Monday, December 12, 2011

Garden of the Gods

Early in October we decided it was high time we started doing some sight seeing in this beautiful state of Colorado. I really wanted to go to the mountains, but we felt since it was so last minute we should do a little smaller type trip. So after doing a little looking around on the Internet we decided on a quick trip to Colorado Springs, about 45 min south of us, to Garden of the Gods. We took the kids on their first "hike" (it was really just a walk, but whatever gets kids to keep going right?). We chose a short loop near the "Kissing Camels" and enjoyed some of the nice weather we were having. The rock formations were beautiful, as always. The boys were super excited to see some rock climbers too!

 The start of our hike...when Jacobs legs were still working.
 I even had a little fun practicing my photography skills- I LOVE this shot.

 Daddy was a trooper, as always, carrying more than his fair share of the load.
 I did a little climbing with the boys (and had my heart drop to my stomach a few times as they were a little more independent and brave on the rocks than I would have liked) by the balancing rock. Jack took these pictures at the bottom by the car.

It was a fun little trip and made us appreciate even more our new home state. We LOVE Colorado and are so glad we moved here, and can't wait to continue to explore it!


MeganRuth said...

I love garden of the gods! I was even a park ranger there was summer... Yes I'm a bit of a nerd, but I wore the blue shirt and khaki shorts all summer long. Yay for Colorado. We miss it there.

Unknown said...

Love these photos! I love the family one and the one of you climbing with the boys. :) You guys are raising such adorable wonderful little kiddos!