Marine Background

Monday, November 28, 2011

Family Reunion & Halloween!

We had such a great time in Branson, MO. We went and played and played! We had a great time!! I was able to go pick up Ira that was 2 hours away to come spend the last few days with us. Everyone came except for Brad & Rachelle and their girls. They had just moved and he started his new job, we missed em, but we'll see em soon at Christmas! Lots of pics! Enjoy!
 Mom and Dad were out, it was a busy, and fun day, too much fun for the elderly! :)
 H & Gpa, he loves his papa!!
 This was at Dollar City, such a fun place, the kids had a blast! Cute Marah!
 He loves pointing at the camera when we say smile. lol. Super cute.
 Dad got soaked on the ride with the kids.
 Brea is soaked here, she is super cute! Love her curls!
 Raylee got wet and was super cold after the ride, so I let her borrow my sweatshirt.
 These two are the best of friends, they are super cute.
 lol, love him!
 I gotta find dad's pic of this, but so cute!
 AWWW..... Look, kissing cousins! My parents as kids.... Oh no, I can't let Hendrix see Marah anymore. lol. jk.
 Greyson, Marah, and Erika, so sweet!

 Gma, Gpa, Taylor, Tanner, Raylee, Brendan, Greyson, and Hendrix.
 Hendrix and I at Silver Dollar City, so much fun!
We are cute! :-)
 Trent & Erika's Familia!
 Erika helped me make Apple Cream Pie for my night of dinner, and we forgot to bring a rolling pin, so we had to use our imagination! lol
 We had so much fun!
 We went ziplining with Steve and Becky and had a really good time! View from where we zip lined!
 I LOVE this hot sexy stud! Isn't he cute?!
 He loves his DP!
 We celebrated our anniversary late that weekend, and mom babysat for us, and we went on a dinner showboat for our night out! We had a GREAT time! I was asked to go on stage to "help"  the magician on stage, lol, it was alot of fun, and the food was amazing! The entertainment was the best I've ever seen, very very talented people, if you are ever in Branson MO, go on the showboat, totally worth the money, will go again sometime in the future if we ever are there again! Loved it!!
Happy Anniversary Ira! Best 4 years of my life!
 Our cute family! Seriously, I love his uniforms!

 Ira giving H a haircut! Ipad distracted him for a while, then he got bored, and annoyed. lol
 Beautiful trees in MO, love the changing colors! Amazing!
 On our way to church in MO, lol, I miss my long hair...... :(
 Dad and H hanging out on a Sunday afternoon, H has Ira's shirt on. I told Ira to put him in clothes and this is what he comes out in. lol
 I just thought this was funny!
Ira was "highly encouraged" to send me home, so he was allowed an extra day of the weekend to drive me home. It just happened to be Halloween weekend. We had such a great time, and we miss him everyday! Every day apart really makes you realize how much your other half means to you. It's hard everyday apart, but worth every minute when we are together!
 Our little lion and Ira at our wards trunk or treat! ;-) Ira and & I had such a fun Halloween with Hendrix, he's getting to such a fun stage.
 Family pic we only got for Halloween, cute huh?
Who could not love this? lol.

Hendrix is a little stinker right now. He gets into everything! He climbs onto the counter, climbs on to the table, the other day, he pushed a cart upto the trampoline, and climbs up, and was jumping and was trying to get off when I went out to get him. Crazy kid! He says hi, bye, bubbles, cheese, please, today he said love you, and he almost mimicks some things, and almost says a lot of different words, and is close to talking, should be fun when he doesn't shut up. lol. But.... I love this kid. He always says peeese (please), dada, mama, gama (grandma), and papa. He loves me, but LOVES his dad. We had Ira home for thanksgiving weekend, and when dropping him off at the airport, he said bye bye to dad, and when he started walking away, he started crying for him, I put him in his car seat, and he stood up, turned around, and started pointing to where Ira walked to, and started bawling. I was already on the verge of crying, but when this happened, I broke down! I love my little family, they are everything to me, and I don't know where I would be without em!

    I am living with my parents again till we are stationed. We get stationed the middle of march. Our first choice is Okinawa, Japan, 2nd Hawaii, 3rd North Carolina! Please come visit us! I will enjoy and have fun with my family while I can though. I love my family and cousins that live close, I'll be sad to move. But.... I hope to get up to date on my blog soon!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

More of an update!

This was a little photo shoot we had before Ira left! I really wanted to show how AMAZING my husband is!
Before Bootcamp! And......
AFTER!!! Freaking sexy huh? I am so proud of your babe! He lost 50 lbs in about 9 months? Not bad... not bad at all!
Sorry, all these photo's will be out of order, so be patient! This is a river we went to on a weekend when we were in Missouri! It was cold, but it was a little warm out, like 85 degrees, so Hendrix had a blast in it! 
 Can you see his full diaper? We found a few crawdads? spelling????
 He loved to swing! This was such an awesome park, if I can find the pics I took of it, I will post it later!
 Lovin life!
 He thinks he's so big that he doesn't have to hold mama's hand! :(
 Like I said, these pics are out of order! Hendrix just woke up from a nap, so don't judge! :) He's still cute though! This was the day Ira left for MCT training. Aug 22nd to Sept 20th.
 Uniforms are a definate PLUS! But being a single mom takes a toll on you too....
 Standing at attention too!
 The night before Ira left for MCT training, it just happened to be his birthday too! I made him an ice cream cake, was freaking delicious! Next time I'll freeze it longer though!
He's so happy on his birthday! lol.
 My mom, Hendrix, and Nana, the 3 most influential people in my life.... Ira's actually up there too, but he was at MCT.
 Can I just tell you how much I LOVE my Nana? She is the most beautiful person I know. She NEVER talks bad of ANYONE! She loves everyone in her family unconditionally! And is the BEST example anyone could ask for! I love her sooooo much, and and so blessed to be her grandchild. I hope she's around for many more years to come so just maybe my future kids might get to also meet her! She is just AMAZING, and I love her with all of my heart! She always says she so proud of me, and especially my husband for joining the marines and serving our country and she told me she prays for us every night! I love her with all my heart, and when the day comes that she leaves this world, the heavens will be rejoicing to have an angel from earth come to heaven! But that day is not yet come, so we will enjoy her, and love her as much and as often as we can! We LOVE you Nana!
 The 2 most beautiful women in the world! Couldn't ask for better!
 While my mom and dad were away in Mexico I think? My Aunt Maree treated Hendrix and I to Olive Garden! My favorite restaurant, and by the looks of it.... Hendrix's too! lol. We had a great time!

 So I put locks on my parents door to make sure this wouldn't happen. I think Jaxton, just the day before, had accidentally broken it, and I forgot about it. I didn't hear Hendrix for about 5 mins, and looked everywhere for him, and this is where I found him! He was smiling ear to ear when I found him, I lifted him straight from the toilet to the tub, which is right next to it, that little stinker! He gets into EVERYTHING!!!
 My FAVORITE twin cousins! :-) Sandee put together a little going away play date for Hendrix and I, since I thought I probably would not be coming back to AZ! But little did I know that the Marines do not like "distractions" while the marines are in school, so they "highly recommended" Ira to take me home. (Or they would make his life a living hell, just fyi). So We moved back last Friday. 10-28-11. It was a really really SAD phone call to get from my husband. But on the bright side, they did let him take a couple days off work, and the weekend to drive me home. So.... we enjoyed each other on the ride home, and the weekend, and it was time to say goodbye again... So here I am again. In AZ, living with my parents, who are amazing to let me stay here, till Ira graduates from his job training, which will be March 15th, if the weather doesn't push back his graduation date. So there you have it, I'm back in AZ till March. Come play!!! I am always available usually!
 Aren't they so cute?
 My fun and crazy cuz KT!!! Love her!! She is just too much fun!
But this is my girl! I love her dearly, and seriously.... She will do almost anything for my cookies! ;-) So it's nice sometimes! lol. I love you Sandee, you are the BEST!!
 Ira got to hang out with us the weekend before graduation on Tues Sept 20th from MCT, and we had a BLAST! Hendrix LOVES his dad!
 So cute right?
 I think it wouldn't be so hard if Ira wasn't such an amazing Dad and husband! But he is, so it's so hard to be single and be doing the whole single parent thing without him! I couldn't be more proud of him, but man, I took him for granted when he was around!
 I LOVE Hendrix's face in this pic! Sorry Ira! lol
 Huntington Beach baby! Love it!
 So do you see those little houses on top? That's where I stayed for one of the night's before Ira graduated! It was like 100 yards from the beach, and it's sooo much fun!!
 It was a little chilly that day, but we still had a good time!
 Isn't this awesome?? And for $60 bucks a night? You can't beat it! So much fun!

 I LOVE this pic!

 Such an AWESOME place!
 Sorry I look gross, but Hendrix looked so cute not to post!
 I could not get a pic of Ira the entire graduation! He was in the last row, but.... I promise he was there!
 Hendrix and I in the stands! :) Doesn't he look happy! lol.... not!!!
 This is the first night in Missouri, I didn't take any furniture with me cause it was too expensive to move it there, thank goodness, and just bought everything I needed at a garage sale, or at the thrift shop, or at Walmart, I only ended up being there for a month, but we sure did enjoy it!
 Grandma's pad, I know most kids have done this, but this is a first for my kid! Hilarious!
 Papa's glasses, he loves his Papa!
 On our way to taking mom and dad to the airport, this was the sky, loved it! So pretty!
 We love Papa!
 Grandma and Hendrix!
 This is the park I was talking about earlier! We came here often!
 Isn't it gorgeous? I LOVE all the trees!
Who wouldn't play here? It's such a fun park!
 Ain't I cute?
 I love his smirk!
 Throwing rocks with Daddy!

 Just like dad, he's addicted to Dr. Pepper!
 Just thought this was funny!
 Hendrix loves rubbing his cheek against Ira's short hair, super funny!
 This is the road I drove to and from to go see Ira, nice huh? I love how many trees are in MO compared to AZ, AZ kinda sucks in that aspect!
Just a cute pic of my little guy!

We had a great time in MO, and miss Ira like crazy! Would I do it all again for a month? Absolutely! We had such a good time, and got to see Ira for a couple hours everyday! And.... all weekends, it was awesome! I loved being on my own for a month, and living on my own, and being able to walk around in my garments is amazing! lol. I loved cooking, cleaning, all in my own place, but that was short lived! Thank goodness I have amazing parents! That welcomed me back in! I love my husband and can't wait to have a normal life again in March!