Saturday, January 8, 2011


There is a huge difference in moving to Utah when you are grown up, and growing up in Utah. I hate the cold. I have been here for 4 winters now and I am still not used to it. I love having the snow for the holidays, but then it can go! My kids are not the same way. They love to go outside and play in that crazy cold stuff. So after taking 20 minutes to get all of their gear on, I push them out the door and watch them from the window. I've tried being the fun winter mom, but it just won't stick. I think I am a really fun summer mom though, so it makes makes up for it, right?

1 comment:

Chastina said...

I agree with you; growing up with snow and cold makes it easier to enjoy it. IMO: If it's going to be cold there should be snow.