
Showing posts with label jbloggers carnivals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jbloggers carnivals. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hair we go again!

This week's Haveil Havalim is here.
Chaviva of Kvetching Editor fame is doing a series called The Tzniut Project where Jewish women are answering questions about " their practices, people's assumptions, and more" regarding what is being called tzniut (modesty) but really in this context is about dress codes. One of her questions is: 
"What do you think other people infer from your clothing and hair covering choices? Has anyone ever said anything to you outright that expresses a judgment based on your appearance? (Ex: “You don’t cover your hair or wear skirts, so why do you keep kosher?”) 
Funny you should ask.
Last night the phone rang and it was a survey about a newspaper we subscribe to. I usually cooperate with phone surveys because it gives parnasa (support) to a Jew in Israel. So I tell him on a scale of 1 to5 what I think of various sections of the paper, whether on a scale of 1 to 4 I will subscribe again next year, on a scale of 1 to 7 whether I agree or disagree with certain political  and moral statements, etc., etc. And then the young man got to the demographic section. So, how do I define myself. Well, there was a really broad spectrum  from haredi, haredi leumi, dati leumi, dati, masorti leumi and several other configurations that I don't remember this morning. I picked one and then we went on to the next question obviously designed to further sharpen the demographic division:
How do you cover your hair? 
which was followed by a list of possibilities from 'always a wig' through 'sometimes a wig and sometimes a hat', 'only hats and scarves covering all or most of the head', 'hats and scarves covering most  but not all of the head' 'some of the head', sometimes, always, never???  The next question was about pants. 
Conclusion: around here there seems to be plenty to be inferred from my hair covering choices!

Sunday, May 08, 2011

What's black and white and Re(a)d all over?

A blushing zebra?
No, in the old days the answer was "a newspaper" 
Reading is no longer black and white, nor are newspapers.
The JBlogsphere is up to its eyeballs in color as witness this week's carnival reviews. Enjoy!
Ilana-Davita, our favorite blogger in France hosts JPix. I imagine it took lots of work to set up such a fine review of photos posted by the JBloggers around the web. A hearty 'kol hakavod' to her.
Ben-Yehudah put together the overview of JBloggers, Haveil Havalim entitled "One Wedding & A Funeral" with lots to read.
According to the site Leora of Here in HP is busy getting the Kosher Cooking Carnival together and we are hungrily awaiting the post! Judging by Leora's lovely blog, it will be well worth reading.

Monday, April 11, 2011

An End In Sight?

Halutza, May 2010
Esser Agaroth: Haveil Havalim #312 - It's Time To Talk About The Elephant In The Room begins with a discussion by Ya'aqov Ben-Yehudah, this week's esteemed host, of pluralism which I guess would mean including all the posts submitted vs.editorial selection and exclusion of posts which the host deems 'offensive'. Ideally, I come down on the side of inclusion, except that I know that when I hosted there were one or two posts that I did not include because they were from missionary type sites. So, I guess we all have our boundaries for good taste. It's good to talk about it and if a host does disinclude a post it should be noted why. Thanks Ya'aqov for a thoughtful and well done review. (I like it when you can tell that the host actually read all the posts.)

Bibi Netanyahu is talking tough (here) about meeting 'further fire' with a 'harsh response'. In the meantime the Hamas has escalated the shelling only to be thwarted by 'Star Wars" style technology. Iron Dome. Today, as the Viflic family face grief and sorrow of watching their only son Daniel fight for his life in Soroka Hospital  (Iron Dome does not protect school busses from anti-tank missiles) there are some mumblings from Gaza about a 'cease fire'. But as has been pointed out, there has been not one month since Cast Lead without shelling from Gaza.
In some personal news my son's family has moved from their temporary settlement in Yated to the new home of the Atzmona Pre-military Prep Yeshiva in the new settlement Naveh in the sands of Halutza. The place is so new that Google maps doesn't even name it. But it is really close to where they were temporarily.
View Larger Map
I can not help but see the irony here. Atzmona is a settlement which existed in Gaza and it's residents were exiled  in 2005 in order to 'give peace a chance'. So far the least cynical thing I can think of to say is that this is ironic.
Not exactly Gaza, but definitely in the same vein, I'd like to share this video of a constructive initiative. A hearty Kol Hakavod (more power to them) to these women in Gush Etzion: 

I am looking forward to a week of Pesach preparations and I hope to be thinking mainly about matzoh.
Happy Passover! !פסח כשר ושמח

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Learning to Ask ~ Passover Preparation

ראש חודש ניסן תשע"א
Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5771

Frume Sarah's World is hosting Haveil Havalim #311- The Warp and Woof Edition here. Ima on (and off) the Bima has the latest Kosher Cooking Carnival here
 Like everyone else, I am getting ready for Pesach. Of course I'm cleaning, planning menus and shopping planning to shop. There is Pesach in the air here. The day after Purim, all the stores are advertising cleaning materials and housewares. Pesach has taken over the airwaves and the advertising.
Our shiurim (classes) are all about Pesach, getting ready for the holiday spiritually and practically. This Shabbat we announced the coming month of Nissan and read the Maftir emphasizing the importance this month, calling it THE month. And what a month it is!
 No holiday beats Passover for nostalgia. I believe that some of my earliest memories are of the seder night. I remember sitting at the table in my grandparents house and my grandfather getting up to go to the kitchen to wash his hands and my mother calling me over to take a matza from the table. She said "we"ll hide this in the other room while grandpa is washing" and we went into the small closed porch where there was no light on because my baby brother was asleep there (just shows how long ago that was) and she said to me "we'll wrap it in this diaper and put it here near the baby so they won't see it". I remember feeling vaguely confused as to why my grandfather was making such a fuss about getting up from the table to go to the kitchen and why we needed to put the matza near the baby.
 Then first grade rolls around and I am attending an all day Jewish school where we learn Jewish subjects and Hebrew reading in the morning and the three R's in English in the afternoon. We have been given a Hagada and we must learn the Ma Nishtana (4 Questions) by heart in time for the seder. We spend  what seemed like weeks repeating the Hebrew words alternately with the Yiddish translation.
Tate, ikh vil dir fregn de fir kashes
Ma nishtana halayla hazeh mikol haleylot.
Farvos iz di nakht fun peysekh andersh fun ale nekht fun a gants yor?
The Yiddish, it was explained to us, was so that our grandparents would understand (and be impressed with us). My memory of getting up that year and singing this is of a great feeling of accomplishment at having done it and lots of smiles and encouragement from the assembled mixed with a total blank as to understanding what I was saying. I'm glad my grandparents understood what I was singing, because I certainly didn't. Oh well. What I did understand was what the English teacher taught us and that was this song:

At the time, I didn't know it was associated with slavery in America. I really did think it was about Moses and the Jews.Over the years I have developed an understanding of the significance of feeling that I too was led out of Egypt and have tried to pass it on to the next generation. Now, dozens of seders later I am getting ready once again. Only now it's my turn to prompt grandchildren to 'steal' from their grandfather and ask questions. What a privilege!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

And you shall live by them וחי בהם

Last week  Susan B celebrated with Haveil Havalim #309 the Purim edition and this week Izgad has #310 the Hangover edition. 
Then, there are those of us (mostly women) for whom post-Purim means pre-Pesach and pre-Pesach means cleaning or stressing-out over cleaning. Just look at my friends Batya and A Mother in Israel.

OK, so today I decided that enough is enough and attacked my bedroom. Now, we don't often (if ever really) eat in the bedroom but I do sometimes have stuff in my bag which sometimes comes with me into that room. Anyway our bed is heavy and I move it only once a year. So, while this doesn't actually count as looking for chametz it is something I do every year before Purim and Pesach (whether it need it or not ;)) So today was the day. Besides moving the bed, I took out the shoe drawers at the bottom of the closet and swept there (no chametz there either) and moved a few other pieces of furniture that we have and gave the whole thing a dusting and wash. OK, so besides finding a few (OK more than a few) stray socks and some other odd things on the floor I also found some coins. Aha! Fruit of my labors. I thought it was significant and worth sharing that under the bed I found 18 shekels. Surely a good sign. (18 in Gematria - the system of assigning numerical value to Hebrew letters - is chai or life). 
 Then under the heavy bureau I found 1.20 shekel (120 agorot) and we all know what 120 signifies. (The longest life expectation we have. Based on Moses having lived a full life of 120 years.) Definitely a good sign.
 And then it all got spoiled by another shekel found next to the bookcase by the door. But of course I could say that that is one for good luck!
Enjoy your post-Purim pre-Pesach season!

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Rosh Chodesh Adar, Second Time Around, Two Carnivals!

Miryummy has the Kosher Cooking Carnival and Ben-Yehudah has the Haveil Havalim #307, both in honor of Rosh Chodesh Adar Bet and both full of stuff to read and think about or do. Enjoy them both !

Monday, February 07, 2011

New Moon Over Rehovot

This year we have an extra month in the Jewish year. It's 13 months instead of 12 so that Passover will be celebrated in the spring. and not in early March which is usually not very spring-like. Although this year, we could have pretended it was spring in December. For now, it is raining and has been, on and off, for the past few days giving hope that we might get a bit of winter this year after all. You can see the clouds in the twilight and that little smile in the top left corner is the new moon. 
New moon in the Jblogsphere brings a with it a slew of carnivals and reviews. 
Mrs. S is hosting her first-ever Kosher Cooking Carnival over at Our Shiputzim.
The JackB is hosting the Haveil Havalim #303. 
Esser Agorot has a round-up of the Kehilla Bloggers.

So while there are really no holidays for another 6 weeks you can take advantage of the lull and read everyone's blogs. Or you could start baking for Purim. Or you could start cleaning for Pesach. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Strange taste in food but good taste in reading...

Chaviva, with her brand new logo, has been at it again. This time it's Haveil Havalim #302 done in her cheerful friendly style. She's taken the title MacFalafel w/Mustard which sounds pretty awful but don't let that scare you. Click on over and see what's been posted in the J-blogsphere this week. Special thanks to Chaviva for including my post about the Modzitzers.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Happy Chanuka DeLuxe - L'mehadrin min hamehadrin!

See Mrs. S for the latest in Internet Chanukah lore. 

If you are looking for ways to make eight days with the kids educational and interesting you can get some really inspiring educational ideas and learn a little something yourself at this special Hanuka site  called Women and Wonder: A Family Hanukka Website. There are stories, projects and music to keep you busy and interested. A nice touch is that it available in English (which I linked to) and Hebrew and Russian. For me, this is good since I have enjoyed reading the English and now can share it with our kids and grandchildren in Hebrew next week without having to make any extra effort!

Haveil Havalim is up at the Home Shuling  which is  nice Jewish parenting blog and Miriyummy is getting ready to post Kosher Cooking Carnival (or should be so be prepared). 

Monday, November 01, 2010

Haveil havalim - the good name edition - Tributes to RivkA

Batya  was active in finding this clip of RivkA capturing her spirit and style. Soccer Dad put together a mini Haveil Havalim with observations about the Jblogsphere and links to many posts honoring RivkA's memory.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Haveil Havalim #288 Please Pray for RivkA

Founded by Soccer Dad, one of the founding fathers of the jblogosphere, Haveil Havalim is a carnival of Jewish blogs - a weekly collection of Jewish and Israeli blog highlights collected from blogs all around the world. It's hosted by different bloggers each week. It is now managed by Jack, who will be ecstatic if you'll agree to host the carnival on your blog. 
I have enjoyed HH at other blogs and have discovered interesting people and ideas through it and I'm now returning the favor and hope to add my own take to some of the submissions this week. But first I have an important request for you bloggers and readers. One of us, whom we have come to know online and in person, RivkA of Coffee and Chemo, has been hospitalized and needs our prayers. Batya has pointed me in the direction of a Tehilim group. You can sign up to join in saying Tehillim for her recovery at this link
And now on with the posts: 

Jewish Identity

David examines the beginnings of Jewish identity in Avraham Avinu, Ha-Yehudi Ha-Rishon and relates it to modern life. 
A Simple Jew tells a delightful story about a chassidic rabbi "Greater than an Angel" at A Simple Jew.
Batya is making up for lost time and suggests that study of the bible is as important as keeping mitzvot"Nothing's New..." posted at Shiloh Musings.
A New/Old Jewish Superhero points to a novel way of spreading the word about 'the Jewish idea' at   Cosmic X in Jerusalem 
What is more a sign of Jewish identity than brit milah? Velveteen Rabbi discusses this important ceremony from the parent's point of view Brit Milah: A Parent's Q-and-A.

Susan Barnes reveals the develoopment of her thoughts on phylacteries Tefillin Barbie join her as she explores her connection to Jewish symbols at To Kiss A Mezuzah.
Mistaken Identity?
Maya compares some of Israels celebrities to America's well-knowns in  fun post about Israeli-American dopplegangers Israeli Famous People who look like American Famous People posted at How to Be Israeli.

Rabinfest 2010 is the name given by Cosmic X in Jerusalem  to the marking of the 15th yahrtzeit of Yitzhak Rabin. He reports on the atmosphere surrounding this year's marking of the day.
Harry's blog ISRAELITY features a potpourri of good stuff about Israel including inviting the Chilean Miners for Xmas, an examination of the housing boom saying Israeli property market is hot…maybe too much so, and another about Hellacious Holon a city which is experiencing a cultural rebirth. I am putting it on my 'must see' list.
I'd like to point you to my discussion of women's Torah study in Israel Reaching for the Stars or Slippery Slope?
Neil Fleischmann who calls himself funny has a serious word on Vayeira Stars and Dust Forever - Vayeirah posted at NY's Funniest Rabbi.
Rabbi Yehoishophot Oliver is a prolific blogger who sent in The real Iskafya  which is about purification through spirituality rather than abstinence, The meaning of creation ex nihiloCultivating a Tefillah state of mind about preparing for prayer and Levels of the Neshamah (not for beginners, Jewish philosophy).
The Rebbetzin's Husband examines the biases of Ageism in the rabbinic search process.
Independent Patriot/Elise posted this impassioned plea Ellen Degeneres Speaks Out About Bullying at Liberty's Spirit essentially saying before you give up on life, ask for help.
Rahel has a legitimate complaint about being taken advantage of by a 'friend" Getting the Picture read about it at Elms in the Yard.
Right here on Isramom I told a true story involving  ill-put input over hair covering.
Events and Invitations
Batya reports on the women's visit to Tel Shiloh, Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan, October, 2010 posted at Shiloh Musings and invites us to Women's Prayers at Tel Shiloh, Rosh Chodesh Kislev
After celebrating Rosh Chodesh you can look forward to Jacob Richman's Invitation to Virtual Chanukah Party see what it's about at Good News from Israel.
Elianah-Sharon gives us a peek into the world of a family dealing with ongoing mental health issues in Collateral Damage. It is emotional, perceptive and realistic.
Minnesota Mamaleh: About Books | TC Jewfolk is about her love of books and her book club. I have belonged to a book club here in Rehovot for over a decade and readily identify. Check  TC Jewfolk. for her recommendations. 
The Rebbetzin's Husband asks whether Rabbis friending children on Facebook is acceptable. I would say that if the kids ask to be your friend it's OK but don't go looking for them. Another thing, I am 'friends' with Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Tweski on Facebook (he is a chassidic Rabbi and psychiatrist who has written many books some of which I have read and are very good) but it seems weird when I get a message about "Abraham".
Lady-Light presents Too Much Work, Too Little Time...To Blog! posted at Tikkun Olam a thought we can all appreciate at one time or another!
QuietusLeo of The Sandman needed a vacation and took his family to Bulgaria (of all places) and took some great photos as well.
Ben-Yehudah gives his opinions of the opinions in Israel's press My Local Rag posted at Esser Agaroth.
and points us to a new Battle for Jerusalem described at TOMER DEVORAH.
Jacob Richman sent in the link for The Noach Page posted at Good News from Israel and although it's now after Va'Yera there are some good things there which you shouldn't have to wait another year to look at. Eespecially don't miss the Bill Cosby monologue! While you're at Good News from Israel don't miss  They Spoke Hebrew!! which is really cute and might even be educational.
Neil Fleischmann is funny about shoppers posted at NY's Funniest Rabbi.
SnoopyTheGoon, whose name is funny enough finds The funny side of French strikes over at Simply Jews.
Mazal tov to Benji Lovitt who is Employed. Which Means I Get Emails Like This over at What War Zone???.
Lady-Light sends us to see a great video by the Latma crew.
Kosher Cooking
I will be hosting the KCC (Kosher Cooking Carnival) for the month of Kislev so you can send me your submissions through the BlogCarnial here
Shimshonit is busy interviewing food mavens and this time around it was my friend of many years and the person responsible for introducing me to bloogging My favorite foodies, part III: Batya over at Shimshonit.
If you have been living under a rock you might not have heard that Suzy Fishbein has a new cookbook and the whole Jblogshere is busy competing for free copies so enter early and often! Try me-ander or  Jew In The City, or In The Pink  and I'm sure many many others.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Review with Shadows

These photos were taken in a park right near my office in Rehovot. The site was originally a winery and the park was planned around the restoration of the area. I was walking in the area one afternoon as the shadows lengthened and shot these photos.

Haveil Havalim, a review of Jewish/Israeli blog posts is over at Cosmic X in Jerusalem. Next week I will be hosting.

A Mother In Israel points us to interesting posts about food, family and life.

One of my favorite food bloggers, Miriyummy shares links to other food blogs along with wit and insight.

And since I mentioned food, this month's edition of Kosher Cooking Carnival is over at me-ander. Next month it will be here at my place.

 For Shadow Shot Sunday visit Hey Harriet. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Welcome Heshvan, Haveil Havalim and the latest Kosher Cooking Carnival

As I've mentioned before the holiday season is over and life settles down to business here in Israel. At our house we have run out of excuses and we are gearing up to eat more sensibly and try to lose some weight. Batya's latest Kosher Cooking Carnival #59 is posted over at me-ander and she even has a few recipes in the section marked 'Diet'. There, I've even said the word.
I'll be hosting the next edition so keep me in mind and point me in the direction of tasty stuff that will help us stay on the straight and narrow...
I received this quick response to my call for help and it's worth passing on now rather than later:

Blogger Tamar Genger MA RD said...

I am a Deititian and try to cook healthy most of the time, you can find my recipes on as member Tamar at (my site). I am also coming out with an article on cooking with a pressure cooker, it should be up this week and is filled with healthy ideas.
Good luck.
And so is the Haveil Havalim! at Ima's  where she brings us the "Return to Normal Blogging" edition of the popular Jblogsphere review. 
Thanks Ima. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

WWW = Wonderful Women on the Web

rutimizrachi  of Ki Yachol Nuchal! has put together a Carnival of jbloggers who have banded together and formed Kehila the brainchild of Eric at The Israel Situation. She has put together a lovely collection of blog posts decorated by lovely pictures of food  fruits and flowers. 
Batya at me-ander has posted the 58th (tfu, tfu, tfu) Kosher Cooking Carnival  which she calls "Carnival for the Hungry" because she wrote it on Tzom Gedalya. It should be appropriate for Saturday night when we finish our fast of Yom Kippur. 
And speaking of Yom Kippur Adventures in Mamaland found this here a sign of the times that shouldn't need any explanation. 

Here's wishing everyone a G'mar Chatima Tova and a meaningful fast
גמר חתימה טובה

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ki Yachol Nuchal DID IT! The Summer's End Edition Haveil Havalim #281

Rutimizrachi has done a beautiful job of posting Haveil Havalim. 
Kol Hakavod!
Ruti at the beach

While you're over at her blog check out her post about the Tchelet Tour.It's a post like the one I should have written after we participated in this activity last Succot.
Check that out here.

Jpix here       KCC here
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