Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Happy Half Birthday to Jacob!

This post is late too...but as is my motto on this blog, better late than never right? Our little...or should I say not so little...Jacob is growing so fast! He was 20 1/2 lbs and 27 in. at his 6 month check-up. He is my little roley-poley, he rolls EVERYWHERE! It is so funny to watch him roll around everywhere. He may not crawl yet but he sure can get where he wants...and doesn't go. The second you lay him on the ground he's off rolling somewhere and he's fast too! He gets himself stuck in the wierdest places like under the piano bench, under our bed, with his feet stuck under the couch, in corners, everywhere! He can sit up now too, he's a bit wobbly so we have to be right there to catch him when he tips over, but with all that weight he's got on him can you blame him?

He is so happy most of the time. (Hey, everyone has a bad day now and then right?) I say this every month I do an update, but he absolutely LOVES and ADORES his big brother. His face lights up as soon as Tyler walks in the room. Tyler is the best at making Jacob laugh. When Jacob starts to get fussy in the car Tyler starts singing to him and Jacob instantly stops fussing. When Tyler's song is finished he starts fussing again. Tyler likes to comfort him in the car too, he says things like, "It's okay baby Jacob, we're almost home", "It's okay baby jacob you don't cry, mommy's here"

Jacob does NOT like having to be all bundled up lately either. He does all he can to wiggle away from me as I'm putting on his sweater, jacket, or hat. Once we have him in a jacket it is so funny because for some reason he feels he can't move anymore or something. He just lays perfectly still, which as I said above is not what he normally does.

Enjoy the pictures!
This shirt, and the shirt in the above picture, were supposed to be Christmas presents from his Autn Bekah, but we both realized that Jacob probably wouldn't fit them by Christmastime, so, he got them early so that they could be put to use! Thanks, they are so cute!!!


C. Leah said...

Awww, he is so cute!! I can't believe he is 6 months already!

4webbsontheweb said...

Happy 6th month old b-day to Jacob! I'm glad he hit the 20lb mark at 6th months. Porter did too. He is so cute and chubby. I love the shirt he got for Christmas. It is so cute that Tyler takes such good care of his little brother. They will be best buds!

Bekah said...

I love that last picture. You can totally see what's going through his little mind in it! The shirts look so cute too! I'm glad I gave them to you early!

House of Smiths said...

He is getting so big! And CUTE!

Tay and Teigan said...

He is SO CUTE! I love those cheeks.

lady said...

I love big babies....remember how big Preston was!!! Now Madison is following in her brothers footsteps! Jacob is SO CUTE! You're a good baker miss tiffany!

Brandi Doss said...

Jacob is so stinkin cute. I think my favorite thing about him is his laugh. I still can't believe he is already 20 lbs., Ari is almost there a year:) Speaking of which, this isn't the best way to let you know, but I am having a little dinner for Ari's birthday this Sunday at 5 and would like to invite you. Let me know if you guys can come and eat:)