Josh had his final class on Thursday at 1:00. I was ready for him to be done the week before but unfortunately his teachers had a different idea in mind and made him go to class until the very last minute. He got home on Thursday early and we took Milo to Boondocks for his potty party, then we went to Goodwood to celebrate Josh's last day of undergratuate studies. After we went to Goodwood we went and sat in Aaron's hot tub, per Josh's request. He didn't walk at the formal graduation ceremony, but I threw him a party instead. We had all our family come to Rock Creek Pizza on Saturday night. I rented out the banquet room and bought a huge cake and ice cream. Everybody came (even Phil's Ukranian friend Sasha) we had pizza, cake and a toast with the famous red cups from the cup project. The toast was to "School: the good the bad, or anything else you would like to toast to" Everybody went around the room and made their toast and afterwords we would say "here, here" and raise our glasses. I enjoyed it the most, but everybody else got a good chuckle. (I am going to start making toasts a tradition, so don't be suprised if you are with me at a party and I start a toast. It is a great way to mix things up.)
After we went to Marcus's house and had a Rock Band/Ping Pong party. Sasha is a musician so it was fun to Rock out with him, and Phil is the most entertaining rock band player, even with some serious IBS. I can't wait to see him when he is having a good day. The night wasn't even over yet, we still had to watch the Jazz game that started at 9:15 PM. Which they won. What a party and a great way to celebrate. Our festivities continue this week...we depart for Daytona Beach Florida on Wednesday, where we will be racing cars, scuba diving a shipwreck, and going to Universal Studios, not to mention spending a lot of time on the beach and the pool.
I don't know who was more excited about the whole graduation or Josh.