already starting to pop on his babyskin smooth face.

Author - HAhahaha ...

Anyway, back to the story.] As she held him in her embrace, Sanzo couldn't help but bare the truth to her. [Like he wanted her to get off glomping him failing which he would shoot her - if he could reach for his gun while in her bear hug that is. He swore he had never seen arms as thick as tree trunks. Her cheap perfume was also making him tear.] Goku watched ashen faced as he saw Sanzo cry. *insert cheesy fangurlish awwwsss*

[Yep, ashen faced at the sight of a girl twice the size of an elephant reaching out towards him.] Goku dropped his donut and decided that he would watch his diet for her if not anything else. [Afterall, he wouldn't want to look like her would he.] Daijoubu, arigato and all that [... he screeched as he jumped out of her way. How she could grab at the others even while she pinned Sanzo down was a mystery ...] Goku wondered if they should have called Kougaiji - this girl was definitely something out of this world. Somewhere in Tenjuku, the youkai prince shivered [but decided it was probably the ice-cream he was snacking on then.]

Within 3 seconds of their meeting, Gojyo decided he was a reformed playboy [or at least when she turned to him and asked him if he was still playing the field. Lie, his instincts screamed and so he did.] And thus our Mary Sue had fulfilled almost 3 of the most impossible items on every fangurl's list - (1) reformed Gojyo; (2) taught Goku the importance of a healthy diet; (3) and reduced Sanzo to tears and a heart baring talk. She turned to the last member, Cho Hakkai and smiled [showing a mouth full of blackened teeth].

At which point, Hakkai decided. He had to do something.

[With a powerful blast of chii, he sent our lovely "Mary Sue" into orbit, seconds before her grubby fingers got to him. "Good riddance to bad rubbish," commented Hakkai as he picked a flattented Sanzo off the floor.

Author's voice - "She succeeded you know."

"What?" commented an irked Hakkai.

"The 4th most impossible task. She wiped the smile off your face."

"Yes she did." replied Hakkai nonchantly. "So you will get off our backs and go torture someone else, I'll even throw in a pyschotic scene of me ripping a barbie doll and disposing of the disembowled dollie in a toilet bowl."

"Uhm, no need. Budget's tight. We need the barbie dolls for the next story."]

Hakkai smiled, on his face flashed a rare but truly contented beam [as he watched the evil author sign off her laptop.]

And so our story ends. Except that "Mary Sue" had somehow now planted herself in X-universe.

Fuuma furrowed his brow in deep thought as he pondered his future with her. [He would kill this freak of nature, the author and one Cho Hakkai. As soon as he could get out of her bear hug that is ... hell, he would rather agree to marry a girl-next-door, pay his taxes and be a good boy ... anything to get out of her arms. In the meanwhile, he was counting the number of ways he would relish torturing the 3 of them.] The thought put a wry smile on his face. Around him, the dragons of earth gasped [as they scrambled to get out of her reach.] And the world thanked our Mary Sue for [inadvertently] saving the world's kekkais from further destruction *insert adoring sighs from fangurls* as our Mary Sue planted a kiss on Fuuma's forehead.

Fuuma slept quietly in her arms as he had never done since realising he was Kamui's twin-star. [Well, passed out in horror with foam frothing from his mouth was probably a more accurate description, but we'll leave that for later won't we?]

owari ~ Stay tunned as our [way overweight and un-]lovely Mary Sue brings about love and all that to X-universe in our next episode.

Amazing what overwork and musty law reports do to you.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/11/2002 03:42:33 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Had dinner on Friday with El and Ange and Ange's sister.

Ange, I know we did major editing but I still don't think it was edited enuff tho' ... good gosh, we inevitably end up with conversations that result in a clear lack of people within a 2m radius don't we? But me got me Lonely Planet for Aus so quite happy. Did wish Saiyuki Reload was released earlier. Oh, have you guys fixed your compy yet? Serene's broke down too. Got a computer doctor to recommend to her?

For the benefit of those who were not unfortunate enuff to be around us that nite, we told lots of jokes - in fact lots of science student jokes at El's expense *ducks tomatoes*. Surprisingly not so much manga talk ... did my impersonations of the Meteor Garden F4s instead. Wasn't too good but we had fun laughing over them ... especially the HZL impersonation no? Then had fun going thru Hakkai and Gojyo fanart stored in little Kuroi-san here at Starbucks *pats laptop*. Night of madness no less.

And yes, I think food is "cute". Really I do *avoid's Ange's disbelieving looks* Have a safe trip Ange. Keep in touch and have fun. We'll let you have the sneak preview of El's and my project concerning two little "dollies"???

Hakkai and Gojyo: *sweatdrop*
Barbie dolls: *giggle*

So, the rest of you intrigued yet? Anyhow, I so do want a Umeda-sensei doll *sulks* ahhhhh .... back to work. KL is in so I don't feel so abandoned. Was sick whole of yesterday so am one day behind on an extremely tight schedule. Not to mention I couldn't wake up until just so that's half of today gone too.

I'm so dead.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/11/2002 01:35:33 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Heh heh ... you're pretty accurate on that Reins.

Lunch was good despite my earlier rants. Then again everyone was too busy catching up to recall that barely an hour ago no one wanted to turn up. Idiots. I love them but I would hit them with one of Clow's frying pans if I could. What is life if you don't spend it with the ones you love and care about? It's like our friend's first day as a married man, I mean the least we can do as friends is wish him well. All too lazy and tired to move and then in the end, don't want to leave also ... pah! Meeting friends almost every lunch and dinner for the next few days. Work is a necessary evil but it shouldn't run your life.

Maybe I won't win "model worker award for the year" but do I want to? *makes a face* ... being ultra bitchy recently *kicks self*

Yeah, new Qoo peach ... don't beat it till you try it. I actually like the apple flavor you know. I'd too much coke this afternoon.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/9/2002 04:15:14 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Ha haha ... uhm.

Rats, it's 3 hours before I'm due to meet El and Ange. El ... I may be in a somewhat respected profession but I'm far from the usual stuffy solicitor (or so I hope) - your folks might have a fit if they ever see me.

How many lawyers do you know go to work in slippers?

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/9/2002 04:07:10 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Aiyo... don't be so cynical. Know that I'm loyal to you... and I can vouch for Mask too. And maybe Zhin ^0^

reins-chan and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/9/2002 12:06:36 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Tired but alive. Just got off a ballistic round on the phone when friends asked to cancel lunch. Am swamped but went thru a lot of trouble to find everyone and book the place. Just coz one cancelled, the other 8 wanted to ... pah!!! Should apologise later (told them that I would never speak to them again if they didn't get their f*cking sorry ass*s to the restuarant as scheduled so it's still on), was more sacarstic than necessary. On the other hand, spoke to Bel before that so looking forward to visiting her in Sydney... miss my best friend ^ ^;;

*huggles Eriol the sheep* Technically I'm dying at work too. Why I can make time for friends when people like the cancell-ee cannot (he's a good friend but this aspect of him irritates me to death) is beyond me. How often do we meet up since graduation? And it's his best friend's wedding lunch no less (I love J too but if we get bitchy, his best friend is cancell-ee A not me). This leads me to conclude that either I'm too "free" (which I doubt) or A like most people doesn't give a damn about friends.

I'm being too self righteous here and I'll probably feel unjustified about this comment later but I have the nagging feeling I love people more than they love me. I know the crap about love and friendship being unconditional but with the exception of my mum, dad, aunt and gran (no the one I live with and not the one who's really sick now) I always feel that I'm always been "cheated". No, I won't get depressed. Am decided, the least I can do for my family is to love them more than I do now but I'm starting to feel very cynical about people, not that I expected too much - humans rank lower in the loyalty ladder than a dog.

"He never trusted men for he knew what was in their hearts but he never despaired."

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/9/2002 11:22:45 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Happy 37th Birthday Singapore.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/9/2002 12:21:37 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Reins, Masako, Bertie is going into Malaysia for a hearing 2 weeks from now. He owes me big time so I'm going to ask him to smuggle manga and Qoo for you guys (but not too much lah). Orders? Can you guys pick it up from the Ascott when he gets there?


You're right. It may be uptight but it's home.

And in the words of Kit Chan's (the singer) song - "home is where the heart is". There are lots of things that could do with improvement and I bitch like hell about how inconsiderate my countrymen can sometimes be but this is home.

Happy National Day one day in advance Singapore.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/8/2002 11:52:42 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Hee hee ...

Grandma 5 Doctors 0

Have I mentioned how much I adore her fighting spirit. I hope she gets up soon. I miss my cranky old gran.

Alucard and Integra just took part in Family Day at Green Park and I have the pictures to prove it. Integra's reading the papers while Alucard is carrying a little girl who looks like a younger version of Integra at 7.

Kit - *nudges Walter* So much so for taking care of Integra. How come you never told us about it.
Walter - O_O;; eehhh???

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/8/2002 11:45:27 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Inu-chan criminal law is at the best of times waffly. While it is true that it is generally assumed that assault should not happen in sporting events, if an intention to deliberate injure is proven, I don't believe the exception continues to apply. BTW, within certain limits, the duty of care in sports is somewhat "lighter' than in normal case events so technically law student 1 is "safe".

But seriously, just get the case list and hit the cases directly, it's more effective (use textbooks only to aid you along - in the words of X files: TRUST NO ONE except the law reports). I generally don't pay attention much in class unless the tutor is inspiring enuff and knows his stuff enuff so you can start asking him all those more detailed questions you thought about while reading the cases yourself (altho being so lazy, I never started working on anything until just before the exam so with the exception of conflicts this is a non-starter). Sometimes tutors make the subject much harder than it actually is. Point being? The 2 people in my class who didn't pay attention in lectures or tutorials for revenue law but went off to study by themselves instead got an "A" and a "B". Everyone else who did got a "C". I rest my case.

I still don't believe Mike. An "A" in revenue .... but he's a tax consultant now. From what I hear, good hours good pay ... I would have done that too but for the fact I won't get to go to court or arbitration anymore.

Choices ...

Will be camping here for the next 4 days. Wish me luck. El and Ange, call me before you meet up for dinner OK?

Janster, congrats on your ROM today!!! My good friend is getting married. We're having a lunch for him and his bride tomorrow ... I'm so going to look like hell.

Inu-chan, you caught part II? *egoistically points to yesterday's post*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/8/2002 08:31:57 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Well I know there is at least one lawyer turned DJ inu-chan and he's damn funny. Most lawyer have a dry humour from practice so that's a start. Still owe you that article on sexual offences (El too).

Had dinner with El yesterday after meeting up with Serene. I see El's blogged - that means the chocolates are safe. One of my colleagues got her scarf caught in the printer after my chocolates - I thought there was something in it *sweatdrops* but yeah, managed to free her. See you and Ange on Fri evening. Why don't you call me half an hour before you are due to meet. Chances are I'll be in the office, national day or not so I could take the mert down to meet you guys.

El, I still think that Angmoh yesterday at Starbucks was weird. For the benefit of all of you, I needed a shot after dinner so we went to Starbucks. Starbucks always has one set of poser seats and as the cushions looked really comfy so we plonked ourselves down and started yakking. Weirdo was staring at us, in particular El the whole time ... whacked I say. And it wasn't the kind of "you're cute" stare. It was more like "will you be quiet" kinda stare which is strange coz if you choose to sit near the poser seats and in Starbucks, you most definitely won't get quiet.

Yes, it's so true and I tell you El, we have to thank Serene nicely after all this - Saiyuki Reload Special is coming next week and the specials have almost all been bought up by Mura, El, Ange and me. *ducks tomatoes* Loveless is coming too and El and Serene are happy, I would wait for the translations. Don't adore that series so much I want it both in Japanese and Chinese. Speaking of manga, need to catelogue.

Well little or no more specials ... too bad *runs away laughing evilly* Nah, I'm sure they're bring more but the special is good coz it'll come with a little pictorial book while the "normal" one doesn't. Crack customer in Costa Rica salivating yet? BTW Kino's taking orders for calendars. We're looking at X (S$45.50), Fruit Basket (S$21), Yami no Matsuei (S$28), Rave (S$46), Get Backers (S$55), Samurai Depper Kyo (S$46), Chobits (S$57), Ah My Gooddess (S$46), Gundam (S$32), Beck (S$35), Vagabond (S$46), etc. etc. *rubs hand in glee*

Hahaha this is funny. What they're not satisfied with fans above the age of 13 they now want the kiddies base too? El, we so have to do our Hakkai and Gojyo tour of Singapore film. Yes ... we're up to something ^___~

Well, back to work. Had breakfast with aunt and uncle by river before trooping off to court where I kept meeting friends. Between a short passage of 40m, I met more than 20 people I knew *grins* - In the words of LW, it's a sign I've been in this too long already.

Nah, my work is hectic but I love it and there's always Clow sama to keep company with *huggles magician happily* Oh, finished part II to the hellsing fic - it's going to be up at http://members.tripod.com/insomniac_od/hellsing2.html as soon as I can log in into tripod. Drafting odd short stories seems to be damn easy especially when there is more important work one should be attending to instead.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/7/2002 10:22:31 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


I most certainly do not sound like an angmoh. Masako, Lin and Zhin can be the judges of that.

Clow does. He's half angmoh.

Unrelated but necessary for me: Damn it, that was my favorite shirt.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/6/2002 05:36:16 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

You as a DJ? Gone la... ppl will be hearing this strange boston-like accent on the radio and think some gwailo is at the mike. XDDDDD

reins-chan and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/6/2002 05:01:50 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

These guys are good - The Power Breakfast Club. Hmmm, Reins, do you think I could get a job as DJ? *ducks rotten tomatoes thrown by outraged members of public* But between me and my fellow Singaporeans, I still miss the days when it was Joe and the Flying Dutchman. Denise and Ham are great DJs so don't get me wrong, but J and FD were quite an act. Anyway speaking of J and FD, me am meeting high school friends over the national day weekend so must rush and finish work - we used to adore their show to the extent of smuggling walkmans to school - or at least I did and despite multiple warnings by the prefects, none of them "booked" me for it ^___^

Real life joke of the day when me and my high school friends met a celebrity helping out at his daughter's funfair at our old high school as a DJ.

Celebrity - *yak yak* Ohh I've just got fishballs from class 3-B. Not bad for a day's work right since I get balls? *laughs - but it actually took some people a second or two to get it*
kit - *evil grin whispers to Mush and runs off* You're going to like this girls. *buys something and thrusts package to Celebrity at DJ stand*
Celebrity - More food? Oooh, note *reads and bursts out laughing* This is rich people. The note reads "what are balls without tarts?" *laughs manically*

In the meanwhile, some people are laughing while others look a little stunned. Along with my classmates, we strut out of the school dramatically and we're smiling as we exit aka uhm, for the lack of a better description - F4 style (I kid you not). My ex-teachers smile knowingly and slightly disapprovingly (I still remember them telling us that the medicine class had a tradition of being quiet and studious until our class - well actually half of it. There were 7 main perpetuators and we infected almost the whole class tee hee. My sis was pretty pissed when our parents registered her for the same high school after I graduated. While other younger siblings live in the shadow of their overachieving siblings, she used to have to hear stories about what a terror I was - I don't see why she's complaining, most of our common teachers adore her while they think I'm a brat). When we reach the carpark, we burst out laughing. My ex-monitor strangles me for being a brat again (she was distracted long enough for me to pull stunt). Hee hee, she had hell trying to keep me under control in high school including not sleeping with my feet on the table during class. The worst was when I created a minor explosion in biology class, scaring the teacher like nuts. They never caught me so shhhh ...

I miss school days and terrorising teachers and staff alike. Enuff horror stories to make even my cousins finch ~__^

Voice message is lighted up, let's check - "Hhmm, kit just to let you know, chocolating is a hard business so don't consider giving up practice. But you can bring more for the office ok?" *LOL*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/6/2002 10:35:24 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

baaaa! *collapses and dies*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/6/2002 10:05:00 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Thanks Reins and your Integra pics are lovely. The Alucard pic is a little messed up as the hair is a little odd. But Alucard is cute neh. Got the DVD and planning to watch over weekend if possible. Want MORE Integra *glomp*

I need to get a new compy or some nice new software for kuroi-san here. Silly fellow runs on win2000 so my old art programmes aren't compatible plus scanning on the imac tends to result in pictures of really large size *sulks*. Boss is back. Had a fun chat until mobile rang, scaring me to death ... dashed back to my cubicle but not in time. Panicked and called home - gran is fine, they just moved her to another ward. Hee hee ... making chocolates tonite for Serene as meeting her tomorrow. Ange, El - Daimaru tomorrow evening?

AHhhhhhh ... announcement:
Kino will be having 20% off storewide 8 to 10 August 2002. Go grab people!!! No need for coupons!!!

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/5/2002 03:21:22 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

hey-ho.. Have posted the Integra scans on my blog. Check them out XD Ho, also got yer LH6 just now. Am happy.

Looking back on yer twisted tales of hospital care in S'pore... can I ask whether the establishment that you went to was a government or a private held one? I've seen incompetence in the hospital before (look at where I work) but I don't think private hospitals are that incompetent :P But then again, I have this belief that all doctors are just dumb. (When you work with them for a few years, you get to notice how stupid they really are...)

Interesting lawyer story *points below*

Yeah, bitter/ sour drinks were used as a symbols for adulthood in FLCL. I seriously think that can be used for my own life.. *sighs* Well, it's up to yourself if you want believe such things. But I am a kid! I happily admit so! But I ain't no spring chicken... that I know..

Hey, did you know that I found this shop that sells Qoo merchandise here? Not the drink, tho (DAMN!) but the merchandise like pillows and bags... heheheh! I wanna that blue Qoo mascot plushie! Hahaha, plus I nearly bought a Qoo phone strap for my handphone.... -_-

reins-chan and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/5/2002 02:59:45 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

"A Charlotte, NC lawyer purchased a box of two dozen very rare and expensive cigars, then insured them against fire among other things. Within a month, having smoked his entire stockpile of these great cigars, and without yet having made even his first premium payment on policy, the lawyer filed a claim against the insurance company. In his claim, the lawyer stated the cigars were lost "in a series of small fires." The insurance company refused to pay, citing the obvious reason: that the man had consumed the cigars in the normal fashion.

The lawyer sued....and won! In delivering the ruling the judge agreed with the insurance company that the claim was frivolous, but stated nevertheless, that the lawyer held a policy from the company in which it had warranted that the cigars were insurable and also guaranteed that it would insure them against fire, without defining what is considered to be "unacceptable fire," and was obligated to pay the claim. Rather than endure a lengthy and costly appeal process, the insurance company accepted the ruling and paid $15,000.00 to the lawyer for his loss of the rare cigars lost in the "fires."

NOW FOR THE BEST PART. After the lawyer cashed the check, the insurance company had him arrested on 24 counts of ARSON. With his own insurance claim and testimony from the previous case being used against him, the lawyer was convicted of intentionally burning his insured property and he was sentenced to 24 months in jail and ordered to pay a $24,000 fine. (This is a true story and was the 1st place winner in the recent Criminal Lawyers Award Contest.)"

~ DUH ~

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/5/2002 12:48:34 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

*eyes pop out* - GORGEOUS!!! And your layout is kawaii ne!

Rein's fanart of Clow - thanks woman. Zhin thank you in advance.
Alucard's profile
Integra in sari

Clow's shrine has been updated ^__^ anyone know what html to whack so I can control the size of the new window the link opens in without using pop ups or frames?


Personal rants (bit*hing time):

Rather tired. Exhausted is the word. Planned to work on Sunday coz Saturday was spent. Got a call gran was critical so we rushed down. The doctors at /that/ hospital are so *ugh insert all the foul words you want*.

Need to rant. I'm being a little less charitable than usual but this hospital irritates me to death! For one, I believe that if you want to be a doctor, you have to have a certain amount of competency and a certain amount of interest in your work. If you're there for the money, at least fake interest coz you're getting paid.

Let's put it this way. Asking a patient's relative to get the patient to sign her admission form when she's in a coma is downright stupid but I'm not miffed. Asking me "how" when I tell you she's in a coma tempts me to hit you on the head with your file.

Asking me to help get her thumbprint coz you're busy is understandable. Shoving me the ink pad and just pointing me in the direction of my gran without a "please" is NOT. And when they picked up a patient's slipper after it had dropped off and dumped it on her bed beside her instead of in the tray attached to the underside of the bed I remarked loudly to my mother "at least they're fair. They're bent on giving everyone bad service, not just us."

*grits teeth* And then get this. They gave us the wrong ward number and bed number. Basically, bed 36 does not exist in ward 13B. There is a bed in ward 13C coz beds 31 to 40 are situated there. We realised the mistake when we got there and decided to check with ward 13C. When the assistant nurse told me that my gran wasn't at bed 36 and asked me to go off, she got it good. No I didn't yell and I didn't resort to physical or verbal violence, that would have entitled the hospital to evict me - so I bent the rules, no one said anything about dirty looks - the assistant nurse went crying to her senior who at least had the responsibility and sense to call up admission but what cheesed me off was it took admission 15 minutes to accept that bed 36 DOES NOT EXIST in ward 13B!!! Whole bunch of *insert foul words*!!!

Finally we got to ward 13B. The nurses there were either (a) smarter or (b) got wind of me stomping on the warpath. They managed to get everything done altho I did minus points off the doctor for trotting off without checking if the patient's relatives wanted to clarify anything - especially since in her words "it's a matter of time, be prepared." DUH! If the patient is in such bad condition, won't you ask before you leave whether the relatives are around so you can tell them. B*tch was just going to leave like that? Fortunately nurses had the sense to call her back. Ended off quite funny tho'. The nurse took down my gran's particulars as pensioner and her next question was "so is she retired?" I burst out laughing and tried to hide it as a cough. This nurse was rather nice so I didn't want to be too mean ... but she saw the funny side of it too and smiled. Okay, I'm inherently mean.

Anyway we threatened the doctor in no uncertain terms that if they gave her the wrong feed again. She's diabetic and they gave her the wrong feed the last time which General corrected. Bloody wrong feed was giving her sores. Her bedsores are especially bad now no thanks to this hospital. Mum doesn't want to make trouble. I want to sue, report to medical council and report to whatever international body of hospitals I can find. It's not settlement it's putting things right. Can you imagine? The last time we came, we found that the batch of saline drips being used were defective and when I pointed out to the doctor that my gran's drip which he had changed 3 times was wonky, he said "yes. This batch seems to be problematic."

If murder was not illegal or if I could have pulled off extreme provocation justifying acquittal, I would have shoved his head into the toilet bowl and flushed till he got a new set of brains. We're talking about lives here, not luxury items. If the blo*dy set is defective, get a new set. It's not like, chheeh this latest set of pillows are not as fluffy as the last but still can be used.

I know enuff medicine to get freaked out but not enuff to be able to threaten. Will go buy some books and study. Swamped but I'm going to have to make time.

Point of story, don't ever send your loved ones to a certain hospital located near an MRT station underneath a shopping centre. Singaporeans should know which hospital I'm talking about. I can't understand how PC could have worked there - of course he's out of there now. The whole hospital is so scr*wed up - one or two people with brains exist but that's one or two in the legions of idiots that work there. Unfortunately, the home my gran is at likes to send patients to /that/ hospital as it is the nearest around. UGH!!!

I really much prefer the service at General, Alexandra, Mt E, Glen, Mt Al, Thompson, NUH. *shakes head* Now that I've bitched enuff, I do hope things turn out best for gran. Wasted a lot of time already *looks at files and sighs*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/5/2002 10:27:41 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Last nite's department party was scary initially. Only LA ... all partners and their spouses and kids ... ugh!!! Didn't help I didn't know anyone really. SMSed Leareth, Masako and Reins for help, well actually to while away time. Then KL and KR appeared ... phew ... kids were quite fun altho one of them was momentarily upset with me for not preparing milk chocolates. Must remember the next time if I ever get invited again.

Just realised with the exception of KR and me, all were Malaysian ... lots of funny growing up stories from them. I shall not repeat the stories as they are too personal and some (most) bother on the downright rascist. I'm used to swearing and bullsh*t at LA parties but this partner's get together was so full of swearing and crap that I actually had fun (old firm's department parties were so dreadfully stiff).

We laughed non-stop last nite from about 8 to 11. One of the partner's had cooked. Yum!

Eline, dinner Monday? Could meet you guys at about 7:30 since am working /early/ on Tues morning. And Mura-chan, that IS scary. Sorry guys, social blogging later. Got to finish files brought home and go back to office for more.

Don't worry, I'm swamped as hell but as those who know me at least since 1999, I'm at least enjoying my work ... painful as it gets at times. I was so miserable at my old place coz they were so stiff that they were sucking the joy outta work.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/4/2002 02:10:22 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Ahh, someone is searching my blog for Spirited Away anime. Well, it's out in Singapore - out as in released and out as in out of stock. Place your reservations people, I've done so.

And I've got the Hellsing DVD *winks*

Well the last post. Uhm, anime house and Karekano are not really closing down. Their lease on the premises expires in 3 months and they are going to move. Anime House may or may not reopen for a while, depending on whether they can get a new place. KK will move and will email anime house members when they get their new place.

So, you're dependent on me for info *evil laugh* I have power over your puny little anime addicted lives!!! Well, unless you're a member too ... but until then ... MAHWHAHAHAHAH ... huh?

*gets dragged off by a very embarassed Clow Read*

Working late next few nites ... shucks, but at least I got some sleep at last this morning ^ ^;;

~ Uhm Merill, hope your gran gets better. It's generally heartbreaking to watch one's grandparent in less than the pink of health. Good luck to us both.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/3/2002 04:10:54 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Lots of manga at manga shop *huggles oniichan and donald* And all for me *grins*. For one, fruit basket 9 is out as well as Pretear 4.

Reins, got Neon E 6 for you. How many copies again to confirm? 2 or 3?

Woke up late ^ ^;; going to be in deep sh*t since I wanted to work before piano class but won't be doing so until after class today. Going to have to cut a few friends off today and there's still the dinner tonite. It's a partners' dinner with a few associates being invited. I like the partner that asked me to go but it's kinda nervous still. Bringing chocolates coz being Asian, still feel bad about turning up without a gift or something.



"Dear all,

Anime House is having a closing down sale. For every $100 spent, you will get to choose one DVD disc free. Every $200 spent, 3 disc free and every $300 spent, 4 disc free.

Latest titles available.


Cardcaptor Sakura TV Series Part II (Anime-Tech)

Spirit of Wonder, Hoshi no Koe, Fushigi Yuugi Latest OVA, Sakura Wars the Movie, I My Me Strawberry Eggs, Puni Puni Poemi??, Dunbine OVA, Marmelade Boy, Najica, Hellsing, etc...

Do come down and check it out. Thanks!"


Closing Down? NOOOOooooo ...

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/3/2002 10:34:50 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Drinking sour or bitter things means you're a grown up?

I love black coffee, no sugar or milk. I don't think I'm grown up. It's all in the mentality really but if a person forces himself to drink coffee when he hates it, just so he looks grown up, I seriously have to question if the person is grown up.

I think children are more grown up. They get more childish as they get older and wham, they're adults.

That being said I think I better concentrate so I can leave earlier. My cubicle looks like hell was here. Reins, scan your Integra scan. I've got Alucard scans dying to meet your Integra scan - Me am an AxI supporter!!! In this respect I so disagree with Zhin :P

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/2/2002 05:50:31 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

The secretaries are angels. They've got their quirks but they're angels.

I really don't like whinning so I'll stop. I hate it when I whine.

It's so ... sissy.

Clow - There there kitty *huggles kitten*
Kit - *falls asleep contentedly*

Met partner from old firm today and started trading ghost stories about old firm's building. To contact him next month to start concurrent grisly story. CT hired me back then for pupillage. Everyone else was terrified of him as well as Wong's boss back then but I used to joke around with these 2 pretty much. I think some of the senior partners really do have a sense of humour. Slammed someone's door by mistake today tho' ... I sure hope to the sky that Q has a sense of humour or realises I look as fresh as a zombie or ghoul.

Integra sama *glomp*
Clow - *drags kitten back* Uhm ... you're a woman O_o;;
Integra - *calmly hits Clow on head and holds fencer to his throat* Yes. Is there a problem?
Kit - Maii mai ... tea time *drags Clow, Integra and unsuspecting Hakkai off*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/2/2002 05:32:02 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Very very tired.

My bosses do realise they've overloaded me. Apparently my friend's story about them sitting around together at the last department lunch and realising they've overpiled watashi is true. Unfortunately, none is letting go at the moment. Very shorthanded I know but maybe they could overload everyone slightly so I won't be soo overloaded? So tired today I just sat on the floor and refused to get up. In my view, if everyone gets more work and everyone goes off at 12, tis better than me going off at 1 and coming in at 6.

Waiting for 6. Will go home earlier and come in at some scary hour tomorrow. Brain dead. The standard joke between me and Bel-ster, I give up. I'm just going to marry someone and be a housewife. Ahhahahha ... if anyone is stupid enuff to ask :P

*collapses and dies*

Reins, KL is so expensive. But for the strength of my dollar, I would find KL insanely expensive. Think about it. Chocolate is 7 ringgit and thus $3.50 for me. Chocolate at home ranges from $3 to $5. Considering standard of living, it's high. I know, the KL express is probably too expensive for local use but shouldn't it be used more by travellers from overseas?

Don't poke him lah. Wait make him cry I how?

Clow - Hey what do you mean by that? Are you implying something?
Kit - *grins* Hey AC, stop molesting my sheep! NO!!! Don't stick your hand there!!!

UGH!!! AC the very cute NZ lawyer has just molested Eriol!!! *squeels and dies*

Zhin, what did you do to Reins?

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/2/2002 05:01:03 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

I don't care... Clow should be taking care of you more. *pokes*

Hehehe, the main reason the express or ERT is not used... a one way ticket will cost you RM35. It may sound feasible for a single traveller but a family? 0_0 Plus it only brings you to the airport, does it not? The airport is located somewhere IN THE JUNGLE... got nothing there unless you wanna see the F1 curcuit. Still, it is a convenience for a single traveller to get to the airport on time. I suppose I will use it if there comes a time I need to get to the airport. A taxi ride will cost ya 50 I think....

But I wanna bitch about Zhin~~~! *pouts*

reins-chan and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/2/2002 04:22:13 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Am dying ... 4 hours of sleep a day not enuff lah.

Reached home at 2 yesterday and slept a while before coming back. Someone really rather useless at the moment but don't prod him so hard lah, he's going to cry already.

Am half dead but looking forward to seeing your fanart. Actually don't worry most people think Integra is a guy. Picture drool free coz too tired to drool.

Bitch about Zhin? When I'm more awake lah. KL express just like Heathrow express and all lor. Faster than the MRT and fitted for luggage and all.

But very strange lah, your KL express hardly used. Can make money ah not?

~ very very sleepy kitten who is grammatically lost at the moment

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/2/2002 02:15:41 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Really la... your no good "husband cum cook", Clow is so blardy useless. *pouts and prods Clow with a stick*

Hope you're not slumped over papers, half dead now XP Hehehe, you will be pleased to know that I did a fanart of Integral... sorta like my way for apologizing about my faux-pas about her gender. Will ink it soon XD Hohohoh, is my pic still drool-free? Make sure you scan it for Zhin... yeah, what do ye make of that boy? Harhar, let's bitch about him. Yes, I do know he does read this blog *waves at Zhin*

Hoooeee, how was the KL express? Never been on it.. damn! Missed the time when they were giving out rides for free.

reins-chan and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/2/2002 01:47:31 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Gomen will try hard. I can translate on reading. I just need someone to type it out.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/1/2002 09:39:06 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

HAppy BeLated BirThday!

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/1/2002 09:36:59 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

*collapses in chair*
Ohhh ... can I get a massage from a certain wizard please?

Oh yes, happy belated Potter. Reins, Masako, Zhin and I drank to your good health yesterday. Met Zhin in person at last. Good to see Reins and Masako again altho was majorly tired. Brain happily shut down by end of dinner so apologies for being Miss cranky last nite.

Thanks for the sketches Reins. Thanks to Zhin for promising to color them. Must scan over weekend. Reins, KL express train people nice. Held up train for a while to let me get on. If I had missed the train, I could have missed flight. Unfortunately bloody plane at airport was about to fly when they discovered some idiot got lost and they either had to find him or his luggage so they could remove it. Delayed for 45 minutes. Plane was stuffy during that time. In my words to the steward, "are we taking off soon, if not please can I have some aspirin before I die?" I never got aspirin on a plane so fast before.

Guess what, another bloody idiot on the plane too (call him Mr idiot). I was in one of those middle seats in economy on the side but I didn't put my court bag in the overhead compartments for the simple reason bag was too heavy to lift over head in my fatigued state. Anyhow, we finally landed (plane drove faster to make up for delay so yeah) and the guy on my left near the aisle got up so I could get bag and get out (call him Mr nice) so guy at window could grab bags. Halfway out and blocking Mr nice Mr idiot gets in my way and tells me "wait I get my bags first". Was mightly pissed off and apologetic towards Mr nice. Glared at the back of the head of Mr idiot and mouthed something nice girls shouldn't. He turned round and glared and I said "un zuah" which is what Hokkien gangsters say to you before beating you up. Translates to "what's up".

As Reins has informed me. I sound Boston-like at times. Well, that's how I sound when I scold people too.

Related story to mum who asked me if I was a mobster or a solicitor. I told her proudly, a mobster with insufficient sleep. Am slightly regretful not because I made Mr idiot upset but coz I had to be bitchy again. Anyway as Reins observed and as I have always told people, with me bitchness is inversely proportional to the sleep I get. Anyhow, mum is way cool ... most mums would have been horrified and angry if daughter told them she nearly beat up a passenger and started a glare fest. My mum is one of those who go - make sure you win. Remember scene in F Compo too where the mum (dad actually) was scolding the kids for fighting and all the dad (mum) had to say was "did you win?" *LOL*

Have been sleeping 3 to 4 hours a day for past week. Wed was the worse. We went for drinks with Bert on Tues nite coz Wed was his birthday. Downed 4 beers until 2 am before clammering home. Horrified to realised had left wallet at disco. Disco tried to find it but informed me search was unsuccessful. Ah well, $50 gone. But considering it was only $50 and the fact the guys were piling on the drinks - 50% off for lawyers on tues nite, it ain't that bad. Woke up at 4 two hours later to go to airport. Had a raging headache and extreme nausea from no food. Must have looked pitiful. Pissed off when coffee bar staff couldn't get my order right but mercifully was too sleepy to bitch - I mean I asked for tea and scones and he asked me to repeat twice - and how many customers does he have at 5 am - but not an idiot like mr idiot so I will try not to bitch. Good grief, I'll soon be bitch-er than ice queen cum vampire owner. Zhin thinks Alucard will end up with Seras. I think they will just all die. Suspicion that Integra will pay Seras to take Alucard away and call them only as and when she needs help. But one can dream - Integra x alucard would be funny.

Anyhow, rather happy on retrospect that airport staff bumped my economy flight to KL to business. Was dreadfully confused when they removed me from my economy seat to put me in business/first class. But pillow soft ... mmm ... slept like a baby and pleased when headache gone when I landed in KL. Woke up to excited jabber of jap businessmen in suits accompanied by pretty wives.

Am going to be so dead. Work is piling like no one's business. Fortunately, partners talking about removing some files off me. They probably realised that I can't be in 3 places at one go. *sigh*

Really bad ... *prepares funeral for self*

Now, if my no good "husband cum cook", as Reins so happily refers to him as, could be helpful for once. There has got to be a good Clow card that finishes your work for you.

Anyway KL was fun but as with most big cities, the air is too polluted - altho that being said, nothing beats London. Used to Singapore's few cars on road system. Am quite thankful for the air quality here. Was a little trying hearing all the taxi drivers bitch about Singaporeans and how snobbish and arrogant they were. Heard some taxi drivers here bear equally unjustified prejudices against Malaysians. Seriously, prejudice is such a silly thing. Singaporeans and Malaysians - really wat's the big hatred between us? I've met idiotic Malaysians and Singaporeans and equally wonderful ones as well. Nationality doesn't mean anything.

But things in KL sure are expensive. A bar of chocolate is like 7 ringgit? I'll baulk if I pay anything more than S$1.50 for the same. Some things are actually cheaper in Singapore *sweatdrops*

Bought an Absolute Mandarin for Bert. Hope he likes it. Think am officially part of boys' club - you will not imagine how crazy they are here. I think I'll like it except I better not pick up their habits of extreme proficiency in the F word. Really fun I'm the only non-male there but I refused to admit to being a woman - no fun in that right?

H - So I mean where are the women?
KB - There, got one what. *points to me*
Kit - I'm not a woman.
H - Then what the f* are you?
Kit - A plant.
KB - A f* plant?
Kit - A bonsai plant.
H - F* you.
Kit - H, what are you are L doing? Go get a room.
L - *hands all over H*
H - L, stop that. T stop laughing if not I'm going to kiss you.

Yaoi lawyers? My life is way to weird and exciting I say.

Got tricked into doing AC's homework. He's taking PLC now to convert his NZ license to a Singaporean one ... dolt!!! Lunch!!! Weeee ... and then death this afternoon.

Wish me luck. 2 hearings tomorrow and I haven't done nuts. Fortunately Drew is lending me his attachee. Ahh, and LAs spreading the word round that I do nude sketches for a commission. B*stards.

>_<;; decides to spike Absolute *evil grin*

Oh another good story from the boys nite out:

KB - Kit you know, Le this idiot once ate tissue.
H - Yeah and you told him you'll pay him.
Le - Well there was nothing to do that weekend.
KB - He said he'll eat it.
H - And you got all of us to pool to pay him $50.
Le - Yeah, but that thing tasted funny lah.
KB - You took 10 minutes to eat it.
Le - It really tasted strange.
KB - That's because I had used to it wipe the gunk off my pimple.
Le - F*
KB - You should know I don't use tissue paper what.
Le - F* you you F*er.
H - What the F* are you talking about?
KB - I used the tissue to wipe the F* gunk off my F* pimple.
Le - F* that's F* material non-disclosure (for those of you lucky enuff not to know what this means, this is a standard phrase used to describe parties entering into a contract with one party withholding information from the other knowing fully well if the information was disclosed, the other party would not enter into the contract).
KB - You never asked. You just ate.
Le - F*

*Le begins strangling KB while the rest of us are too busy laughing*
That's the bunch after 2 to 3 drinks, H was solid tho'. He had 3 flaming Lums, a Strongbow, 2 vodhkas, 1 beer and the idiot was still sitting up straight.

Note to self - to bring Qoo, Virgin and bento books to KL next time. Reins, me trying to do Maybank account on Sat so hang on to your pink paper first.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
8/1/2002 01:11:00 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

... how long will it be before I lose control
... how long will it be before he finds me?
... oh preserve my soul, preserve my pride
Preserve my sanity thru this nite ...