Showing posts with label clouds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clouds. Show all posts

Monday, January 12, 2015

Whimsical Windows, Delirious Doors! #163

Welcome back to our little meme!

So I know that I've told you that I work in the engineering department of a small factory, located on a kibbutz not far from my home. And I know that I've showed you lots of photos of the views I get from my office, which tend to be breathtaking. But the building itself is a factory, and very plain from the outside. 

To send the point home, I've taken the liberty of photographing the back door of our little building, complete with some accompanying windows:

and yet, pivoting 180 degrees in that same spot, we find this lovely landscape, bravely recovering from last week's snowstorm:

Which is why I like to look out the windows as often as I can :)

Now it's your turn! Please play along with us here at Whimsical Windows, Delirious Doors! Just post your photo of a window, door, or anything architectural, link here, and sign up in the widget, below. Thanks so much for stopping by - have a wonderful, whimsical week, everyone!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Skywatch - catching up :)

Well, it's getting to be winterish, and that's the time of year that I'm blessed to be inundated with beautiful clouds at all times of day. Yay! Here are a few sunrises, sunsets, and random beautiful sky views that I've found over the past few weeks (buckle up, there are quite a few... :)

I decided that the electric lines here kind of added to the composition :)
Here's a rainbow peeking out from behind a raincloud :)
As always, feel free to click on any of those, if you'd like a closer view. Now go visit Skywatch Friday, to see even more sky-oriented photography! Have a lovely, peaceful weekend, all of you - thanks for stopping by!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Whimsical Windows, Delirious Doors! #155

Welcome back to our fun little meme!

Here's one last building that I don't remember having seen before until now, and it was very pretty! All sorts of mesmerizing, almost dizzying wavy lines - it made me feel like I was on the beach:

I decided to zoom in a bit, and see just what was going on there:

Which is when I realized - whoa! Even cooler! Those waves are balconies! I think...

Yes, they are! And just one zoom closer, I found someone standing outside :)

As always, feel free to enlarge any of those, if you'd like a closer view.

A quick search in Google Images revealed that my beach feeling is pretty close to the intent of this structure - it's called "Aqua," and is even more awesome than I knew :) Click on that link if you're interested...

Chicago was the last stop on our summer tour, and Aqua is the end of my overseas windows and doors exhibition. Well, except for this, which always makes me feel all warm and cozy inside:

And these cool shots taken out of our airplane window, of the Swiss Alps:

That's it for now! Please play along with us here at Whimsical Windows, Delirious Doors! Just post your photo of a window, door, or anything architectural, link here, and sign up in the widget, below. Then go and visit the other participants - that's the most fun of all! Thanks so much for stopping by, and have a wonderful week, everyone!

Oh - and I'm linking here to this week's Thursday Challenge, which happens to be Architecture this week - how can I resist? :)

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Whimsical Windows, Delirious Doors! #154

Welcome back all, to your favorite little meme!
We're almost, almost done looking at my photos from this past summer, and then we can get back to Israeli architecture! Meanwhile, here are the highlights from the second half of the boat tour that my family went on in downtown Chicago:

 As a little girl, this one was always my favorite :)

Now it's your turn! Please play along with us here at Whimsical Windows, Delirious Doors! by posting your photo of a window, door, or anything architectural, linking here, and signing up in the widget, below. Thanks so much for stopping by, and have a wonderful, whimsical week, all!

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Here is the amazing sunset that we had last night:

And here are the skies from my window this morning:

 which soon exploded into:

For more sky-oriented photography, go check out Skywatch Friday, right now! Have a beautiful weekend, everyone!