Showing posts with label my love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my love. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Little kitten from stink-garden :)


Oops, no offence ok.. sy pn penah duk setinggan gak mase kecik dlu..

one day my cousin-kimi brought home a very cute but dirty little kitten from a setinggan area. sumbangan ikhlas from one of his school friend yg tinggal kat sane terus bwk datang ke port lepak kami which is my unit kat tingkat 13 (ihiks ;p ikhlas la sangat..). love at first sight ;p kami memangla sangat suke ng binatang² yg perasan comel ni.. and this kitten, so happen, (i could see) sangat comfortable ng environment baru die (erk, temporary jek, before cousin-kimi pakse the kitten balik umah die).. very the kind yg boleh wat like.. 'ur home, is my home as well' ;p

sangat penat kot, bole dok merayau jap, exploring the house (nasib baik umh flat-kecik je, memangla sangat practical untuk seekor anak kucing secomel die melawat kawasan) then, terus dok landing atas sofa. mulenye ok je, nmpak cam nak berehat ng pose biase yg seekor kucing berikan.. but then makin diperhati makinla sangat comel aksi manja yg die tonjolkan. and nk ditambah geram lg.. ape pn yg kami wat pd die macam xde reaksi. siot jek kitten ni. sungguh mencabar saki-baki aura 'geram' yg masih ade dlm diri kami² yg cool ni ;)

story-starter ;p
-thanks, darling aisyah for ur comment on frenster!

so hasilnye; dapatla amik beberapa shot. geram gile ng kitten ni. i wished i could have him tp cousin-kimi kedekut. tak mo bagi. gambar je yg dapat. benci cousin-kimi. benci!

macam kera dapat bunge
macam kucing dapat handphone ;p

tengok la tu! umpan nugget pun tak laku ;p
