Thursday, January 01, 2009

What I have learned from last year

I would have to say the biggest thing I have learned from last year, is something that I have heard from many of the teachers in my church for years. I learned that when everything goes smoothly, and there is nothing to test you; you don't grow. You are not stretched.
I feel that this year I have not learned anything, I have not been stretched. I have not been to the edge feeling like I am not going to make it through. I am not saying that is how you have to learn, that is just what I am use to.
Growing up, I always felt as if I were on the edge, and I would never make it through. I was in a living Hell. There were so many times that I thought that I would die. I did not think I would make it through high school. However I did with the gentle guidance of my Heavenly Father, he put people in my path that helped me. These people are the people that helped me to learn, and helped me through.
This is the reason I became who I am. I am grateful for what I have learned, and what I have been through.
I feel as if my year this year as been very easy for me. It has not been perfect, far from. However I do not feel that I have been stretched or tested.

Here is a poem that I love

My Life is But a Weaving

My life is but a weaving
Between my God and me
I let Him choose the colors
He worketh steadily.

Ofttimes He worketh sorrow
and I, within my heart,
Forget He sees the pattern
While I see only part.

The dark threads were as needful
In the Weaver's skillful hand,
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He had planned.

Not till the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly
Shall God unroll the canvas
And explain the reason why.

1 comment:

April (Thorup) Oaks said...

Wow Kim. You sound very brave and wise in this post. You are brave and wise. I really liked reading what you said here. Thanks for the inspiration.