Sunday, April 27, 2008

Graduation Party! "Here-Here"

Josh had his final class on Thursday at 1:00. I was ready for him to be done the week before but unfortunately his teachers had a different idea in mind and made him go to class until the very last minute. He got home on Thursday early and we took Milo to Boondocks for his potty party, then we went to Goodwood to celebrate Josh's last day of undergratuate studies. After we went to Goodwood we went and sat in Aaron's hot tub, per Josh's request. He didn't walk at the formal graduation ceremony, but I threw him a party instead. We had all our family come to Rock Creek Pizza on Saturday night. I rented out the banquet room and bought a huge cake and ice cream. Everybody came (even Phil's Ukranian friend Sasha) we had pizza, cake and a toast with the famous red cups from the cup project. The toast was to "School: the good the bad, or anything else you would like to toast to" Everybody went around the room and made their toast and afterwords we would say "here, here" and raise our glasses. I enjoyed it the most, but everybody else got a good chuckle. (I am going to start making toasts a tradition, so don't be suprised if you are with me at a party and I start a toast. It is a great way to mix things up.)
After we went to Marcus's house and had a Rock Band/Ping Pong party. Sasha is a musician so it was fun to Rock out with him, and Phil is the most entertaining rock band player, even with some serious IBS. I can't wait to see him when he is having a good day. The night wasn't even over yet, we still had to watch the Jazz game that started at 9:15 PM. Which they won. What a party and a great way to celebrate. Our festivities continue this week...we depart for Daytona Beach Florida on Wednesday, where we will be racing cars, scuba diving a shipwreck, and going to Universal Studios, not to mention spending a lot of time on the beach and the pool.
I don't know who was more excited about the whole graduation or Josh.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Tulip Festival

My mom took us to the Tulip festival today and it was so nice to get out in the fresh air. I highly recommend it to everybody. It was crowded but the gardens are amazing and it makes me wish I had any bit of a green thumb. I guess it just takes practice and so far none of my expierments in my yard are up to my expectations, but another summer is here so I think I am going to attempt a vege garden. This goes along with my gas strike. I am trying to not drive as much and not buy food that is more expensive because of it's commute from California to Utah. Wish me luck.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Makay has been Tagged!

1. Every time somebody walks past Makay you'd think he was at the circus. His whole face lights up and his arms start going crazy. I think he sits a waits for people to come past him so he can make them happy with his smile.
2. When every I go pick up Makay from his nap, I always have the lyrics, Sugar Pie, honey bunch, you know that I love you....I can't help myself. I love this little guy so much and I really just want to squeeze him all day long.
3. Makay loves to eat bread pieces. He is kind of like a duck and he swallows them whole.
4. Makay is my sanctuary on a stormy day.
5. Makay loves formula just as much as breast milk. At first I was jealous of the bottles, but now they are wonderful for me to get away.
6. Makay has had 3 haircuts. I hate those stragglers.
7. Makay loves Milo. Everytime Milo is around he just looks all around the room for him and once he finds him, his eyes are locked. Even when Milo sits/lays on Makay and "burps" him endlessly, Makay still has a smile on his face.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Milo has been tagged!

Thanks Brynn for giving me a post idea.

1. Milo has a geographical tongue. That is where spots come and go on his tongue. It freaked me out when I first noticed it, but I have talked to several people in the dental industry that have assured me that is is not contageous or gross in any way. It is kind of like a birth mark.

2. Milo is really excited to turn 3 and is going to have a football party. (we don't watch football at our house, I think he is trying to be like uncle Tony and Marcus)

3. Milo's best friend is Anthony. Anthony is moving to Chicago this summer and Milo thinks we can just follow him there. His other good buddy Seth moved last summer so Milo and Mommy are now looking for new friends because our best friends keep picking up and moving on us. I sure hope Kobe doesn't get any ideas about moving.

4. Milo loves to sing. He sings anything he can make up. He also likes to tell stories when he goes to sleep. (eg. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Mommy, and she was sleeping)

5. Milo loves to go somewhere. When he is at Grandma's (either one) he is as good as on vacation.

6. Milo doesn't usually ask for things at the store. He just looks at them and says "we need to get this later"

7. Milo has been on an airplane 2 times in his short life and is going to Florida with his family at the end of this month. He loves to go to Samen George (st. george) and loves going camping. He is going camping with his grandma and grandpa this weekend in grandpa's new trailor.

We love having Milo around. He is so fun and always keeps us hopping. (both good and bad) He has always been my snuggler and we love to watch cartoons in the morning together before we get going for the day. I am excited for him to be a big boy and to do all the big boy stuff that comes along with it, and he is excited too. (that's how we get him to eat)

Milo tags: Anthony, Duncan, Makay, Abram, Alex, and Sam

Monday, April 7, 2008

Bob and Harry

Saturday morning we were flipping channels looking for something to watch and Milo said "Mom, I want to watch Bob and Harry." (referring to Tom and Jerry) FYI we don't know any Bob's or Harry's. Where does he get these things? FYI 2, Milo has been really nice lately. I quit running around the house yelling at him all day long and like magic, he quit running around the house yelling back at me all day long. A little kindness goes a long way. (and half a day in time out)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A letter to me.

Thanks to my friend Elena for inspiring me to write this letter already. I wish I had one of these when I started high school, and I always want to write one when I hear the Brad Paisley song. This picture is from college with me and my high school best friend and college roomie Kim.
1. Don't write exclusively about boys in your baptism journal. It makes you look shallow and there really was a lot more going in your life than lame boys.
2. Read more
3. Don't ditch Young Women's for a basketball game to see a cute boy. You'll get to see him again and you'll never get over the guilt you'll feel for planning an activity as the Laurels president and then never showing up to help.
4. Try not to get in trouble with the police so often. But good job for not ever getting arrested.
5. Good job for not dating the boys Phil warned you about. He warned you for good reason and you are much better off for never getting involved.
6. Don't quit soccer. The girls have so much fun on the high school team and you could have used the exercise.
7. The reason you work out 2 hours a day and can't lose weight is because you eat a Zuka juice for a snack (600 cal) and then have pastries everyday during your break at work. Not to mention the huge cookie you got on your tray at lunch. You aren't born this just eat too much crap.
8. Don't wear sweats to school every day. You look terrible and that might be why the boys don't want to hang out with you anymore after your sophomore/junior year.
9. Don't be embarrassed that you are a "yellow" personality. You'll grow out of it and end up looking for ways to have fun when everything in life gets so serious.
10. Try not to put your foot in your mouth so much. You'll grow out of that too, but not as quickly as the yellow. So watch what you say. (I'm still growing out of that)
11. Watch out for tall, dark, men. They'll just waste your time, and cause you a year of regret and unnecessary turmoil. Plus he could be that 2-timing jackal that you wish you'd never met in the first place.
12. Don't worry...the reason you are going to go to the U of U your junior is not because you are crazy or having an identity is because Josh Mendenhall is coming home from his mission and you are going to need to hang out together if you are going to marry him.
13. Be nice to your dad. Like everybody says, he is such an awesome guy and you are wasting some great memories, and a great role model by avoiding him during your teen years.
14. Be nice to Erica, she is a fun person and is really sensitive, so when she writes you "the worst sister in the world" letters she really is sad and you should feel sorry for being mean.
15. Squirt more people with water. Seriously you never can have enough water fights. They bring out the best.
16. Even though high school seems like it sucks, you'll look back with fond memories, so just enjoy it already.
17. Ride your bike more. When you are a mom and have kids, you can't get out very often so get out there now and make some memories.
18. Dont plan a senior trip to lake powell. Your friends will not end up doing their part, and your family/parents will have to pick up the slack, and it'll be a long time before you get over that guilt also.
19. Don't spend all your money. You'll need it someday and there are way cooler things to buy then make-up and food.
20. Enjoy family vacations and quit wishing you were home with your friends.
21. Don't dump a bucket of water on Mark B. in college. Of all the pranks you pull, people will laugh, but this guy will get really mad and you'll feel bad about that one too. Especially when you asked him for help to lure him out of his apartment.