Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What I've been up to lately

WORK. Thats what I am up to. ha. Honestly, I have been so incredibly blessed with 2 jobs that I totally love to do! Flying is going really well, I have chosen to be on reserve for the last 2 months, so I technically have less days "off" but I have only flown 5 or 6 times a month. I took a risk, but it has been great to be home with the kids more, I essentially make almost the same $$ and it gives me more time to do my hair and eyelash clients. Being a flight attendant is a really fun job, even though we don't fly anywhere too exciting its fun to be on a plane and stick my head out the plane door in gorgeous Montana, Oregon, or other much MUCH cooler, delicious smelling places. I really like the people I work with, even the passengers for the most part are pleasant and fun.I think I really have picked a great career fit for me. I can just kind of coast and work minimally for the next few years until the kids get bigger, then someday when I'm ready I can just slide into a great full time job that I am seasoned at and make the most of it.

Ironically, my hair and especially my eyelash extension business is BOOMing! It is so nice to be able to work from home and do something rewarding and just girly and fun. Extensions are super addicting and for a lot of women and total time saver, and it makes everyone feel so pretty! I am doing about 20 + hours a week in extensions!! Plus hair, of course.

As a side note, I feel like all of this is being put in place for us, as Mark is most likely transferring to Pinal County Sherriff in the next few weeks, which will be a great change for him in just about every way except it will involve a pay cut (gulp) and we needed a way to ease the transition until he can get going with overtime and off duty to make up for the salary cut.

So the kids are pretty bored this summer, we are doing a weeklong trip to MN with my parents and extended family, (no more driving for us.....flying FREE baby!) and they are in summer school, Krew, scout camp, girls camp, football camp, all the usuals. Day to day we just try to keep them busy with dollar store trips, swimming, friends over, sleepovers, and chores.  Cade is DYING to drive, he has his permit and pretty much drives any time he goes anywhere with Mark or I. Sadie is doing a modeling/acting class at John Casablancas in Scottsdale every Saturday morning, which she is absolutely LOVING and doing great at it. They did a photo shoot a couple weeks ago, and we got the proofs last week, and even I was amazed how GORGEOUS the pictures turned out. She may actually have something here. The instructors LOVED them too. Ya never know I guess. Cooper went to his first aaronic priesthood camp and that was a great experience. Cade said it was one of the best camps he's ever been to. I've been in Thatcher for 4 of the last 6 weekends for my baby sister Emily's wedding (shower, temple, wedding, then reception 4 separate weeks) It was very fun and SO amazingly beautiful.
Here I am at the reception.....Hi there!!

1 comment:

Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

You look so pretty. Glad things are going so well for you.
I went to the same modeling place when I was a LOT younger when it was Plaza Three.I did the modeling school and finishing school. It was so much fun! It's a great job but you really got to watch out for the scum out there.
Glad Mark is making the switch. Hugs, Bobbi Jo