Sunday, March 15, 2009

My New Goal...

I have set a new goal tonight. When I am talking to people, especially girl-friends/sisters/sisters-in-law, I always turn their stories into a "Me story" How annoying! For example, friend says: "The coolest thing happened to me today" I reply "Oh, really? That happens to me all the time...and you know what i do about it? yada yada yada yada" I always feel horrible afterwards like I have just ruined a would-be good conversation. I don't know if I do it out of competition, or that I am just excited that I can relate to them on something. I think it is a little of both. So I am so sorry to all of you that needed a listening ear and not only did I not provide that, I totally distract conversations to another realm. And I wonder why Milo can't focus.....


walkntalk said...

Now I understand why I always felt like everything I said to you went in one ear and out the other. J/K At least you acted interested.

Elena said...

You are so fun so don't beat yourself up over that. I haven't noticed it. But good for you for being self aware. That reminds me of a story about me.:)

Tamara Jacobs said...

oh I totally do that sometimes!!! I need to work on it. Love reading your blog.

The Ericksons said...

Ok I hate to turn this in to a me story....but I do the same thing and then always feel bad about it. There you go, now I feel bad!

Heidi Berry said...

I do it too. I think everybody does. So don't sweat it. Just call us even.

Tara Smart said...

I think its a "girl thing" to do that, not just you.

Van Cott Family said...

I never do that so shame on you! JK It is a girl thing! and like Aly said just call us even, heck I was probably thinking so hard about how to get the story back to me that I didn't even notice if anyone took it to them! :)
Miss you guys and hope you'll save some time for us the last week of June first week of July, we will be coming!

Bryn said...

That must be human nature, I think everyone does that, and nothing's wrong with being excited to relate! Good for you for wanting to become a better friend and listener, although I'm sure that it couldn't have been as bad as you're making it sound.

Tony and Erica said...

I do it and catch my self in the middle thinking I should of let them tell their story instead of me rambling about me.. we all do it

Heath said...

First off, hi. I'm happy to have run across you and your family. As to the taking over the's something I need to work on as well, now that you mention it. Luvs...Heath

Keep in touch.

Fugal Family said...

I didn't know you were a "one upper". No really I think we all do it. We do want to relate. :)

Van Cott Family said...

I actually went online prior to st patti's day for some info on why we even bother with st Patrick's day. So to answer your question (although I have a feeling it was probably more rhetorical then an actual question) he's the official patron st. of Ireland. He was a missionary they wanted to honor. So there you have it! :) I purposfully didn't tell Seth you could pintch people that weren't wearing green till the end of the day, so all he got to pintch was Daddy! See you in July (hopefully)