Showing posts with label writeon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writeon. Show all posts

Friday, June 26, 2015

Joining #reviewathon

Write On Review-a-Thon

As some of you know, I have still yet to catch up with my reviews, but since this reviewathon has come at the end of the school year, this comes at the perfect time to start catching up on the books that I have read since this past January/February.  But I have a bunch of friends coming over for some movie watching tonight, so I will start working on my reviews tomorrow after I have done some cleaning of my apartment (dusting my china cabinet and possibly something else).  But in any case, its the perfect time for me to start catching up on the backlog of reviews.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

#writeonreiew Sign up

Write On Review-a-Thon

I've had a bunch of reviews that need to be written rough form and since I'll have time tomorrow and probably won't want to do much else after being up for the Readathon, this will be the perfect activity to do.  Look forward to joining tomorrow :)

Friday, September 26, 2014

Write On Reveiw-a-thon Sign up

Write On Review-a-Thon

The Write On review-a-thon is a monthly event created and hosted by Brianna at The Book Vixen. It’s 2 days dedicated to getting reviews done, whether you have one review to write or 30+. This edition of the review-a-thon takes place all day Saturday, September 27th and Sunday, September 28th . Let’s get those reviews done!

I have a number of book reviews that I need to catch-up on and I know that I am not the only one that is behind.  This is how I am planning on getting caught up with the ones that I have remaining.  If you are behind, I would recommend that you join and get caught up with those reviews.

Review-a-Thon Details:

  • Reviews can be of the written variety or in video format.
  • This event is not limited to book reviews. If you write/vlog reviews for movies, super cool gadgets, or anything else, you are welcome to participate.
  • To participate, create a post on your blog with a list of reviews you need to complete. Don’t forget to grab the official blurb (above) and event button (grab code below). If you don’t have a blog, you can announce your intent to participate via social media (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc.) with a link back to this sign up post so others can join in as well.
  • Add the DIRECT LINK to your sign up post to the linky found at the end of this post. The sign up linky will be open until 11:55 pm PDT on 9/27.
  • On 9/27, get working on those reviews!
  • There will be a wrap-up post linky here on The Book Vixen on 9/29.


I am going to try to get caught up with the remaining 10 reviews that I haven't published on my blog.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Write On Review-a-thon Wrap-Up

Write On Review-a-Thon

I was able to get four book reviews posted:

• Speaking from Among the Bones by Alan Bradley (review)
• Levels of Life by Julian Barnes (review)
• Road Ends by Mary Lawson (review)
• The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt (review)

Am very pleased that I was able to get these reviews done and posted and am that much closer to catching up with my reviews, even though I didn't get them all caught up with by the end of August, but they all are written up to some degree (the remaining 7 have been hand written and will posted throughout the week).  Looking forward to the end of September.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Write On Review-a-thon Sign up

Write On Review-a-Thon

I have a bunch of reviews that need to be written up and posted.  Looking forward to it.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Write On Review-a-thon Sign up

Write On Review-a-Thon

Since I have quite a number of book reviews that still need to be worked on, I figure that I will work on them during this review-a-thon next Friday and Saturday.  I might even get some reviews posted.  Forgot to mention that this is my sign up post...

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Write On Review-a-thon wrap-up post

Write On Review-a-Thon

I got four reviews write out, but not posted.  I mainly wrote on Friday, as I needed some books and I was a bit busy with some family stuff (it was good stuff) and so by the time I got home, I didn't have much time before going to the Saturday evening church service I attend.  I will hopefully continue to catch up with my book reviews this coming week, but I don't know how many I will get done due to being a bit busier than usual this coming week and needing to concentrate on some reading in the coming days.  I hope to post a couple of the reviews that I wrote out this week, but with Armchair BEA, I don't know; maybe I'll go to Starbucks on Friday evening and post my reviews.

I wrote reviews for Boxers & Saints, The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly and The Ocean at the End of the Lane.

I look forward to the next Write On Review-a-thon in about a months time.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

#boutofbooks Day 6 Update & Sign up for Write On Review-a-Thon

Bout of Books

A bit more of a successful day, even though at first it didn't seem like it.  I started A Clash of Kings and was able to complete A Tale of Two Cities.  Sunday is looking like a big reading day, as I would like to get a bit more of A Clash of Kings completed and get a bunch completed from The Fault in Our Stars.  But this probably means that either my Sunday Salon post is very short or is delayed until late Sunday/early Monday or is postponed until the next week. 

I was able to get 128 pages read on Saturday, which ups my overall total to 703 and leaves me about 297 pages left to hit my overall page goal of reading 1000 pages by about this time tomorrow (Sunday). 

I have really enjoyed the chats with my fellow readers over on twitter at #boutofbooks and will miss chatting with them once this has ended, but I look forward to chatting with them starting on August 18 for Bout of Books 11! 

And if you haven't had a chance to catch up on your book reviews, Brianna @ The Book Vixen is hosting a Write On Review-a-Thon.  Whether you have one book review or a bunch that you have to write, this is the thing for you.  I will certainly be joining, as I have a whole bunch that I need to work on.  Till tomorrow.

Write On Review-a-Thon

What Strange Paradise - Omar El Akkad

 Title: What Strange Paradise ( ) Author: Omar El Akkad Published: 2022 (first published 2021) Genre: Fiction, Contemporary, Li...