Friday, April 18, 2008

Tulip Festival

My mom took us to the Tulip festival today and it was so nice to get out in the fresh air. I highly recommend it to everybody. It was crowded but the gardens are amazing and it makes me wish I had any bit of a green thumb. I guess it just takes practice and so far none of my expierments in my yard are up to my expectations, but another summer is here so I think I am going to attempt a vege garden. This goes along with my gas strike. I am trying to not drive as much and not buy food that is more expensive because of it's commute from California to Utah. Wish me luck.


The Ericksons said...

I guess it would help if you lived here in Cali! I love that the produce is always pretty cheap. It is good that now I eat a lot more of because I don't feel like I have to pay an arm and a leg for it! However, gas is insane! I walk everywhere around here...the mall, Marshalls, and CVS! Good luck!

Jennifer said...

What fun! I love those gardens too. Good for you on the gas strike. I want to cry every time we fill up. So ridiculous!!

Van Cott Family said...

Cute pillar picture! Good luck on your 1/2 marathon! (I almost typed marathonG ha ha) So that must mean you are running a lot I wish we could inspire each other again in that department! I am tying to keep it up, but it's not going as well as I would like. We love bryce! If you do maybe we'll go to support! We may be going to UT in July. We'll see how Dave intern goes.

Aly said...

Those pictures are darling!! I have missed blogging with you. I feel like it's been so long since I have talked to you!! Hope that you are doing great. Love ya. Aly

Tony and Erica said...

That was really fun. The kiddies were so tired when we were through it was really nice! I just wish I had my camera, I want a copy of those pics. one more day till graduation!! WHaHOO

Annie Jane said...

It is good you could get out and take advantage of the gardens. I usually don't even think about going there when I come to Utah, when I should because it is so beautiful.
Tell your mom she looks FANTASTIC!