Monday, January 26, 2009

Too much, but too little information

Alright, I have made it a goal this year to eat healthier. I had read a nutrition book (for dummies), about 6 or so months ago, it helped but I wanted more detailed information. I have also been wondering about herbs, and what would be good for my migraines. So I got on the Internet to see what I could find.
I ended up finding so much information, that it felt like an over load. So one day when I was out and about, I stopped at Barnes at Noble, thinking maybe I could find a book that would have what I was looking for. Well, as it turned out I walked out of Barnes and Noble empty handed. They have all sorts of books on the subject, but none of the books go into what I am looking for. So we left, I didn't even go into my favorite sections, because I knew I would find a book there, but it wasn't what I wanted.
So now I still don't have the information that I was looking for. Sometimes I wish that all these people that wrote all these complex books about diet and health, would talk about all the basic stuff in detail, and not just skim over the top of it. So if any one as any suggestions, I am all ears.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Just a thought

Alright I made it a goal to read the Book of Mormon, I haven't been doing a very good job. I have read a little, but just enough to say I have read. Well over the weekend, I got on to, and Kellie Oaks had sent me a invitation to take the Hinckley Challenge--read the Book of Mormon in 97 days.
I realized, that chances are I will not be able to finish it in 97 day, but I am going to at least try. I figure that if I can at least read everyday for the next 97 days, then I am less likley to quit reading it.

So I challenge anyone who isn't already trying to do this.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I am a slacker

Alright, I am once again having one of those months were I think of a ton of stuff to blog about but never do. So I have once again gone almost a whole month with out blogging.
I have spent the last few days sick. I am still feeling it, and I don't know how long it is going to stick around. The good news for everyone else, I am pretty sure that it isn't contagious. I think the problem is very simple.
I get depressed very easy, I try to do simple things to keep it at bay. Unfortunatly it doesn't always work. Sometimes, it gets so bad I get sick. Which is where I am now.
Since it is the beginning of the year I tend to look at things through a mircoscope trying to figure out what I need to do to better myself. I tend to be critical of myself, very critical. I am my worst critic.
It is hard for me to talk to Kraig about some of my issues, because a lot of the time, I don't even know what is bothering me.
I have learned that things that make me laugh help alot, as well as being outside in the sun. Unfortunately being out in the sun at the moment isn't really an option. I go to work as the sun comes up, and drive home as it goes down missing all the sunlight. I do take Vitamin D to try and counter act the lack of sunlight I get, since I fry when I am in the sun longer the 2 minutes anyway.
So now to try and make things a little better, I am trying to look for all the beautiful things in my life. I am trying to look at the brightside, and I am very grateful for what we have.
Am I the only one that gets into these funks this bad? I am never going to take medication for it, I am one of the odd ones out there that thing medication doesn't solve the problem.

P.S. The picture I got off of photobucket.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

What I have learned from last year

I would have to say the biggest thing I have learned from last year, is something that I have heard from many of the teachers in my church for years. I learned that when everything goes smoothly, and there is nothing to test you; you don't grow. You are not stretched.
I feel that this year I have not learned anything, I have not been stretched. I have not been to the edge feeling like I am not going to make it through. I am not saying that is how you have to learn, that is just what I am use to.
Growing up, I always felt as if I were on the edge, and I would never make it through. I was in a living Hell. There were so many times that I thought that I would die. I did not think I would make it through high school. However I did with the gentle guidance of my Heavenly Father, he put people in my path that helped me. These people are the people that helped me to learn, and helped me through.
This is the reason I became who I am. I am grateful for what I have learned, and what I have been through.
I feel as if my year this year as been very easy for me. It has not been perfect, far from. However I do not feel that I have been stretched or tested.

Here is a poem that I love

My Life is But a Weaving

My life is but a weaving
Between my God and me
I let Him choose the colors
He worketh steadily.

Ofttimes He worketh sorrow
and I, within my heart,
Forget He sees the pattern
While I see only part.

The dark threads were as needful
In the Weaver's skillful hand,
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He had planned.

Not till the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly
Shall God unroll the canvas
And explain the reason why.