Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Madison stands up for Net Neutrality

The local stubbornly refuses to become virtual media lard:

Just as creative initiatives on veteran rehab are happening in the coalminer country of Johnstown, PA, so Madison, WI is out in front on Net Neutrality and local regulation. Frank Paynter offers a series of good reasons, including:
carefully developed public policy regulation in the area of Net Neutrality will effectively thwart attempts by broadband behemoths to block, impair, or degrade a consumer's ability to access any lawful Internet content, application, or service; will protect the right to attach any device for use with a broadband connection; will ensure that phone and cable companies cannot favor themselves or affiliated parties to the detriment of other broadband competitors, innovators, and independent entrepreneurs; and will prohibit the broadband Internet providers from charging extra fees and warping the web in a multi-tiered network of bandwidth haves and have-nots;
Dane101, the collaborative blog of Madison (who knew Madison was in Denmark?), announces that the city will address the issue on March 20th. And there's a next step, says Jesse Russell:
If this passes on March 20, Madison needs to go one farther. We need to pass a regulation for localized protections of network neutrality and in order for a telecom to operate in the city limits, they need to respect those protocols.

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