Showing posts with label moon people. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moon people. Show all posts

Saturday, January 4, 2020

2020...the begining Wanderlust week 1

So many things are going on with my life right now at a nice little clip,  and I am beginning to realize the power of manifesting and intention setting, which isn't witchy at case you think it does.
 Manifesting = Goals.
 Intention setting = planning steps to achieve said goal.

And I am dedicating this journal to actually "journaling" as much as "arting" and committing myself to recording a years worth of moon manifestations along with the Wanderlust program and in a years time, I'll have solid proof for myself to continue researching and learning more about this. (I love researching stuff, lol)

The front page of my journals are what I use to set my theme or intention for my journal and this year I am dedicating 2020 to "self-discovery" which also would have made for a great Word Of The Year, but I chose "RECOVERY" because I am trying to recover the person whom I thought I would have become when I was "old"...(lol, yes I am turning 61 this year and when I was 10, this was definitely OLD.) I figured that my inner me needs a re-boot of sorts and I am on a year long conquest to do just that...I've lost her but she is still there I just need to intentionally go about finding her again. I put a lot of thought into this so I wanted to use the all seeing eye from my Artistic Muse Card #2 stencil to show:
a symbol of divine providence, powerfully representing spiritual truth and awakening.
So that explains the first page 😊

acrylic paints by DecoArt
watercolor paints by LuminArte ascending  

My book will be called the Artfull Moon but I won't make the cover until the end (because yes, I am very messy) and you are welcome to ask me any questions if you want, create something similar of your own, or just come back here and check on my progress.

The Week 1 journal prompt:
Because I am working in my Moon journal I am tweaking the journal prompt to fit my needs:
Which of my three signs to I relate to the most?

I chose a planetoid shape along with their astrological symbols to represent the 3 astrological relationships. 

acrylic paints by DecoArt
watercolor paints by LuminArte
stamp by Rubbermoon
stencil by StencilGirl®

Did you know?
Are you aware of a specific number that just seems to keep popping up,
sometimes for no understandable reason? ...

Power number 3 — A person with the power number 3 tends to attract a rich and full life from midlife on, permeated with creative self-expression and social activities. The person is likely to be tolerant, optimistic, and inspiring.

Personally, I'm all about the number 2 and 2020 is going to be my century! Especially on my birthday in 2022 being that I was born on 2-22 and born at 2am under a full moon. I've been looking forward to this time of my life since I was about 10 and I am sure to be journaling about that too! ❤

What's your favorite number?

Friday, January 13, 2017

Moon People

I have decided that I will dedicate 2017 to learning something new. To experiment and give myself the freedom to try something different, to stay positive and happy. I have become a moon person.

Now you might ask, what is a moon person?
For sure it is someone who appreciates the full moon like the one from last night. I guess that's how I started to become a moonie, by looking for it in the dark night sky, for even in darkness there can be light.

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. Aristotle Onassis

All my steps have been gradual ones because, like I said, this is new to me. 
First: I began to research what the full moon names were and what they meant. I art journaled Januarys and did a video if you want to watch. I also made a playlist so I'll be adding each full moon once a month, so it will end up being 12 videos in the end. Please subscribe to my channel so you won't miss the next one.

And now, as of last night, I have taken it a step further and added a full moon ritual. You can do your own ritual but I did mine on my balcony under the light of the full moon. I wrapped myself up in my favorite afghan, lit a candle and some incense and began by meditating about what I wanted to change in my life. 

Releasing. Letting go. Unburdening yourself. Purging.

I wrote down all the things that I considered to be negative energy and when I was done I wrote over that a moon prayer. Then I burned it and released it into the universe and did some mantra type chanting of my "intention" that I set during the new moon phase.

I welcome transformation, I welcome growth, I welcome abundance. 

I began a Facebook group called Moon people and I invite you to join us if you would like to, and learn together about how the moon exerts influence on our lives. Since it's not a constant thing but it comes and goes in cycles, we need to explore how those cycle affect us. Understanding the basic lunar cycles and things of the moon, you can use that information to guide parts of your life.

I'm ready, I'm open.
Are you?

Friday, January 6, 2017

First Quarter - Waxing Moon

Each phase of the Moon resonates with 
magical significance and astrological meaning.

The First Quarter Moon - Action

Take your projects out there and do something practical about those decisions or wishes you made when the Moon was new.  It provides a burst of energy and forward moving strength and power that you can tap into. Our plans, dreams and ideas are growing and this is a great period to focus on anything which you would like to deepen, grow and commit to. During this time, remember to keep soldiering forward, despite any fears, emotions or doubts that might get in your way. Turn around any emotional energy into creative passion so that you can get things done and finish goals.
Close up pictures are essential because there are so many layers upon layers of color and texture. This is the moon, isn't it gorgeous?

 I used a skewer to both drag paint onto the page and to scribble lines through the paint while it was still wet. Just crushing on all this texture in the stem of the mushroom.

Are you interested in learning about the moon's phases and how we can learn to use them to our advantage? Well, I am exploring the moons for 2017, at the end of the year I'll look back and see how it did...or didn't affect me.
Want to join me?

And on a fun note, I got an Honorable Mention over on The Mixed Monthly Challenge blog for my Christmas mermaid. Nice way to start the year off :)

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Have you heard?

Have you heard the news that I am going to do a month long collaboration about the full moons of 2017? I've been thinking about working towards a goal for my art journaling and I want to be more focused on certain subjects. Every since doing the Journal Your Archetypes I feel more in-line with what I like to create. I like things about nature and I like to learn things, to dig a little that brings me to moons!
Join me? Would love to have you :)

Life is too short to not have fun; we are only here for a short time compared to the sun and the moon and all that.