Sunday, September 28, 2008

Number #3!

Well, we have some big news! I feel like its safe enough now to say we are happily expecting baby number 3! I am almost 14 weeks pregnant and we are so excited! So far things are looking really good and we cant wait to find out what we are having! Seeing as how we already have one boy and one girl, we really dont care what the gender is! Both would be a fun addition to our little family! I have felt its a boy since day one though so Im pretty sure its a boy! :) This pregnancy has for sure been the hardest and Ive been the most sick, but just within the last week I am finally feeling like my old self again..(just a little bigger!)! Here are a few pics of the ultrasound I had last week! Look at the middle one...hes totally waving at us!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Happy 5th Birthday Ryleigh Renae!

Its hard to believe that my little girl is growing up. I layed in bed last night wondering where 5 years has gone! For some reason, time for me keeps speeding up, and I dont like it at all! I told her this morning that this is as old as she can get! Thats more growing up! Ryleigh is such a sweet girl. She loves to play with friends, loves to read..alot!, loves arts and crafts, and most of all loves her family. She is ALWAYS kissing us and hugging us, telling us how much she loves us. A couple cute things she does are..Everyday she says..."guess how much I love you?" they shell say a number like "45" or "90". I love it and look forward to it everytime she says it! If you ever have been over here while we put her to bed..her nightly routine of teeth brushing, book reading, prayers, and hugs ends with this.."Love you, youre my best friend, good night!" Everynight she says that! She hasnt missed a night in like a year! I love it! She loves playing with her brother, and although they have their fare share of fights, they get along great and its fun to watch they interact! She is and will always be my baby girl and we love her so much! Happy Birthday Ryleigh! We love you! **ALOT of Pictures!!**