This is the Integra part of a special Hellsing series created for Valentines ... click here for Alucard's version We R BB
the blog's code. Dry your tears milady Call on me if you need I will be your comfort, Oh my love, remember me ...
Bravenet makes great counters |
Thursday kitten: Byes, I'm off to lick my wounds, I mean go trick and treating. Ahem, to the rest of you, have a happy Halloween. Integra's got the nice candy, go bug her. Alucard: *snigger* Integra: *glare* Clow: *grins and plots to dress as Artemis Fowl come next year unless a more ingenious villian shows up* ... imprisoned within my blood ... *kicks self for stupidity* As I told my friend this afternoon, there are times I'm pretty surprised I could have been intelligent and there are times I could kill myself for my stupidity. This is one of the latter *shrinks and dies from self-loathing* ... imprisoned within my blood ... *kicks self for stupidity* As I told my friend this afternoon, there are times I'm pretty surprised I could have been intelligent and there are times I could kill myself for my stupidity. This is one of the latter *shrinks and dies from self-loathing* ... imprisoned within my blood ... Had to vote for representatives in my year to represent my year in the law society. Wonder why I have to walk 20 minutes to a dingy building to drop my ballot in on paper when most elections these days take place via 'net. Had coffee so feeling a little awake. Oh gosh, the inbox. Legal news for those interested - American firm caught padding bills. Oh dear, this is going to be one messy affair. The firm was reputable but it would appears it's not going to be easy for them to explain this one. Best luck to them ... ... imprisoned within my blood ... SF, me will try to ask round. Kino taka is out of stock but my oniichan may just be able to track it down for ya. ~ kitten, off to find some manga and some hot soup (but not land in some) PS: Yes Eline, I finally managed to watch Hellsing. It was generally great altho 2 episodes were rather duh - namely when they try to get more philo and all - One, how did "Laura" get in so easily without a hint of anything amiss. Second, the ceremony bit was too draggy. Hellsing isn't a mind sort of anime, it's blazing guns and a screeching mob of ghouls kinda thing - but all in all, it was a great anime, not quite the same as the manga but cool nonetheless. I still think Alucard and Integra are so together while Seras pairs better with Pip (who sadly does not appear in the anime). And where's young Walter? *sulks* They left that out. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Get better you.... Clow!!! You'd better take good care of Kit or else... >:/ ... imprisoned within my blood ... Wednesday Am very sick ... gastrics + flu + migraine = one very unhappy kitten. Throw in lots of undone work = exceedingly unhappy kitten. Mitigate with fact kitten watched Hellsing, coz couldn't sleep anymore in the evening having slept the whole afternoon after returning from work and collapsing on bed on reaching home = slightly happier kitten The look of Integra's face when Alucard appeared in her cell offering to take her orders was priceless. Nice to know Walter survived tho' - altho I hope intact. I wonder if she will order him to spring her out or whether she will take up his blood offer. The earlier offer was met by "you know what I'm thinking" hints that she could be willing to mix blood with him even if not at the time of the offer. Hmmm ... if Integra takes up Alucard's offer who will be the master? Personally I think that she would rather be free even if she takes up the offer but then again ... ... imprisoned within my blood ... Tuesday SF goes to the Ghim Moh shop? Which one, the one beside the coffeshop or the one beside the 7-eleven and the florist? Was mean to El last nite. Bad kitty :P ... imprisoned within my blood ... Monday Reins, the credit card story goes like this: 1. On receiving my August statement I realised credit card company has signed me up for insurance policy I DID not apply for. Their reasoning, oh our telemarketer called you up to say that we're signing you up unless you protest. My answer: I told the telemarketer NO I don't want. No. 2 insurance policies do not take effect until the written document is signed. I.E. If I died before I signed the thing which I never did, the insurers would have refused to pay my family a cent which they are entitled to do so, me having not signed the document. No. 3 contract law does not allow you to impose a contract by silence - Leareth can back me up on this. 2. Credit card and insurers claim they need time to check it out. Admit fault and will cancel policy. My express instructions to the credit card? I will not pay for the premium, please do not charge me late charges. 3. Credit card company calls me. They've cancelled the policy but not in time coz I've been charged the 2nd month of premiums for September but will refund. I repeat my point on the late charges. Promise will be removed. 4. I receive my September bill, darn the premiums are there and wait a minute, why more late charges? 5. Call credit card company, hey man what's this. Credit card company: Oops, sorry lah system. Me: Uhm but I told you about the late charges before you billed me for September. Credit card: Sorry sorry. Me: Grrr but ok lah, don't repeat mistake. 6. October's bill - all premiums refunded as well as Sept's late charges but new late charges coz Sept's inflated bill was not paid in full. 7. Kit trods down with EK to clear mess once and for all. Expresses displeasure to staff insists we clean the problem ... EK and I have the worse timing for jokes at time. EK suggests I call our friends in charge of banking regulations to enquire about correctness of imposing policies on people without permission. Joking joking, a bit too far but joking ... for the record I did tell customer service officer I was upset but please it's not personal. Told EK jokingly, aiyah you go file papers in court lah and you go call the government coz I'm not free enuff to ... CSO: mumbles "yes you are". Me: *glares but decides to play along until matter settled. askes CSO to close account and settle everything once and for all. takes name down on pretext for follow-up if necessary while smiling sweetly and controlling temper* *returns to office, speaks to seniors to see if I'm justified in making the most evil complaint ever including to friends in other sector of that bank which provided credit card* me: Am now contemplating whether to shoot the rabbit now that the trap is laid. If you tell me that I behaved badly in the joking I could accept that but as a CSO of a bank was the comment justified? In the olden days, it would be seen as a gauntlet across the face *ponders* ~ kitten almost ready to shoot the unsuspecting rude rabbit ... imprisoned within my blood ... I tore up my credit card with a certain American bank coz of overwhelming incompetence and rude customer service. Now to hunt down the rabbits ... *stalks off* ... imprisoned within my blood ... To Meia, Aine and Kaori Uhm, are we serious about it? Coz if we are, I will need to buy a stethoscope ... ~ kit (who is going to need to grow her fringe out and borrow a lab coat too) ... imprisoned within my blood ... You are so right ... it is kino (LC) that called us. Twice in fact but once I was in Jap class and once I was napping. ~ looking at her mobile for the first time in 20 hours and actually realising she had missed a lot of calls and messages *whoops* ... imprisoned within my blood ... Reminder to self: Jokes can only go so far without causing trouble. On an unrelated event, KL says he thinks my mum is weirder than I am *YES* must gloat to her ^___^ but I say, if you use your left brain lobe, one tends to be weird. CY's sis is so happening ... part time drummer and sax player, part time graphic artist and part time doctor ... COOL!!! ... imprisoned within my blood ... First I must apologise to El. Yesterday nite was my gran’s birthday celebrations but I forgot until my mum reminded me on Sunday morning. Gomen gomen … 7:30 tonite? And I’m going to miss J. It was his last day at JP yesterday and Oniichan’s new partner arrives today. I hope he turns out to be a fun person. Last nite was hilarious with my cousins and all. We’re planning a “cousins” party for 1 Dec ^__^ very in a party mood recently. As L in my Jap class commented, if I’m like a dead fish on Sun morning it’s coz I probably had some crazy dinner with friends the nite before. Dec will be parties after parties … oh my waistline *looks worried* Curry nite on Sat was fun. Had fun sampling Swee’s cooking and introducing my friends to Masala tea and getting them hooked. I like trying out various teas and coffees and the likes. Prepared macha latte for my mum last nite and now she wants more ^___^ I’m getting fat at this rate lah ^ ^;; Had breakfast with KL and my boss CY this morning and secured an invitation for a sashimi party at his place for the junior associates … yeah, we were looking for a place to destroy i.e. after the do at EK’s place we realized we like cooking but are too lazy to clean up so we should cook at people’s houses instead and now we’ve got a willing victim I mean party-host. And he offered to drive EK and me to Daimaru when we go there for lunch coz now he’s tempted by how great their food hall is … we’ve already got another partner K hooked to that place and now CY too ^____^ *evil grin* WHY MUST DAIMARU close??? And Artemis Fowl is sooo cool … I love that boy. Vampiric in appearance and diabolical in nature *sigh* Clow: >_<;; NOT AGAIN … Rant now, not so happy so don’t read if you don’t want to be depressed: "Well so you know. My brother told me on Tuesday that his mother in law was critically ill and that your cousin would be returning to see her." "And?" "Unfortunately he did not make it in time and she died before he returned." "Uh huh. And you attended the funeral on Thursday I presume?" "Yes. But so you are mentally prepared for the worse, your aunt was pretty unfriendly at the funeral." "I see." "She was either so distraught or she didn't give a damn." "I gather." "She did cryptically mention that it was nice that I was retired so that I could visit my mother often." "She can do rude things to herself dad." "It would interest you to know she was commending your cousin's employer saying how they were willing to spare him time and fly him back from the States to visit his grandmother at such short notice." "It does not interest me. It merely confirms that the failure of my oh-so-perfect-and-darling cousin to visit your mother when she slipped into the comma and was about to die was not attributable to his employment in Texas despite your desperate hopes that that was the case." "I see." "I hate to tell you this but face up, you too suspected this along. Now the only question that I will not answer without proof is whether his failure to return for your mother is attributable to himself or that oh-so-perfect aunt of mine." "..." "I truly apologise for this but I do not think the fact the blood in your veins and your brother's runs from the same source guarantees anything. Relatives can be the most disappointing in times of need as compared to friends. Not a universal truth but a mere reminder that perhaps the only one you can trust is those who have proven to be trustworthy." "I concede I have to agree." ~ I wonder sometimes, how stupid do my relatives assume I am? It amuses me to no end that despite their shenanigans, they are so predictable. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Saturday Tadah looes .. gtg but Eriol is so Artemis Fowl and vice versa ^__^ Oh gosh I so want to meet that eccentric wizard! ... imprisoned within my blood ... This is hilarious (courtesy of Mura-chan) ... except it won't work for me since kit means more than a name. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Just met at with Meia, Aine and Ade ... fun fun and thanks so much for the key holder ^__^ and remind me about the cosplay thingee nearer the date? And yes, to the rest of the world, beware of pink noodles. Clearing up a bit of work before going to Swee's party. Bought $120 worth of books *sweatdrops* by Ai Y - the artist who did Paradise Kiss. Beautiful but I've creased the cover for one *sob* And as I told Meia, Arty Fowl reminds me of *gasp* a grown up Eriol ... Must quickly finish work and go ... oh gosh I slept until 12 today when I intended to wake at 6 to start work ... AM SO DEAD *Buries face in lap and pretends to cry but gives up when noticing no one is paying attention* ... social blogging on Monday ... And for your amusement my blogged entry this morning at 1 am typed shortly after Blogger had maintenance but sadly not published: Hoodles of fun at Comic Connection Fri nite even if I found out J's leaving the JP branch. Sniff, and the lady at the office cafeteria with whom I've made friends is leaving for the Philippines too *more sniffles* Actually arrived very early at shop coz I wanted to leave early too (need to sleep) but waited forever to pay since there was a huge crowd. Waited so long for my bus I gave up and back-trekked to the shop to exchange one book that was damaged and ended up hanging with oniichan, J and sister in law until the shop closed :P Anyway the conversation went on like this: J (on the phone) - Yeah I know I'm gorgeous I know already Oniichan and sis-in-law are having dinner sil bought from the nearby foodcourt Kit - Please, they've got dinner but I haven't eaten, spare me before I lose my appetite. J - What? Oh that's just a customer of mine. I'm so sad I bring out all the best books in my store for her to choose and she breaks my heart *mock sniffles* Alv and sil: *giggles* Kit - Okay lah J, you're gorgeous lah drop dead hunky okay? J - Hmph my heart is broken ... *finishes his call and puts down the phone* Customer - *pays J, walks near sensor at exit which goes berserk* J - Whoops, I forgot to deactivate your bar codes, see lah I'm so distressed *looks accusingly at Alv and Kit* Alv - *spits out food and starts laughing, banging on the table coz he's laughing so hard* XD kit - *in the middle of unwrapping her books - I always check the books before I buy - and begins laughing hysterically as she thumps her hand on the counter while holding her stomach with the other coz she's laughing so hard* XD Sis in law - *smiles* :) Other customers - O_o;; *major sweatdrops* J - >_<'' Gonna miss J when they transfer him to Sun Plaza, as he said "Ah, it's so hard in life to find someone truly evil". We squabble well, and more so when oniichan joins in. If you ever see 3 people (or saw) 3 people squabbling like crazy and taking pot digs at each other in a manga shop in JP, yeap that's us. Sister in law doesn't get involved but she's amused by our antics. Sniffle, guess it's the last Kit v J verbal war tonite. I wonder who I'll see next week training under oniichan - hope it's someone with a good sense of humour. Oniichan is rather sad coz he misses uncle and now J. And I just realised, my mid term exams will be out on Sunday *panics* I do get on best with evil people ... sigh ... *huggles Clow* And I shouldn't have read the papers, now I can't sleep but am too brain dead to work :P UGH!!! ... imprisoned within my blood ... Friday Me am asking for trouble ... me knows ... Mura say something ... Clow is the ultimate seme ... no way Muraki could overtake in THAT department *faints and dies* Lunch was good even if everyone goes on and on about how weird I am. I take it that without me, people would have boring normal lives :P Clow: Yeah yeah ... Kit: Hmmphhh ... Clow: What? Kit: Hmmmphhh *stalks off* ... imprisoned within my blood ... SENSEI HANDS OFF MY SLAVE!!! Only I get to play with Clow *shoves Tsuzuki to Muraki* ... go away :P ... imprisoned within my blood ... Muraki was at a laundromat when he took a liking to Clow Reed. So he took him to a hot springs spa and they 'played' together until they were exhausted. Terrifying isn't it? XD ... imprisoned within my blood ... myearg. I don't think the insignificant lil worm that is has even removed the wallpapers yet. I hate going to his page to check since I get bombarded by popups. Anyway, the korean site is owned by a web designer!! That person uses flash design fer *beep* sake! I don't see how could that Korean person think my silly blog a good link T_T Hehehehehe... what DID yer pal say about them shoes? Am interested to know.... XDDDDD Yeah, I turn the phone off when I sleep since I dun want to be disturbed *looks at certain ppl, not you* I have plenty of pranksters among my circle of friends so I really don't want to layan any late nite call... ... imprisoned within my blood ... The LH 1 - 7 yes. Ahhh, I was thinking of taking a short day off next week and popping by KL with the books, ii desuka? But I'll let you know soon if I can't get the day off - in which case I will have to mail it out pronto or get a colleague to carry it into KL for me. The Koreans like you, suggoi. But that's coz your layouts are fab and you are the wallpaper woman. BTW is that problem with the rip-offs solved? You only got to see that SMS this morning? Shucks then coz the effect is lost :P Hentai? Me hentai? Honto? I'm disturbed that of all people, a Jap called me blog a site not suitable for under 18s, sweet little old me? You didn't show them our SMSes did you *narrows eyes* Okay lah I suppose I'm not perfect but I take the 5th amendment as far as everything else is concerned *ultra innocent look*. You should have heard the conversation that went on with my girlfriends last nite *grins*. FYI, a girlfriend asked me if I liked slingback shoes. I answered yes coz those shoes don't rub against the back of one's heels and she then told me that my choice of shoes reflected on my personality ^__^ as to what exactly she said, I'll leave you guessing. ~ as to what kind of SMS I bombard Reins with ... heh heh ... Back to work, meeting more friends later. Gosh my social calendar is nice and full coz I'm meeting 3 bunches of people tomorrow and another few on Sunday. I hope I haven't double dated by mistake. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Yo, how much do we owe you for the LH7 ne? And what about the shipment of LH 1-7? Will you be handing it to me by hand? Wah, I turned off the phone when you sms-ed me last night. Sorry... guess what? I found out I'm a recommended link from a Korean site that is FAR better than mine..... why? Oh yeah about the 18 above warning from the Jap site.... *snickers* I told you that you're a hentai XDDDDD The stuff you do with Clow and Cluedo... *lol* ... imprisoned within my blood ... Kim I might be able to drink the juice then coz being Singaporean and all, we can take all sorts of spicy foods, or most of us at least can. For one, I've eaten chilli padi and lived ... maybe I should try it. And thanks for the compliments. Your layout inspired me ya' know. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Met up with junior high classmates. Muchoes of fun. We had dinner at a Chinese restuarant coz kt's dad had a free duck voucher. Adjourned to the Ritz for jazz and drinks and yakked the nite thru. Home now, about to sleep as soon as hair dries. Mura, I got your letter. Smooches. I've got to bug Kino for your calendar. It should be arriving soon according to plan. The post office apologises - apparently there was something wrong with the mail being delivered to the US or through the US for the months July, September and early October. Anything posted then was delayed. Sigh ... but at least things are back to normal I hope *keeps fingers crossed* but your Merry Christmas in advance was funny coz that's what I sent off on Kim's package too ^__^ ... imprisoned within my blood ... Thursday Tis gorgeous but a tad too red for me ... *sweatdrops* Hope ya feeling better. Ooops, did nothing the whole day but trying to figure out one little letter. I always knew I was dumb but this is ridiculous. Anyhow, meeting friends for dinner. Will try to come in early to make up for today. I finally moved the project files into my cubicle. It is fortunate I got a senior's cubicle instead of the junior size ones I was supposed to get coz I sure need the space :P Tomorrow people ... ... imprisoned within my blood ... Hey wait a minute ... what do you mean the contents of my blog are not suitable for those under 18? *decides whether to wage jihad against the Jap page in question* ... imprisoned within my blood ... Shit, Clow's voice is so sexy. And I'm pretty pleased I can understand a bit of the conversation now and match it to the Chinese subtitles *drools* Clow: "Mizu wa naniku mono desu." Kit: "Hayannnn" Colleague: O_o;; Kit: Heh heh *slinks back into chair, grateful for the invention of earphones* ... imprisoned within my blood ... Erjika, that's what goes into the juice? Whooh, the manga hasn't listed the ingredients yet nor has it shown Tez drinking it ... now you've got me tempted although I must leave out the garlic if I wish not to die. ~ so bored with her musical CDs she listening to Card Captor VCDs instead ... imprisoned within my blood ... Hmm, Halloween layout is up for a while. Yummy orange ... ... imprisoned within my blood ... I've been blacklisted on a Japanese site for URL problems? Nanio? Number 1. This is a blog. Why are the Japanese reading my blog? Not that I mean they can't but my blog is NOT something your average Japanese viewer would be interested in. No. 2, the blog works fine on PCs. Maybe the programming is a bit heavy coz it crashes the home imac as well and since most Japs are rumoured to use imacs maybe that's why. But seriously why would it warrant a html page all to myself to warn people? *shrugs* Hey whoever you are who posted it, gomen but I still don't understand why I had special mention really :P ... imprisoned within my blood ... Wednesday Fanart hunting: Blame and Hellsing ... imprisoned within my blood ... Someone tell my mum I do NOT have too much manga. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Kitten - I'm depressed *leans and wails into Clow's shirt* Clow - Do you mind? Kitten, my shirt is not a piece of tissue. Kitten - *wails some more* Clow - There there *pats kitten on your head* so your old childhood friend whom you've not met for years is a gorgeous beauty while you're still uhm ... Kitten - damn ugly and dorky ... *wails a lot more* Clow - *SWEATDROPS* ... imprisoned within my blood ... ... imprisoned within my blood ... Happy belated Ange. Got your mail will do my best. El we can visit soon, me got the numbers. Sun afternoon? And yes that postal system sucks. It is a shame coz it's technically faster than airmail and much cheaper where the States is concerned. I would suggest you make a complaint about delivery time. No way in h*ll they can explain why a package sent in June arrives only now. We need to set up shop soon ... for one, it looks likely that one can procure stuff from Japan ^___^ but coz it's pricy I just need to check out the Japan PO box thingee. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Click this for a Halloween surprise and let me know what you think? ^___^ ... imprisoned within my blood ... Tuesday Ugh ittaiii ... netai desu. ... imprisoned within my blood ... I went to buy Kobe sponge cakes, eat Salmon don and found a BIG BIG sake bottle which holds 3 times the liquor my present bottle can and which matches the Sakura bowls Met bought for me last year ... yatta!!! ... imprisoned within my blood ... Monday I got my Hellsing doujin ... yatta!!! Integra-sama *glomp* And the Jap seller was so nice, she gave me all sorts of omake, calendars etc. etc. Must write to her and thank her for the extras - so sweet *huggles doujin happily* Lots of AxI sweetness (not hentai okay) .... ... imprisoned within my blood ... Sh*t I thought I was off Clow Read maniac obsession then EK returned me CCS and coz disc 18 looked a tad scratched I couldn't resist running the VCD on the laptop to ensure it was fine. And now I'm nuts over him again *sob* more than ever ... the theme song for the first CCS movie and Clow's voice is sooo gorgeous - hayaannn ... ... imprisoned within my blood ... As promised, Hellsing fanart as El scanned for me: 1. Why Integra is so tall for a woman 2. 2 pooches ... imprisoned within my blood ... My mysterious benefactor I've found. Smooches to her. I'm getting depressed over my test. Oh let me get 80 marks at least ^ ^'' Got Hellsing fanart x2. Will trim and launch tomorrow. Had fun scanning it at El's place after POT. My gosh. It's so yaoi-laden ... the manga is about guys learning about tennis. The anime is about guys who happen to be wearing tennis uniforms. This is so unreal but then again, I've always been a manga fan rather than an anime one. Art is usually better as with storyline. For once, we were relatively normal until at the bus-stop outside El's hostel. I was on the phone with Serene when I screeched "Rubber Ducky Tenpou" ... and this woman walking past us just stared for a good 3 seconds. Am hungry, my dinner at Bedok food centre never arrived so as soon as El finished hers and I had my drink we left. It was duck rice darn it, there was nothing to cook ... just put duck meat on rice and serve >_<" Weather too hot anyway, just want fluids and fruits ... need to lose weight ^ ^;; so ah well ... El's family is nice. Rather different from mine though - I mean my family is riotous and I mean riotous. Just the other day, my mum was complaining of spots in her vision. I asked if it was a case of retina detachment but pointed out that it was not a big problem with the advancement of surgery for the eye in Singapore - with laser it's a day thingee rather than a serious op. Came home the next day to find my mum covering her eye saying that she was in the middle of re-dressing it when I pressed the doorbell. Then "surprise" her eye was fine and it was a trick and she resumed playstation. Grrr ... how many mothers do that? And not to mention the family jokes session, the tang yuan story *slaps forehead* I need cranberry juice. Anyway back to the blogging business ... I've gone down your path Jinggu (in case you read this) - I'm in love with Integra ... if only she was a guy damnit! There's a story of me, my JC class and tennis. I don't want to bore people so read on at your own risk. But first some quick social blogging - *waves to the ODFM gang* I miss you guys. Ange how are you? Are you better? Take care no. El thanks for Sat's stuff, for today and thank you for proof reading. Remind me to pass the Lonely Planet to you the next time we makan (meet up for food and drinks). ------------------ You were warned ... damn long and whiny blogging now: Okie. I was in engineering in junior college. Senior high for some of you. Why did I take engineering? The same reason I took law. Coz under belief the hours were the shortest for this combination. BIG MISTAKE ... double math and physics and chemistry does not equal breezing thru school. *SIGH* To make things worse I had switched courses from computing barely one day into computer. The class were filled with nerds who knew the whole computing syllabus from day one, let me out of there *shudder* - okay that was mean of me but get this, they were really nerds nerds and while I like nice people jocks, artists, nerd-not or nerds, smart-ass arrogant nerds are NOT my cuppa tea. Example - most JC students take 3 subjects, General Paper (English) and mother tongue right? The better students take 4 subjects, GP and MT. The scholars take 4 subjects, GP, MT and 2 Special papers. This guy wanted to do 5 subjects and GP and MT and 3 S papers which would I have not care nor minded except he was holding up class by arguing with the teacher why he couldn't do that course. Duh, take it up with the ministry if you have SO much problems. He transferred to uni directly in the States shortly one month into JC. I'm happy for him. There he can whallop as much classes as he likes. Again I digress, back to tennis story. Problem was the engineering classes were full. A and B consists of the Singapore students while class C consisted of students who were slightly weaker in English and Asean scholars. Class C had one tiny space left so they squeezed me there. BIG MISTAKE. Imagine a class that speaks only Mandarin and is conservative VS an insane me there ... oh boy ... nothing in common to talk about and I ended up spending so much time with the students in class A and B that for a while my classmates thought I hated them - no but it beats hanging around them. Well there was this b*tch who really irritated me but I don't care anymore. Actually I do. She PL was the class monitress and insisted on being my friend when I was initially just quiet and trying to live quietly - think Shancai in Meteor Garden before she pissed off F4 for her friend. Another girl in class C was from my music class in secondary (junior high) - lets call her QH and there was another ex-primary classmate (elementary) WL so we 4 kinda hanged out a bit. I may be a bit arrogant here but it was more like they decided wherever I went I should make space for them. Ok lah, can try to be friend. (Alright I thought, this might work.) Then disaster struck. Tried to matchmake WL with a very good friend ... actually I 'fess. I had somewhat liked this friend of mine but decided if he liked WL as much as he said I'll try to help out but painful still you know being 16 then and all (but it was still painful me being a 16 year old teenager then). Probably wasn't a good matchmaker then but did not appreciate WL blowing up at me in the school canteen without even a normal polite protest earlier. Most normal people just say "ah I don't really like him can you not try to put us together" or something civil like that. Nevermind, could have lived with that but for fact she decided to really take a go at it with QH and PL as "judges" - hello? I thought if we had a problem it's just you and me in discussions? Nevermind, still can tahan (tolerate) but then these 3 women decided to throw in the kitchen sink by saying I was disgustingly "weird" and they couldn't stand me for that ... at which point I stalked off to henceforth blatantly and don't give face join my other friends in class A and B (this is hard to translate it means I didn't care about their feelings anymore). I mean if I'm weird I wasn't the one who came gumming over :P I suspect my story is tainted coz well I'm defending myself but if you were here for the objective cold truth you ... uhm won't be here so just take this with a pinch of salt :) The rest of the class was nice but without opinion and was so bland you could salt them and they'll still be without kiam (translation: these were a bunch of people who were without independent opinion - classical olden outdated Asian thinking of "harmony through unity") ... this was a class where independent thinking was handled with skeptism so basically I was like this diseased cat or something :P Granted, I'm weird - even lawyer friends say I'm weird but then again it's not like they're normal themselves ^__^ *smirk* but seriously, "difference" people is NOT a dirty word. Every time I had to be in that class I was miserable with a capital M. Then this was the point a pissed off 17 year old kit did her rendition of crossing of the Rubicon - there was a terrible accident in Singapore in which 2 girls were hit by an idiot who had not driven for a long time but decided to do so and somehow managed to lose control of a stationary car? One of the girls was a schoolmate of most of my classmates. She just had scratches. The other died - she was one of my best friends? You know what a group of them said "Wah siah, so heng ah lucky the other one kenna" - translated ... how fortunate it was the other who died. If you ever seen me blow until 3 guys 2 times my height each quiver, it was then. And I hadn't even yelled yet. The remainder of the class was again people who had no opinions, no guts and no blah. The ridiculousness of their passiveness to life? There was a teacher EK who bullied most of hte classes he taught including our class and no one had the guts to stand up to him even when he actually made one girl cry. Sorry lah, I mean you're men you know and so wuss (Sorry but you are without guts). Me being nosy as hell (singlish=kaypoh - you didn't expect it did you XD), I just told him he couldn't tear up someone else's homework. Fine she was doing Chinese homework in GP class but a stern warning is more than sufficient for a first time offender but no one, her best friend included had the guts to say natch. In the end you know who my best friend in class was? None. My good friends were people from class A and B, my first GP teacher HG (after HG, EK was a pure pain in the butt) ... heh heh (see flying pig story) and other people in school. Against this backdrop and the strong dislike I had for this class, we were told to chose physical education electives. Now I like sports but am not particuarly good. I was looking at softball but a bit worried that I'll knock myself out with the bat. Class A and B were doing softball and trampoline so very tempted. My class insisted we all do tennis. Which is fine - can't be too contentious right? And tennis is cute - except guess who had to pick up the balls everytime they strayed outside the tennis area into the drains and bushes? I didn't really enjoy playing with them so picking up balls and tossing them back over the tennis court fencing was really quite fun ... kinda like softball pitching or basketball. Then one day the class got it (got punishment not developed civic consciousness - if the latter had happened I would have probably bought 4D based on that date in question and have won the jackpot). Teacher: Okay, I had enough. All of you start running around the court until I say stop. Class: Groans *after 3 rounds* Teacher: You know why you're being punished? Class: mumbles Teacher: Coz no one wants to be considerate. You the ball picker come out. kit: *looks blur* Teacher: *Calls out my full name - (all the PE teachers know me coz the track teacher and I are always horsing around and she yells at me constantly to run faster and not to stop to pretend to tie my shoelace - Miss C, in Clow's words "you can't prove anything" - anyway, because of that the whole JC knew who I was :P) Yeah you. kit: *still blur* Sir? Teacher: You go practice serving, I'll coach you ... the rest of you run until lesson ends. Apparently he was so pissed that I was the only one who was picking balls so the class could play on. I felt slightly bad coz I really had more fun picking balls but not in the mood to mitigate for them - was sick of it anyway. Unfortunately despite his best efforts, I was just not made to be a tennis player. After that, more hell broken loose *shakes head* altho it wasn't all that bad coz the nicer people tried to be a bit nicer but it was really not the best 2 years of my life. I don't dislike the class - I just hope never to meet them in any situation where I have to go beyond a hi and a bye. OK lah I very the ego (Alright I do suppose I'm very egoistical) but this is my blog and my life really a lot of strange stories (but this is my blog and my life is really made up of a lot of strange events). Someone once said my life was like some mad storybook gone very wrong. My dad just told my friend "no lah, she's just weird". UGH ... my parents and did I tell you what they did today? We were leaving City Hall and I was going East and they were headed West so we ended up going down escalators that faced each other (X shaped?) and my parents pretended to fire a machine gun at me *face falls* With gene providers like them, why do you think I'm so messed up? I so need normal parents (but I love mine anyway) ... and why am I blogging in Singlish with the appropriate translations? Goodnite. Just the ramblings of a mad woman. Blue neko, white neko says I'm crazier than you. Yeah you 2 ... eh, how's our shop plans coming along? ... imprisoned within my blood ... Sunday Like your layout ^__^ and thanks for the kind words. El, on tonite? And ... am having a headache. Slept very little yesterday. It was a mad rush yesterday. Woke up early for piano, dashed home and studied first 2 chapters of Jap for test scheduled for today. Then went to friend's house all the way across the other end of Singapore with tonnes of Jap crockery and before that stopped by Daimaru to buy groceries. We bought 1 kg of salmon and then I had to sashimi about slightly over half of it with EK marinating and cooking the remainder. We then took the left over salmon skin, doused it in soya and mirin and baked to perfection. All this? To set up another friend with someone's colleague. Anyway this is what EK and I cooked for 5: 1. Salmon don with sencha 2. Baked salmon skin 3. Sashimi - salmon and tako - I've never cut sashimi before ^ ^;; and here I was with 600g of it. 4. Egg and tomatoe pizza Jap style 5. This one we bought - tori yaki and chicken balls 6. endamae beans 7. chocolates 8. inoki mushrooms wrapped in bacon wraps - simple but delicious 9. bought various marinated thingees like baby octapuses Whooh, considering 2 of us whipped all this (most of it) from scratch for 5 in 90 minutes I would say we're not too bad. We also had lots of green tea. I should introduce them to malt tea one day but that's such an acquired taste. Someone brought a peach pie and we washed everything down with a bottle of choya (1l) and another bottle of sake (2l). We were toasting to everything under the sun including the poor fish that died to provide us dinner. Got home at midnite coz EK got her flatemate to drive me back ... the excuse was I was carrying too much crockery but it was just part of the ploy. Anyhow, she is quite happy with my CCS season 3. Thanks to me she's caught the innuedoes in the show but she still likes it anyway. Her flatmates one of which was my classmate from tax class were "threatening" to lynch me tho' ... apparently they are sick of watching Sakura for the nth time. We drove to HV and sat at Coffee Bean for about an hour before we went to my home, EK and R left and I resumed studying until I couldn't keep my eyes open - which was barely an hour so no prizes for guessing I hardly covered my syllabus - half of which was studied this morning on the bus. The test today was muzukashi yo. I think I'll pass with some luck but a score of 90 over points is so NOT going to happen *sulks* and gosh I nearly slept in the middle of the test again :P Ah well. I deserve it but last nite's party was funny and as long as the test score is decent I'll live even if I know it wasn't my best shot. And I was delighted to receive a package of Cafe K doujin yesterday afternoon. Came from an address I don't recognise tho'. Can I find out which of you lovely ladies with my addy sent it? Met? Leareth/Tsu? Masako? Reins? El? Mura? Kim? Whoever it was I love ya. *huggles doujin happily* Eriol's getting more cuddly by the day ^__^ ~ returns to working and hearing Robbie William sing (must finish work or will die tomorrow since I'm booked up after 5 today) Oh and on a parting note, I know why I find Integra from Hellsing so familiar (no not the surname). I took music history in high school and remember studying about a writer in the Romantic period called George who was in reality a woman who wore man suits, smoked cigars, behaved like a man and was cohabiting with Chopin. During their years as lovers, Chopin was at the peak of his composing career. When George left Chopin, his health detoriated despite all his fans' best efforts and he died shortly after. That almost sounds like Integra except that if there's anything going on with Alcuard, they sure haven't let us have the full details yet ~__^ ... imprisoned within my blood ... Friday Neko, I'm not sure. When is your friend in Singapore? ... imprisoned within my blood ... Jap test on Sunday ... aiieeee ... ... imprisoned within my blood ... Thursday I'm an idiot. On one hand, I'm swamped, on the other I'm doing thingees like this: The Sky, His Sun and His Moon - CCS Choices - Hellsing Oh well, someone be my beta-reader please? I suck at spelling and typos abound where I'm concerned. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Meia, Aine, Kaori, Jo ... so when are we meeting for makan and torturing of more passer-bys? SMS me as to date - if it's a weekday, I will only be able to do dinner. Eline, 7 at Simei right? Meeting oniichan and sister in law and Johnny tomorrow nite. Uhm, exam this Sun and cookout at East Coast on Sat nite. And my intray has spilled onto my floor again :P ... imprisoned within my blood ... weee ... ... imprisoned within my blood ... Yes I did ... I sent it out this morning. ... imprisoned within my blood ... wei, did ya answer yer mail yet? Hora, you've been asking doujin from Kurot too? ... imprisoned within my blood ... Fanart hunting time - AxI ooohhh ... item 25 is a hoot too. Beautiful ... More Hellsing fanart - here Hellsing cosplay nice bbs more art ditto more cosplay ditto Was looking for HS but found POT Alucard looking good Integra-sama *scroll for pictures of others* PS: Reins, there are trigun pics there too ... imprisoned within my blood ... Kurot I want the doujin you'll be drawing ^__^ Ange, I'm not an anime queen. Manga fan maybe but El is the manga and doujin queen. Blogger is being really strange or is it the server? I could kill this HK lawyer I'm working with I draft in my court paper's "X instructed his lawyers to write to Y threatening legal proceedings". She writes back to say I cannot say that but can only say that "X's lawyers wrote on his behalf to Y threatening legal proceedings". WTF? Her reasoning? "Oh, we don't have evidence X actually instructed his lawyers to write that letter". *bangs head on table* if X's lawyers didn't write on X's instructions, how could they have written on his behalf *wails*. No offence to the Hong Kong people, half my mother's family being Hong Kongers but DUH ... ... imprisoned within my blood ... Wednesday Oh btw, UN dear, having closed door discussions is not helping matters. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Disclaimers before I start on this post: Regretfully, against my better judgment, I have not done proper research on the full extent of this topic. Views are also personal and not meant to impose on anyone who disagrees with content. Thirdly, article not meant to offend, you are entitled to disagree with me. “The World Today – Terrorist or victim? Who is who?” A year ago, 2 planes ran into 2 beautiful buildings. The buildings fell. Thousands died. For millions, life would never be the same again. It was not the beginning of our woes with terrorism, but for many, it was the wake-up call. A group was blamed. A man declared the mastermind. A proud nation mourned its first taste of war and its allies were shocked by the incident. Yet others rejoiced and pointed out that “retribution was sweet”. To them I say, pity on you to have your heart so hardened that you know not what human empathy is. You mock the Americans for being a perverse society without care for others. But surely, you are as bad as your accusations if not worse for celebrating the death of civilians. Your sorrow of being neglected is understandable but it does not justify cheering the death of another human being. Have you asked yourself - would your god, not your human leader, condone this? To the youths of a country that was aided by America’s finances and who rejoiced in the “deflating of American ego”, I will say no more but that if your country were ever to suffer the same fate, I wonder if anyone will weep for you. Barely a year later, a beach resort was blown. This time, Australians appeared to be the main target. Sorrow, fear and anger once again erupted over a world that was slowly recovering from the horrors of the year before and jittery as the threat of war looms over Iraq - threatening to pit a region united by religion against western civilization. The world’s delicate fabric of peace is slowly falling apart. It appears inevitable that blood must once be shed. People are afraid. The future is not so certain. Neighbour is suspicious of neighbour because of the color of his skin and his religion. In all this turmoil, has anyone asked – where truly did we go wrong? Fingers have been pointed at Muslims. I would not call these men who commit acts of terrors Muslims. Islam does not condones bloodshed in this manner. Jihad is not the same as cold blooded murder. This is the work of people who would exploit religion only for the ease of recruiting naďve minds to their corrupt cause. The West has too erred and they must acknowledge this instead of pointing their fingers. As the saying goes, when you point your index finger in accusation at another, 3 fingers point back to yourself. The senseless beating of Muslims in your country does not solve the problem, it merely lends ammunition to those who would seek to turn Muslims into pawns for their selfish cause for power. And to those who sit on the fence and believe that you will be safe, heed this – remember the Chamberlain agreement of non-interference. It allowed a man with a short moustache and a hatred of jews to nearly takeover the whole of Europe. By the time the Europeans realized the impact of their folly, it was all but too late. It took the bombing of a US base in Philippines to jolt the Americans out of the same deadly complacency. But for that, the whole world might be Nazi today (if most of us not dead - I would be, my skin color would not be considered the mark of a superior race). While some of you might take that to be a blessing, I, with all due respect, do not. Terrorism is not a problem restricted to New York or to Bali. It is a world crisis. It requires a world effort to stamp out, remove and cure - not destroy but cure. In this, the “more advanced” nations must acknowledge that if they continue to isolate the Muslim countries and to treat them with suspicion and high-handedness, they will turn more hearts against them. Perhaps for too long, we have ignored their views and this has lent “justification” to the rants of madmen claiming to be prophets. Desperation in Germany was what allowed Hitler to rise to power. Surely WWII has taught us the foolishness of allowing our neighbour to go hungry while we feast? ... imprisoned within my blood ... Tuesday You know.. I wonder... What is Clow's chinese name? I think he must have one... well, a name his mom would call him by. I cannot imagine him answering to calls of 'ah chai' XDDDD And in which era did he live in? Victorian era? The one before that (I forget the name)? If he did, I would want to see him in London civvies. Perhaps ala Sherlock Holmes.. with the deerstalker cap XD Yes, do take a look at Kit's chatterbox. Another random product of two fangurls abusing bishies^^ ... imprisoned within my blood ... Chatterbox.... aren't they going to appear on the main page? Why the change? ... imprisoned within my blood ... Hmm, yes about how much they want to charge ^__^ Me decided, if one can't buy Clow doujin, thou shall commission it ^___~ ... imprisoned within my blood ... So you want me to ask my pal about the Clow doujin thing? On second thought, let's go to the chatterbox and abuse that. Spare tripod the unnecessary space... ... imprisoned within my blood ... The sun? hmm ... but my darling is both the moon and the sun so sky is good with me. ... imprisoned within my blood ... howa, I thought you would get the Moon.... contrast with the "sun" ;) ... imprisoned within my blood ... Mura-chan, I'm glad you got most of the stuff. Zero Sum 8 huh? Okay ... you know, it's most disgusting that the mail only gets thru after one has YELLED at the post office *sigh* I did have the intention of making you giggle when I scribbed on the photo ^__^ Moon, Sun, or Sky? brought to you by Quizilla Yes Reins, I took the test ^__^ ... imprisoned within my blood ... Hm, it must Wild Adaptor then since the cover only has two guys on it. Anyway about the Clow doujin thing, I guess I can ask them for you but bear in mind, they're shonen manga artists and no amount of crack can they be persuaded to do a yaoi or slightly shonen ai-ish art. I mean they can do it, but I don't think they can truly 'grasp' it. Like asking a shoujo artist to draw shonen, you know? I don't think they read CCS that much so I would expecta lil OOC here and there.... Hohohoh. I do have some clow drawings fer you tho ^^ Lemme decide if I want to ink it or not.... ... imprisoned within my blood ... Reins, ask them how much they'll charge to offset against the manga subscription ^___^ ... imprisoned within my blood ... Monday Kitten: New layout, rather apt for Halloween too *glomps Reins for her gift* Clow: *SMIRKS* ... imprisoned within my blood ... Bus gamer has 3 guys, one of them with his fringe covering his eyes. Wild Adaptor has the smaller sized version Gojyo and Hakkai lookalike. Sometimes, they show you the claw for WA. ... imprisoned within my blood ... OMG ... I saw an AXI hent*i strip ... *runs off* ... imprisoned within my blood ... hm, it was either Wild Adaptor or Bus Gamer. I can't never tell the difference... Anyway, Kit. I saw THAT Vash figure a plenty of times^^ I think I saw one at Zhin's (I know I saw Wolfwood there) and Magnus also has some Trigun figures as well. It's an okay figure but I like the mini bust better. Much cuter.... tight shirt ;9 ... imprisoned within my blood ... You are one addicted Trigun fan. It took me a while to recognise Knives with the bunny years but yes that's hilarious. Hellsing DVDs ... hmmm ... Wild Adaptor has a vcd? Eline, you heard that? We were watching the trailer for WA that day but you know me, I would invest in manga but not so much the DVD or VCDs. What's your Vash figurine like? Did you see mine the last time you were at my place? Is it alike or vastly different? El, doing some home visiting this weekend? ... imprisoned within my blood ... You let me know when ^__^ ... imprisoned within my blood ... This has been a rather sobering morning - the transience of life is emphasized by the fact while I was at a wedding on Sat celebrating a friend's new "marriage life" and having quite a fun filled evening with my folks at Satay club last nite, life was very different a few 100 kilometers from here. Splashed on the front page today was the news of the Bali blast. I had avoided reading anything or watching TV for the last 2 days so I was rather surprised to see pictures of people injured and dead this morning - just got a mail from an Indonesian friend saying that her nephew was pretty traumatized by the pictures. The attack was aimed at tourists. Not an army of invaders, but civilians. I mean, does a surfer look like army to you? War and strife is never pretty but civilised rules require that you only shoot an armed man. It is a sad world we live in nowadays. Hopefully Indonesia will be able to do something about restoring peace in Bali soon. God have mercy on us all. On the other hand, we’re about to be sued for refusing to buy something from someone because the goods are priced ridiculously. The threat of litigation is a refreshing change from threats to bomb us, poison our supplies or invade us. Threat true but a more civilized one for once. *ponders* Don’t mind me, I do get quite a little frustrated on this issue but I shan’t say more out of civility. Alright then, something more amusing – more clow pics. BTW Reins, how much would it cost me to commission a Clow doujin from your talented friends? ... imprisoned within my blood ... Sunday Jap class was a little overwhelming today. I realise it's not the grammar I have problems with but memorising the Jap vocabulary. Hmmm ... Fisherman's pie at the pub was a good idea altho the perrier was NOT. ... imprisoned within my blood ... FYI Kaori the reason why Kino has insufficient HTY is coz some woman has been buying 3 to 4 copies and reserving even the shipping copies that arrive later. So my friend at Kino Jap desk says. If you want a copy me thinks you should go reserve one. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Saturday kategorie-a' or AxI site - I mean look at this ... ... imprisoned within my blood ... You know wild adaptor describes a person coming across a cat with its guts ripped out? I saw one today. The cat was totally flattened and its guts were all over the road. Sobering sight, since we were relatively happy on our way back to town after attending a friend's wedding. I need a short break ... there are so many things I have to do this weekend, it's rather overwhelming and then again, it's my fault for putting things off earlier in the week :P ... imprisoned within my blood ... Bored, slightly miserable, awfully juvenile, tired, swamped ... But still up to no good. Want Clow doujin. Can someone draw some for me for my Christmas present? *tries to look cute* ... imprisoned within my blood ... ... imprisoned within my blood ... Friday Sat by the river today barefoot, on the steps of the harbour with the waves lapping just below my bare feet. Ate an egg mayo sandwich, downed a latte, wore jeans and a loose floopy white shirt. Just a midget of sun with flute music playing from the opposite side of the river. That was a good lunch. ... imprisoned within my blood ... God, how I love poking the penguin XD ... imprisoned within my blood ... Thursday Take care you. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Reins I might not be going to KL this month. I'll send you the books then or get someone to k-off the books to you. Oh btw, try this Poke the Penguin game. ... imprisoned within my blood ... ^_^ I'm back at XDDDD ... imprisoned within my blood ... Wednesday Em pointed out I'm in love with a 91 year old magician as well as a 19 year old magician ... both with mean personalities and great cooking and housekeeping skills. I'm so predictable. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Question to SF and Mura-chan from Em and Kit Sanzo is Goku's caretaker right? Where did Sanzo get Goku's clothes from? Were they Sanzo's handmedowns? *imagines Sanzo younger in Goku's clothes* Hmm, and Em discovers the story of how kit eats fruit at home: *enter lazy tired kit* Kit: Aiiiii I'm home ... Aunt: *opens door* Kit: *drops bag on dinning hall table, walks to sofa and collapses face down on sofa* Aunt: *locks door and kicks shoes and bag outta harm's way i.e. left as they are they are likely to trip someone* Dad: *appears with ice milo and lifts Kit's carcass so she is sitting up, puts ice-milo on nearby table* Mum: *appears with cut fruit, puts one piece in mouth* *anticipation* Mum: *closes kit's jaw so she starts chewing* End scene At this point, Em was laughing with disbelief. I apologise but my family pampers me *guilty grin* Must set up manga and doujin online shop and must draw doujin and start publishing ^___^ Kyaaaaa ... ... imprisoned within my blood ... Aaw, thanks for the letter on my behalf. Yer sweet :) Hehehe, don't wory about the 'closing' of my site. I'm consoling myself with Zoro and that stray bishounen that I found.... (if ya happen to join a certain ML dedicated to manga series that starts with a T, that's where I'll be most of the time :) ... imprisoned within my blood ... Uhm Reins unless you authorised them to use your wallpapers too I don't think your shutting down of the site that archived them without permission is really working ... ... imprisoned within my blood ... Re; regarding QOO grape. -- If like that, there's no need to bust your back getting it. I thought it was widely released in S'pore. Just bring me white grape pls? ... imprisoned within my blood ... To Ange: Info on this layout The manga: Cafe Kichijyoji de (2 volumes issued to date) Mangaka: Kyoko Negishi The story: 5 guys in a cafe The names: (top to bottom) (a) Tatsumi lookalike = Kurihachi Tarou ~ the "boss" the in-charge of keeping Youji lookalike in check (with a mop across his face usually). Big brother figure to Omi lookalike. Has compulsive cleaning disorder and a huge storeroom collection of cleaners. (b) Minagawa Ufumi (sorry I got his name wrong the last time) ~ "EVIL" incarnate or maybe Eriol grown up? Has a creepy and evil cat named Suki (Suppiel? :D). Has tons of ofudas, appears at the strangest moments un-noticed and potent voodo dolls. Strange as hell and sadistic to boot. Appears from the least expected places at the least expected moments. Scares even Tarou. Cooks damn well but on the occasion the other guys tried to use his receipe books, they ended up calling a lot of demons. When he sings, the lyrics as sung come true. I'm in love ^___^ (c) Youji clone = Kuookuba Maki ~ the cute loser. He dreams of charming the socks off girls at the cafe but with the rotten luck of meeting damn ugly women - old women with horrendous looks or girls that look like judo wrestlers in skirts. Usually beaten up by Tarou or the subject of curses by Minagawa. Has managed to irritate Jyon by calling him a girl once and ended up being squashed by a boulder the size of a meteor. (d) Omi clone = Ichinomiya Jyon ~ the strong boy. Looks like a girl but hates to be reminded of that. Usually good tempered but mention his sore point and you're dead as Maki found out the hard way. Strong enuff to overpower an ox, lift a roadlamp like it was a stick and only one not so terrified by Minagawa. (e) Tokumi Shouta ~ the ultra poor boy. Friendly easy going boy and pals with Jyon. Wants to keep hamsters but Minagawa claims the hamsters will end up as emergency supplies (see Yamada M Tarou). Looks like another character from another manga about gods in modern day Japan (the cute werewolf). ... imprisoned within my blood ... I have a DVD player. So we adjourn to my house after dinner? 7:30 pm outside KFC? ... imprisoned within my blood ... Want to do lunch or something as soon as you, Aine, Kaori and Jo finish with exams? ... imprisoned within my blood ... It's Bel's bd and she got the flowers and balloons I sent her ^___^ The wonders of the 'net. Before this, I would have had to call the florists in Sydney. Oh BTW, was having breakfast with CKL this morning and he had an interesting question: "Why does the pepper shaker have more holes than the salt shaker?" Anyone has the answer ^___^'' ... imprisoned within my blood ... Tuesday Provided I can find it. There were only 20 cans on sale and they're the kind directly imported from Japan. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Meow... since you're coming down to town soon and QOO came out with a new flavour.... *eyes shine* Can bring down some for me or not? XDDDDD Hehehehe, looks like the only flava thy haven't released yet it LEMON XD Yum! Can't wait.... ... imprisoned within my blood ... People in the office are coming by to pat my head and put food on my table. Weird ... do I look like a puppy or a kitten to anyone O_o;; ... imprisoned within my blood ... All right I was wrong - see SF's confirmation - sorry Koji but I was wrong and damn I'm glad I was wrong. Guess my friend might have missed some pages >_<;; sorry everyone ... ... imprisoned within my blood ... New layout based on new manga acquired courtesy of Ser. The story is about 5 men working in a cafe, 6 if you count the owner. My fav is Wakamiga (the 2nd bish from the top with the black hair). He cooks well, practices magic and is mean as hell. Keeps a black cat that is greedy as hell (paint the cat yellow and guess what ^ ^). Only 2 volumes have been released *shucks* but it's really funny as they have both the serious strip and SD strips. The SD strips usually involve Wakamiga torturing the rest of the gang (even in the serious strip he inevitably ends up torturing them). Example, as he is the only one who cooks well, when the guys were hungry, they asked him to bake a cake. He ended up baking a mountain of cupcakes and when Tarou complained and said one is good enuff, Wakamiga flattens him with a huge strawberry shortcake the size of a house. The other strip I like is when the air-con broke down and the others were complaining about the heat. Wakamiga calmly, turns on the stove, puts on a sweater, sits around those warming tables, eats a bowl of hot udon and lights a campfire. As he remains as cool as a cucumber, the horrified boys melt away to a pile of mushy ice. *rolls over laughing* As I told Reins, the first bish Tarou resembles Tatsumi both in looks and personality - he is like the treasurer and leader for the store too like Tats is considered the real boss of the Meifu shinigami division - except he's got an obssessive cleaning disorder to boot ^__^ The funniest was when Taro picked up a little girl by accident and she followed him back to the cafe. When Taro freaks out he really looks like a younger Tatsumi. The girl goes wild, nearly destroys the cafe until Wakamiga turns up menacingly and tells her off for trying to bully his cat. He looks really scary and even the other guys are freaked out ... the cafe owner returns and the girl runs to him calling him "DAD". Two days later, we see the cafe owner sulking and despondent. When Taro asks him why, it transpires that his daughter Reina had told him last night that when she grows up she wants to marry Wakamiga. As Taro and friends try to comfort the cafe owner, Wakamiga walks by and greets him as "otou-san" i.e. dad, causing the poor man to freak out all over again. Heh heh ... let Wakamiga grow out his hair and wear glasses ^___^ (he even has those sleepy eyes that a certain sexy magician has *drools to death*) Then they have a story where everyone visits everyone's apartment and horrendously, Wakamiga is the only one with a normal apartment. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Monday Mura could you email me please? I need to contact you on something ^__^ ... imprisoned within my blood ... Oh, forgot the most impt announcement: Qoo has a new dark grape flavor. There are thus 5 flavors to date. Momo peach (POT fans can laugh), Apple (tastes like Fuji apple juice yum!), white grape (not a personal fav but OK), orange (YUM!!!) and now dark grape. Got to love them. If only calpis water was more readily avaliable ... aiieeee ... forgot to buy *slaps forehead* ... ... imprisoned within my blood ... Heh heh ... kidnapped my colleagues and one partner to Pokka Cafe. Had a good time laughing over yummy food. The curry wasn't that good tho according to LW. Went to kino and got my books but missed Ser as she was out for lunch then. Went fruit shopping with EK and bought strawberries. We're planning to go try the Jap eatery at HL building next. I love the curry rice there. And my boss is missing ^__^ what the hell was I rushing over the weekend for? *slaps forehead* but this is good coz me will take the afternoon easy ^ ^ Didn't manage to get a peek at Zero Sum tho' coz Ser wasn't around. Anyhow, my cafe kichijooji de looks great. I'm freaking broke now with my lunch being a little more lavish than usual but I'll tighten the belt for the rest of the week and live. But I've got to pay for my Lodoss books *sweatdrops* NEED $ ... *collapses* I'm officially the office pimp for manga. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Take care you send me your number so hopefully I can SMS you? ... imprisoned within my blood ... Ko, I'm supposed to do them for Mura and Kim *shuffles foot guiltly* but have been swamped. Going to start Lawful Drug translations this week for both volumes 1 and 2. ... imprisoned within my blood ... I don't think your name is ick. It's a nice name so don't stress yourself out in that department. All the best for your results *hugs* Hmmm ... with all the furor going on about what's actually in this November issue of Zero Sum, I swear I'm getting confused. My kino friend says that this issue is not the bumper issue but Mal (see comments to earlier post on Zero Sum) says she has seen it. I'm confused @_@;; ... imprisoned within my blood ... Sunday My ultimate dream and/or fantasy - Mastering Japanese, Korean, French, German, Spanish and Latin and relocating to Paris with a certain long haired bespectacled bish and occassionally touring Europe as a photographer with monthly visits to anywhere in the world to buy manga Cost = S$5,000,000,000,000/- PLUS HELLAV LOT OF LUCK My present dream for the months of October and November - Going to Sydney and Melbourne after visiting Bel and shopping in Bangkok the week before AND returning to Singapore to take and pass my Jap course Intermed I Cost = S$5,000/- plus some luck for the test My present dream for the week - Pick up manga from oniichan and Serene, finish cataloguing my manga, survive the week and download Gotham Girls Episode 7 Cost = S$50/- My present dream for the evening - Beat Emerald Weapon in Final Fantasy VII (only beat the idiot once in 3rd year of law school and on victory, the game hung and won't save properly - imagine my frustration) and then Ruby Weapon back to back tomorrow evening (beat him often but not able to beat Emerald too). BUT GUESS WHAT? I FINALLY BEAT EMERALD AGAIN AND THIS TIME I SAVED THE GAME SUCCESSFULLY ... Ruby say your prayers *evil grin* Cost = Some electricity Reward = PRICELESS ... ^___^ Reality - Need to draft affidavit, sleep and wake up early tomorrow to do a bit of Jap homework and work - SIGH ... ... imprisoned within my blood ... Jap class is getting tough. Hmm, and the doujin people have gotten back but for some reason my yahoo account doesn't seem to agree with their account. Their messages to me get garbled and vice-versa ... help ... Anyhow, on my end - announcement: Will procure Manga etc. for a fee - send all requests to Yes I know I spelt insomniac wrongly but then again, at least I know you're paying attention. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Saturday Well Koji it's like this you see, I've seen the Zero Sum Nov issue that arrived in Singapore by air-shipment on the shelves and it sure doesn't look like 600 over pages for one. That being said, I've reserved the shipped copies so I've not got mine yet but friends who were less cheapskates and ordered the air-shipments said that there's only a few pages on gaiden. I'm going to Kino on Monday, I'll see if I can find any unwrapped copies lying around. Grief, my order for doujin from Japan directly is not going well. The email arrives in my mail box garbled tho' my computer can read other Jap mails. Why? *tears hair* I'm suffering from Lodoss War withdrawal but it makes no sense to rush back up to oniichan's to get the manga really and he said he'll keep it for me. I want all my manga and doujin ... NOW *sobs* That being said I think Nana is really a good read but where's book 6 *looks mopey* Bringing work home so see you guys later ^__^ ... imprisoned within my blood ... Record of Lodoss War is so beautiful. I'm giving my set to my cousin and buying another one. Met Serene at Karekano and her manga "Lucky Cafe" is so gorgeous that I asked her to reserve the set at kino for me. VERY VERY BROKE NOW *sigh*. Reins, the cost for one more set of Love Hina is S$49. Can you confirm with your friend that he or she is alright with that? ... imprisoned within my blood ... Friday Had quite an interesting day today. Nice ranting, not of interest to anyone but me I guess: Getting on quite well with boss. Hee hee, over MOS dinner we yakked about Hong Kong ... YEAH another pure Cantonese. Well me am damn proud of my heritage. Pure cantonese are not that common in Asia altho you generally find most Chinese outside China and Taiwan speaking Cantonese more than any other chinese dialect. BTW, Mandarin is not a Chinese language. It is actually the language of the Manchurians, left behind by the last imperial dynasty - the Qing dynasty whose rulers were Manchurian. Japanese has only one tone eg. ka is ka and no more. Ka in Mandarin has 4 different ways of pronounication. Cantonese has 8. Forgive me but Cantonese is one of the most melodious dialects as far as I'm concerned altho pronouncing it correctly is rather hard. There're very few swear words as compared to Hokkien as sacarsm with hidden meanings are more the order of the day. Then scooted off to manga shop (boss knows I'm a manga freak) to yak with oniichan and johnny. Pity Shir wasn't around tonite. Came as the crowd was leaving so stayed in shop with oniichan and joh while they closed shop. Hee hee, it's quite funny when you can shop after the shop is closed coz you can really browse to your heart's content altho you have to make your purchases before they turn off the register. I so adore oniichan and johnny and shirs. I like my law friends but I love my manga buddies too as well as my online kakis (singlish for pals) coz you guys keep me from turning into a stuffy lawyer altho this results in a lot of my less abnormal lawyer friends thinking I'm a bit weird. Anyhow, stayed in shop for about 45 minutes after closing, yakking with guys. Oniichan was smoking so much I think I might as well smoke - nah kidding, no $. Pity he doesn't drink tho ... Then took the train home with oniichan (Joh was rushing home to sing his niece a lullaby so she could sleep *awww*) - yakked the whole journey as we recall how we became friends. Heh, it all started when I was going home from university but fell asleep on the train as I wasn't feeling well that day. Ended up at Boon Lay, found the manga shop and the rest is history. Miss uncle. Want to visit him at Bishan but so not on my way >_< Realised oniichan and I have a lot in common. We both love to draw but can't seem to finish our stories. We both want to quit our day jobs and become mangakas but can't bear to leave our jobs too. We both can walk past friends on the road so hit us on the back if you want to catch our attention and we both have perfect eye sight but suffer from aestimatism (can't spell) ... amazing. Yakked about my job, things I want to do. Plans to work in Australia and London eventually, his likely break to become a mangaka (wonder if he will take it up), his new drawing techniques etc. etc. He's funny and I'm very glad to know people like him and Joh and Serene ^___^ Lots of work but tonite I don't care. Am going out for a drink with dad and mum. Tomorrow can take care of itself, tomorrow. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Kurot ... just so you know, I'm dying of envy over your excellent drawing skills. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Ooh - he is my hanakimi boy XD I was just chatting with LW yesterday after visiting Zara and Kino (trying to get her onto blogging) - talking about bish, we figured the chances of me finding Clow Read or Umeda was about 0.001%, which is the score I got in a brain test I played last year - you know how people tend to think more with their left or right lobe and depending on whether you are a visual or hearing person, the upper or lower part of your brain? Well my results were that the centre of my thinking activities was right smack in the middle 50% left 50% right, 50% top 50% bottom. The commentary to the test was - either this test is not working or you're that 0.001% that end up with this result :P *winces* I know I'm abnormal but most of my online quizzes inevitably end up with some odd answer that states I'm at 50% of the spectrum. The only time it was more complimentary was when I got the 3-headed dragon princess at Val's PSH pet selector. >_<;; I'm doomed to a life of insanity and abnormality and I really should be getting back to work. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Eline, here's to you and your Sanzo-taichi lab colleagues ... So what time on Sat? ... imprisoned within my blood ... Wednesday IMPT NOTICE TO CRACK CUSTOMER KIM Good news Kim, I've got a call from Kino. They've got an extra copy of ZS Nov coz of one customer abandoning her order. Please revert to me ASAP so I can tell them whether or not you want it. My contact can keep it off the shelves for 3 days but after that it's open game and trust me, once it's on the shelf it's only a matter of time it flies off too. Bad news - However, I've got to tell you that the ML rumours that this Nov issue is stuffed with Gaiden is not true. The mag only contains a few pages on Nataku bloodying something and Goku breaking his limiter. You know, Zero Sum has cheated us AGAIN *wails*. Revert to me no? Erjika - seen reply email yet? ... imprisoned within my blood ... Got lots of manga yesterday while goofing off at oniichan's ... yes, I finally managed to get away at 12 noon and went home to change but fell asleep on the bed in my work clothes until about 2 when my tummy growl woke me. Went off to JP and spent a good time at the shop. Poorer but got manga ^__^ - almost finished packing too. Just 2 boxes and my wardrobe left but at least my manga catalogue is coming along. El, go Zara together? Got my email? Nov ZS is due to arrive in 2 weeks and my Hellsing 3 is here *beams* Now if I could get more money. Issogashi today but I think I'll live. ... imprisoned within my blood ... Tuesday Back from court, invited old friends from old firm to Oktober fest party. Wish I was in Munich now. SIGH ... Wanted to go off but my sec is not in yet. Poor girl apparently is stuck in a lift at her apartments and can't come till rescued. I guess I won't add to her woes so I'll try to clear some of the work I left her but I would like to go soon. KL and EK are at home (esp KL managed to take off since last Fri - EK only managed to yesterday). Need to pack room and catelogue manga *panics* Left my books at home so must get them before going to see oniichan. Got chocos for him and Johnny ^__^ Hmm, for all those interested in calendars, I'm going tomorrow afternoon (unfortunately last day) and prices could range from S$30 to S$30 judging from past experience. ZS apparently is booked up everywhere ... hope my reservation still holds. Apparently the news about Gaiden has really shot sales. Anyhow, can you believe it? In my sleepy state this morning, I took a dark grey jacket to work instead of a black one. In Singapore, court attire is still the traditional b&w so I borrowed AC's jacket. Damn, you know what? It fits and it's bleeding comfy. Gosh, I'm going to start cross dressing at this rate coz it seems guys' clothes are more comfy. As it is I love guy's white shirts. Ladies' white shirts are so tight at uhm ... I mean I love my new acquisition at Zara but the fact it's so fitted means I can't gain weight (not that I should) and I'm a slob :P Good thing for AC I don't wear floral perfumes >_^;; DAmn ... CrISis aT wORk ... ugh ... later ... ... imprisoned within my blood ... Kim sorry. Kino has just been fully booked up for Zero Sum ~ gomen. ... imprisoned within my blood ... My aunt is wise "If you're on leave, why are you going to work at 7 in the morning?" *shrugs* can't be helped. Do some work then I'll go home. Pack my books and go visit oniichan if I've got time. Hee hee ... off to court in half an hour. ... imprisoned within my blood ... ... how long will it be before I lose control ... how long will it be before he finds me? ... oh preserve my soul, preserve my pride Preserve my sanity thru this nite ... |