Monday, June 2, 2008

Ryleighs Graduation!

Last Friday was Ryleighs Graduation from Preschool! I have mixed emotions about this! I am so proud of her! She has come SO far since she first started preschool 2 years ago! (I cant believe its been that long!) She is such a smart little cookie and its been fun to see her learn and grow while she has been there.She loved her 3 teachers and they were always so sweet to her! Luckily, Jax is attending there next year so we can still see them and Ry can pop in and say hello every once in a while! On the flip side.....My baby girl is going to KINDERGARTEN!!! Come on people, that is elementary school were talking about! Do I really have a child old enough for that? I am excited for her and again, so proud of her, but I am also so sad about how fast they are growing up! I cried her first day of preschool and yes, I know I will cry her first day of BIG KID SCHOOL! (not to mention more tears on Jaxs first day of preschool!) I love them so much and I am really going to enjoy this summer with them before both of them are in school in August.