Showing posts with label funny Jamie story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funny Jamie story. Show all posts

Saturday, June 22, 2013

A few pictures from the last couple months

This morning, Jamie made my bed for me--all by himself--while
I was in the bathroom. And he did a surprisingly great job! So sweet!!
Window markers--something new is always fun.

Click on this to enlarge. I helped Jamie make it for
Jason for Fathers' Day, and some of his answers
are seriously funny.
Rare moment: Luke holding still.

Picture they took and put as my phone's wallpaper for Mothers' Day. I LOVE this picture, especially of Luke!


Jamie: Daddy, can we play hide and seek?
Jason (laying on couch): Okay. You go hide, and I'll count.

Do you see where Jamie hid?

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Six Amazing Years

Me: Jamie, did you know that 6 years ago today, Daddy and I got married?
Jamie: Yeah, we all went to the temple, and we all got married!
Me: Well, you weren't there--you were still with Heavenly Father.
Jamie: Oh--yeah. I got-forgot. I got married to somebody else a little later.
Me: You did?? Who did you marry?
Jamie: Umm...Jina!

Happy Anniversary to my amazing husband, Jason!
(Jamie is still available, as far as I know!)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

"Bouuut...Din-sores, and heli-topters..." ***edited to include pictures for those interested***

I never thought it would happen, but I haven't been as into blogging lately as I used to be. Facebook and Pinterest (mostly the latter) have been taking over the majority of the time I spend on the internet.

Remember how I used to post pictures on here of crafts I made? Honestly, since Pinterest, I've been making too much stuff to even have time to take pictures of it all. I've sewed tons of things--pajama pants for Jamie (free pattern), burp cloths (free pattern), and just recently finished a car seat cover (free pattern) for the baby. And my friend helped me make a patchwork quilt-top, but it's actually pink. (I had leftover flannel from my first pair of pajama pants that I made in my high school sewing class. It was more about the process than the finished product.) So that's being saved for our someday-daughter. Oh, and I've also made my own hand soap and laundry detergent, and made around ten freezer meals for post-partum. If you'd like to look at my boards, you can see them here.

So, I have 4 days to go...ish. I've actually felt some contractions this time around, strong ones even, but nothing regular yet. I had NONE with Jamie until I was induced, so I don't really know what it's like to go into labor in the traditional sense. We're just trying to do everything we can to get ready; Jason is steam-cleaning the living room rug next to me as I type this. Whatta guy. :)

At my midwife appointment last Tuesday, the baby was at a -1 station, and I was dilated almost to a 2, 80% effaced. We were hard-pressed not to get a little excited, but then, nothing. I think this happened about the same way with Jamie. This past Tuesday, he was 0 station, no other changes. So, it will be interesting to see when this little guy decides to come out.

I don't know if the all-natural thing will be successful or not; I haven't had the time/discipline that I wanted to train myself in hynobirthing, i.e., to train the body and mind on getting deeply relaxed on command. Since I'm nervous about having two kids, especially with my limited child-rearing capabilities and in such a small space (still in our little two-bedroom apartment), my focus has been on getting ready for life AFTER baby, rather than the day of his birth. I still feel good about trying, and if I do accept pain medication, he will still be born more gently and peacefully that the average birth attended by an MD--low lights, immediate skin-to-skin, gentle cleaning, soft voices, pokes and tests will be seen to at a later time, etc. We'll see how things go, and I'm going to do my best and not hate myself if I find that it's just not right for me at the time.

I would hope that if I do get an epidural, or due to the fact that I would even consider it beforehand, that no one (especially no one I'd call a friend) would take pleasure in thinking that I was "wrong," or gloat that they "knew" I couldn't do it. Most people who would even read this blog would never do that, I'm sure, but for the few I'm not so sure about--I'd appreciate it if you'd please keep comments of such nature to yourself.

I thought I'd post a few things about Jamie, before the baby starts taking up a lot of the attention. Jamie's...well, where do you start? He hasn't slept in the "big-boy bed" we set up for him yet. He'll say he wants to, we'll kiss him goodnight, walk out, and ten seconds later his door will open and he'll come out and tell us, "I need seep in my crib." Apparently he hasn't figured out that if he would sleep in the twin, he wouldn't need to bellow for us to come get him in the mornings.

In the mornings and after his naps, Jamie will say, "Mama, what I dremt bout?" That means, ask me. So we say, "What did you dream about?" And each time he'll say, "Boouuut...Dino-sores, and heli-topters, and elephants, and..." the list goes on, the same with new things added each day. "Peatots [peacocks], leopards, air-panes." It's pretty cute.

He's obsessed with helicopters lately, and watches the most horrible, cheesy 1995 low-budget kids' show about them EVERY DAY. It's utterly painful. The small airport a few miles from our house had an Aviation Day this past Saturday--it was such a blessing! Didn't cost us a cent, no long lines, and Jamie not only got to see helicopters and airplanes up close, but got to sit in them and watch a helicopter take off! He still talks about it every day.

I would put up the pictures, but the camera is upstairs and I'm almost 9 months pregnant. So, maybe tomorrow.

***March 17th: here ya go.

About to get on the "bus" that took us over to the festivities from the parking--this got Jamie excited, too. He loves riding on buses. (Still talks about the tram at the airport when we went to Sacramento last Thanksgiving!)

Watching RAPTLY as the helicopter took off.

The military guy who took this picture gave Jamie his hat to wear since we were facing the sun. :)

It was such a good day!

Oh, and thanks to a Father's Day card with a recording that plays when you open it, he also loves Darth Vader. (Doesn't realize how evil he is, of course.) He loves to watch this video:

And, really, it's an awesome video with great music.

Potty-training is at a standstill, pretty much. He can wear underwear all the live-long day (except during his nap) and keep them dry, but he saves his #2's for the diapers he wears while he sleeps. He's pooped in the potty ONCE, months ago, but refuses to since then. So we're down to 2-3 diapers a day. Anyone had this same problem and found solutions?

(Lol. I just thought, I should ask that question on Facebook--I'd get answers much faster. Maybe that's why I use it more--waaaaay more comments!)

The other day I gave Jamie Peach Mango juice, and when I told him what kind it was, he said, "Dat flamingo juice!" Then enjoyed laughing with me as I busted up. :) He's a happy kid. He loves to laugh, loves to join in playing with others, and is very friendly.

Well, I'm pretty well ready for this baby to vacate, of course. (The only reason I wouldn't mind waiting, besides just having more time to get ready, is that now that I've FINALLY been released from my church calling--nursery coordinator--I can actually go to classes this Sunday if I don't have the baby before then! It's been over a year since I've been able to do that.) He almost perpetually has a little foot poking out of my right side, and quite often I find my ribs sitting on top of a seemingly hard little bottom. But really, it's not too bad. And knowing how things are once they come out, I'm definitely not as impatient as I was with Jamie.

Though I dread becoming a sore zombie, my quiet nights turning into loud and painful (i.e. crying and breastfeeding) ones, and all the adjustments, it will be nice to have my body back to myself. And I do want to meet my new baby and start discovering his personality. I think that it's almost just as hard to picture him and really grasp the idea that he'll be joining our family this time as it was with Jamie--and Jason agrees it's BECAUSE of Jamie. That boy just takes up so much of our time and attention, it's hard to even picture there being any kid for us but him--much less finding time to try to picture what said kid will be like!

As long as this is a wordier, more journal-like post, I'll say that I dread the idea of Jamie thinking we don't love him or need him as much, and his little world being rocked by all the change that's coming. I know it will be good for him to have a sibling, and that we're really giving him a gift. But even the idea of him being unhappy about it for any length of time, since his reasoning skills aren't exactly developed, breaks my heart. If that makes sense.

Ah, hormones. And contractions. I'm experiencing both at the moment.

Well, another day of nesting is ahead tomorrow. Or, technically, later today...yikes. I need to get to bed.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Healthy cat

Jamie is underweight (he's in only the 5th percentile, for crying out loud), so we're always trying to get him to eat his food, praying with him that he will, etc. We tell him he'll be big and strong like Daddy, and that his pants (24 mo size!) won't fall down anymore. He agrees with this. Yet he hasn't gained even an ounce in the month since we started. *Sigh*

Today Jamie told me, "Looht [look] Mama, Sammy ate all up his food!" (Sammy is our cat.) Then, to Sammy, "Now you be big and strong just lite Dahdee!"

Sometimes this boy is so sweet and innocent that it hurts.
But in a good way.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Jamie's 3rd Birthday/Other random pics

For Jamie's 3rd birthday, we just had a very simple party at the park behind our house, and it worked great. Pizza, cake (from a cake mix and a can of frosting), a few balloons and party hats, almost no mess to clean up--that is my kind of party. And I think all the kids had a really good time. I know Jamie did; by the end of the day we had to deflate his ego a little bit, he was so caught up in being the birthday boy. Stinker.

This was a common scene on that day--lots of family and friends were calling most of the day to wish our boy a happy birthday and sing to him. (That's Jason's phone he's holding to his ear--I think he was talking to Uncle Justin in this one.) He's so lucky to be so very loved!

Our littlest party guest--baby Flynn Case, whom I believe wasn't yet two weeks old :)

After his nap (which the party ended just in time for), Jamie opened his presents. We took lots of video for the Grandmas and Grandpas, since they couldn't be here to see him open his stuff. I'll be posting those sometime next month, when they're done uploading. :P

And here is, well, one of the cutest pictures in the universe.
I wanted to take a few belly pics after church this past Sunday, and of course when the camera is out, Jamie thinks he's the subject. (And he usually is!) I'm happy though, because I was lucky enough to get some really good ones!

I swear I didn't pose him. Just happened to hit the button at just the right moment, for once!

No idea what he's doing here, but it's cute. :) (For some reason, whenever he plays on this...thing...that's out in front of our place, he says he's "[pre]tending be Flynn Rider."

(I made this skirt. Yay me. :))

Feb. 5--almost 34 weeks

(Sorry for the blurriness, I only had my phone nearby + bad lighting)

I have to tell about another really cute thing, too--today Jamie was on our bed, took my Book of Mormon in his lap, opened it upside-down, and told me as he turned pages, "I'm reading da sip-sures [scriptures]. Da book Mormon be da follow paw-fet [prophet]. Then I say pair [prayer]." He then kept turning pages and saying, "Da book Mormon be da follow da paw-fet." I almost melted into a puddle of proud mommy right there. Hopefully he'll always feel that way!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sweet moments

Wow, I officially have less than 6 weeks to go...not by much, but still...

When Jamie woke up from his nap today, I was so tired (from making THREE chicken pot pies to put in the freezer for postpartum--2+ hours in the kitchen, standing on tile) that I laid down on his bedroom floor while he played. He came over to me, rubbed my arm or side, gave me a kiss, said "ni-night, Mama," and walked out of the room. Then he came back in and did it twice more. I asked if he was putting me night-night like I do for him, and he said "yeah." ♥♥♥

Jason got home from his internship a few minutes ago, and since I had just put Jamie to bed, Jason went in to see him. Jamie and I had read Llama Llama, Home With Mama for our bedtime story, and I heard him trying to tell Jason this:

"We read llama llama, llama, llama, llama, llama llama, llama..."
Jason: "Llama Llama, Home With Mama?"
Jamie: "Llama, llama, llama, llama llama..."

I could hear Jason cracking up, and of course I was, too! :)

They talked for a good ten or fifteen minutes, and then I'm pretty sure Jason was singing to him.

I love my boys.

And I get another one soon.

Life is good.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Jamie was watching Blue's Clues (his latest wanna-watch-all-the-time show) this morning, and Steve was talking about dinosaurs. He said that they're extinct.

Jamie, turning to me: Dino-sores stink!
Me: Dinosaurs are ex-tinct.
Jamie, grinning: No, dino-sores haf poopies!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Keeping it real

The other day Jamie followed me into the bathroom, and I let him, but I tried to teach him about not opening the door again until I was no longer "nakers," as we've come to call it.

"Auntie Shell," Jamie's Aunt Michelle whom he LOOOOOVES, got to my parents' house after work later that day to join the rest of us. When she got here, Jamie followed her to the bathroom too, but she told him she needed to go by herself.

While she was in there, we were starting to informally fill our plates and eat dinner, and I had Jamie say a prayer. When I prompted him to thank Heavenly Father for Rob, Michelle, and Conner, he said "tank you for Rob Shell Tonner, Shell going pee-pee potty all by self."

Pertinent information, right?

Then, when Michelle came out of the bathroom, Jamie looked at her, grinned, and said, "Auntie Shell no more nay-ters!"

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Yesterday while Jamie and I were walking to the park, we were trying to feed the ducks, but they were afraid of us.

As we kept walking around the pond, Jamie shouted in that cute little voice of his, "Dutts!" [Ducks. Keep in mind, all his "ck" sounds come out as "t" sounds.]

"Hey, dutts! Tum-mere! [C'mere!] Dutts! Tum to Jamie!"