I played the Jen Harman charity tournament on FTP tonight. 3000+ players and I finished 160somethingish. Maybe even 157 or 8. It paid the top 153. You have two choices at the bubble with a short stack (as I was). You can shove from the button on an unopened pot or you can fold to the money.
I decided to shove from the button with A4off with 11,000 in chips and around a 5 or 6M and the SB and BB had me covered by 2x or more. I could have waited, but I wanted to get a few more chips (1/3 of my stack from just buying the blinds). What would you do? I spent $10 and the initial money spot was $18+. But with an Ace I thought I could buy the blinds, especially since we were so close to the money.
I managed to fold KK to an A88 flop. I folded AJ to a raise and reraise (and would have lost). I also missed a few hands I could have won with A8, 73, or other junk hands. I feel like I played really well, except for the last hand shoving with A4. I wouldn't shove with that other than we were on the bubble and I expected tight play behind me. And I was right, except the SB woke up with AQ and twice the amount of chips I had. I really need to sit on my hands when we get close to the bubble -I mean literally: put my butt on my hands so I can't shove with ATC expecting tight play near the bubble.
Thanks to everyone who was railing me:
Zooks, Closer, and more. Sorry if I missed you. I am on Hawkette's laptop tonight so I don't have screenshots or HH
and I don't have links. I'll try to get them up tomorrow.
Looks like I will finally get into the
BBT3 this week. I have my token for the
MATH and I will play in the
Do you watch
Big Brother? Holy Cow what a crazy trip this year has been. Natalie half naked trying to bone Matty, James and Chelsia, and Sheila the cry baby still in it. Fun Fun. Chelsia has been talking aout needing an 8ball and Nataie talking about smoking pot... And all the worry about the siren going off again to save another person voted off... This might have been the best BB ever, even though DR WILL isn't on it.