Showing posts with label Food Set. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food Set. Show all posts

Monday, June 10, 2024

Food With A Side Of Cards

One of my big regrets from my 2019 trip to Japan was that I missed out on opportunities to get baseball cards with my food at the ballparks.  I ultimately only got cards at two different stadiums on that trip.  I was determined to do better on this trip and I think I succeeded.

You might ask why I would expect to get baseball cards with a meal at a ballpark?  Most (if not all) NPB teams sell "bento boxes" - basically a meal in a little tray - that feature a player or coach on it.  Usually the player has somehow endorsed the particular meal.  Deanna had told me years ago that these meals frequently included baseball cards (she frequently has tweets with the theme "Deanna Eats/Drinks Things To Get Baseball Cards") so I knew to be on the look out.

My first game on this trip was Seibu Dome, home of my biggest meal-related disappointment from last trip.  I had seen the stand selling bento boxes outside the ballpark, identified the meal I want to buy and incorrectly assumed they were available INSIDE the ballpark.  I could have gotten my hand stamped and gone back outside when I discovered my mistake but I didn't feel like going against stream of Carp fans coming into the ballpark.

I was determined not to make that same mistake again but I need not have worried - the Lions have redone some things around the gates to their ballpark and the bento stand is now inside the gate.  Ryan and I were able to easily pick up meals before heading to our seats.  We both bought the Takeya Nakamura bento:

I don't remember what everything in the box was but it wasn't bad.  The one gripe I have about all the bento boxes is that they're served cold.

You can see the baseball card I got in the top photo but here's a scan of it:

I was at Jingu Stadium the next night but I was unable to find any baseball cards with the meals - there were some "player collaboration" meals but they had little flags with the player's picture on them, not cards.  The following week, though, Deanna discovered there was a gyoza stand there that had Munetaka Murakami cards.

Two days later, I was up in Sendai and I again had success.  There was a bento stand just after you had your ticket scanned and I picked up the Hideto Asamura meal:

Deanna confirmed for me that this was beef tongue which is apparently a region delicacy in Tohoku.  Having had it at the ballpark made me feel better about not looking too hard for it for dinner that night.

As you can see from the lower photo, the baseball card is transparent plastic.  It's harder to tell that in this scan:

It did not appear that the bento boxes in Nagoya or Osaka had baseball cards with them although I have to admit, I didn't ask so it's possible I missed them.  My next success story was at Koshien Stadium.  There were two key differences here.  The first is that I think the baseball cards were only available for a few week - these signs were up in various places around the ballpark:

Normally there's just a player key chain being given away with the meal.

The second thing is that the card (and the key chain) are in a sealed pack and you don't know who you're going to get - it isn't necessarily the player on the box.  I bought the Takumu Nakano meal but neither the card or the keychain were Nakano:

The food was pretty good though.

The card I got was Yusuke Ohyama and the keychain was Shoki Murakami:

The next day I was in Hiroshima.  I had eaten lunch at an okonomiyaki place before going to the ballpark so I wasn't too interested in getting a bento box.  They did have them but the baseball cards with them were postcard sized player caricatures so I wasn't all that interested in them anyway: 

I asked at both Fukuoka Dome and Tokyo Dome if the bento boxes had baseball cards and was told "no" in both places.  I did get a "rice bowl with steak" at Tokyo Dome that included a Hayato Sakamoto sticker (I had gotten an order of bibimbap in Fukuoka that was endorsed by Yugo Bandoh but there was no sticker or card of him with it):

For the past few years the Lotteria stands at the Chiba Marine Stadium have given away baseball cards if you buy the appropriate hamburger meal and I scored a card here.  The postcard sized card comes in a sealed pack so, like at Koshien, you don't know who you've got a card of until you open the pack.  I got Takashi Ogino but decided to give the card to Steve since Steve had gotten the tickets for Deanna, Noal and I to join him at the game and Ogino is Steve's favorite player.  And also since the card was oversized, I wasn't sure if I could get it back to my hotel in one piece so maybe I wasn't being completely altruistic.

My final game on the trip was in Yokohama and I was again successful.  I got a Keita Sano bento box featuring a pork meal:

Here's a scan of the card:

I always say that one of the great unknowns about Japanese baseball cards is how many fan club and/or team issued cards there are.  This is another aspect of it that I believe is even less cataloged.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Team Sets, A Food Set And The Return Of Topps

Once again, time has flown by since the last time I did a round up of the newly announced sets so without further ado, let's get to it...

- BBM has announced four more of their annual "comprehensive" team sets.  Each set has a base set of 81 cards, most of which are "regular" player cards featuring the manager and the players on the 70 man roster plus a couple subsets (which may not be fully defined yet) to fill out the set.  Each set also has 18 non-premium insert cards split into a variety of sets which also may not be fully defined yet.  The Treasure, Esperanza and Magical inserts are all serially numbered.  (If it's not obvious, the "Regular Cards", "Treasure", "Esperanza" and "Magical" columns are the total number of those type of cards in each set.) 
Release DateTeamRegular CardsSubsetsNon-Premium InsertsTreasureEsperanzaMagicalOther
Mid JuneFighters68Newcomer(4), Main Pitcher (4), Main Batters (5)Main Players(9), New Players(3), Promising Young Players(3), Reliable Helpers(3)2415
Autograph  cards
Mid JuneBuffaloes68Orimen(5), Combination Cards(5), New Forces(3)Main Players(9), Evolution of High School Graduate Pitchers(3), Promising Young Pitchers(3), Rookie(3)241524Autograph & memorabilia cards
Mid JuneDragons69Year Of The Dragon(5), New Dynamics(3), Native-born Aichi Hero(4)Go Be Brave(9), Rising Dragon(6), Bright Future(3)241524Autograph cards
Mid JuneSwallows69New Forces(4), Promising Young Sluggers(4), Veterans(3), Mascot(1)Core Players(9), Featured Breakout Candidates(6), Rookie(3)2415
Autograph cards

This brings the total number of team sets BBM has released or announced this year to ten with only the Carp and Eagles, which coincidentally are two of the three teams that Epoch has just announced sets for...

- Epoch announced two more of their "Premier Edition" team sets - the Fighters and the Carp.   The Fighters set will be out on June 1st and will have 45 cards in its base set - I think nine of those are OB players.  The Carp set will be released on June 29th and has a base set of 39 cards, only one of which is an OB player (looks like it's a card of manager Takehiro Arai when he was a player - Arai also has a manager card in the set).  All the base cards have a "holo foil" parallel and both sets have the usual gazillion insert cards that are too numerous to list here.  Both sets feature five different types of player autograph cards - "Authentic", "Star", "Rookie", "Legendary" and "Combo".

- Epoch and the Eagles are continuing their team up with what had previously been a Eagles team issued set.  The Eagles 2nd Version set will be released on June 29th and will have a base set of 76 cards.  This is essentially a "comprehensive" team set that not only has cards for all the players on the team's 70 man roster but also the ikusei players.  There's two insert sets - a six card set that I'm not positive but I think has OB players and a seven card "Crimson Heat" set.  There's a bunch of different autographed cards available and "rookie bib" memorabilia cards.  There's also a special version of Epoch's ubiquitous "Gem" serially numbered insert cards.  

- Topps is returning for their fourth year of doing NPB sets.  Their "flagship" NPB set will be released on May 24th.  Like the previous three sets, this one has a base set of 216 cards (18 cards per team) and features a design that is similar to the MLB flagship set's design.  (Actually just eyeballing the sample cards in the promo materials, it looks like the design is nearly identical this year.)  There's the usual plethora of parallels and five different insert sets - "Topps1959", "Superstar Blueprints", "Sokkyu", "Warp Speed" and "Sayonara!".  The "Topps1959" (which I assume puts current players into the 1959 Topps design) has 24 cards while the other four have 12.  There will be "featured legend" autograph cards again although they haven't announced who the players are yet - I'm assuming that again there will be no current NPB players among them, just retired players or active in MLB.

- Bandai is issuing an interesting looking food issue set in July.  It's a set of 36 "metallic placards" that will be given away in packages of what I think are rice crackers.  I'm assuming that there's three cards per team.  What's kind of cool about these cards is that they don't have photos - they have player caricatures.  While that's normally not something I'm a big fan of, I find these to be really appealing:


Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Nippon-Ham Home Run Sausage Cards

From 2016 to 2019, Nippon-Ham, the owners of the Fighters, teamed up with BBM to issue "Home Run Sausage" cards.  These cards only included players from the Fighters and were issued with either a pack of some foul tasting sausage or a not bad tasting mini-cheesecake.   The sets were essentially "comprehensive" team sets for the Fighters as I think all the players on the team's 70-man roster had cards in the set (at least at the time the sets were released) although there were separate series in each year so some players had multiple cards.

One of the things I like about these cards is that the four years they were issued coincided with the four years that the Fighters did early spring training in Arizona.  Many of the cards in the first series each year feature photos that were obviously taken there.  (I assume it's a coincidence that the cards were issued in the same time period that the team training in Arizona but who knows?)

There were a bunch of "Home Run Sausage" cards in that box from Ryan that I received last week.  I had asked him to pick up card lots for Haruki Nishikawa and Takuma Nakashima that both featured the Nippon-Ham cards as well as some team issued cards and some promos.  Additionally I asked him to pick up an 11 card lot from the 2018 set.

I'm going to show off all the cards from these sets that I got.  It'll be pretty obvious which lot was the source for the card.  First up is the sole 2016 card I got:

There was also only one 2017 card:

Between the 11 card lot and both player lots, I ended up with 13 cards from the 2018 set:

Actually make that 14 as these was also this "Premium" card of Nakashima from the 2018 set:

For 2019 we were back to only one card again:

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Tigers Women Vs Giants Women

I wanted to do a quick post mentioning that this Saturday at 1800 JST the Hanshin Tigers' women's team will take on the Yomiuri Giants' women's team at Koshien Stadium.  The game will be telecast on Toratele (which can be subscribed to from outside Japan) and Sun TV (don't know the availability outside Japan).

I bring this up because there was a tweet yesterday from the official Koshien Twitter account that they would be selling bento boxes featuring some sort of beef entree at the game which will include baseball cards for the Tigers' women's team.  These would be the first baseball cards I'm aware of for the team.

Since I don't think I'll be making it out to Koshien in time, I will be looking for these on the secondary market.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Recent Acquisitions From Mercari

I received my latest shipment of baseball cards from ZenMarket today which included my Calbee Series One and BBM 1st Version sets.  I'll be writing about those later in the week but I wanted to do a quick post about some other cards I picked up from the auction site Mercari.

Mercari is "kind of an online flea market site" to quote how Ryan described it to me the first time.  It's similar to Ebay and Yahoo! Japan Auctions although I think pretty much everything has a set price instead of being an auction.  Like any other site, sometimes you can find bargains there and sometimes you see ridiculously overpriced stuff.  I'd had a string of luck finding some good stuff there a few months back and had initially asked Ryan to pick the first couple things I'd found up for me.  But then I remembered that ZenMarket had a deal going on - to celebrate Mercari being available through ZenMarket, they were waiving their 300 yen service fee.  This meant for a week or so it didn't cost me anything extra to buy stuff through ZenMarket as opposed to asking Ryan to get it for me.  And since I was already getting the Calbee and BBM sets I knew it wouldn't cost much more to have these cards shipped as well.  I ultimately picked up three items - two single cards and a lot of five cards.  Both singles were on my want list but the lot was just a target of opportunity.

The first single card I want to talk about is the final card I needed for my master set for the 2009 Konami Baseball Heroes WBC set - the All Tournament Team card for Daisuke Matsuzaka:

I've been picking up the cards given away with the "Season Memorial" issues of Shukan Baseball.  I'm still trying to figure out what cards exist prior to 2010 but I know that there were two cards in each year from 2011 to 2016.  With this card of Tetsuto Yamada from 2014, I know only need one card from those five years (Mitsuo Yoshikawa from 2012):

Finally the five card lot was for a bunch of the "We Love Hokkaido" series BBM/Nippon-Ham "Home Run Sausage" cards - one from 2018 and four from 2019:

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Team And/Or Food Issues From Ryan

I wanted to do a quick post about some of the cards I got from Ryan last week.  Most of these are team issued cards but there's a couple I'm not really sure about.

These first two are the one I'm really not sure about.  I've never seen them before and Ryan didn't remember anything about them.  I don't have any team issued cards for the Carp so I was kind of hoping that's what these were but there's a "Tanaka Foods" line on the bottom of the back so I suspect this was some sort of food issue.  Since they list the player's lifetime stats through 2019 I'm assuming these are from 2020.  At 2 3/8" by 2 3/4" the cards are smaller than standard size and have rounded corners although it's probably not clear in the scans.  Here's the front and back of the two cards Ryan sent me:

The background of the Kikuchi card is shiny gold so I wonder if it's actually a parallel.

Next up is a Yoshio Itoi card that was given away by Lawson's.  I think this was a regional issue only available in Hokkaido that only featured Fighters players.  There's nothing on the card indicating when it was issued (the back just says "Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters Players Card") but the auction that I asked Ryan to bid on to get it for me said it was from 2011.

I don't view this as a team issued card set since it was given away by Lawson's but I could be convinced otherwise.

On to some unambiguous cards...

This is a really cool card from the 2013 Baystars BSpirit set featuring three "2013 Samurai Japan Members" from the Baystars - Shoichi Inoh, Takayuki Kajitani and Kazuki Mishima.  Now I know you're saying to yourself "Hey, wait a minute, none of those three guys were on the 2013 WBC team" and you'd be correct.  The 2013 Samurai Japan team in question here was the one that took part in the "2013 Baseball Challenge" series against Taiwan in Taiwan in early November of 2013.  Here's the front and back of the card:

Ryan also picked up two cards from the 2021 Baystars BSpirit set for me:

He picked up a couple oddball Giants cards for me as well.  Here's the front and back of a "Giants Winning Game" card from 2016 featuring the team's eleventh win of the season on April 16th.  Luis Cruz put the Giants ahead for good with a tie-breaking solo home run in the fifth inning and is featured on the front and back of the card:

He also picked up this blank backed sticker of Ginjiro Sumitani.  I don't know when it was issued but it (obviously) had to be between 2019 and 2021, when Sumitani was with the Giants.

Finally Ryan also sent me two cards from the 2021 Kobe Sanda Bravers team set.  The Bravers play in the Kansai Independent League although 2021 was the only year the team went by that name.  Before that they were the Hyogo Blue Sandars and since then they've been the Hyogo Bravers.  The cards were issued by AIAIO and were available on the team's website for 280 yen apiece.  (You can buy a complete 2022 set over there for 6000 yen which seems a little pricey to me for an independent league team set).  I have no idea who either of these two guys are (Shintani doesn't appear to still be with the team) but they're nice looking cards: