
Jill Zaheer's JAZWORKS: A Tapestry of Mixed Media, Painting, Collaborations, Photography, and Poetry

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Big Reveal: Disco Discovery from Seth Apter's Disintegration Collaboration

The big day is here!
What started out as a DISINTEGRATION PROJECT of Seth's from The Altered Page turned out to be a huge international collaboration of over 100 bloggers who have participated in what may seem like a very unconventional three part project. Part one - was to prepare a bundle of whatever you wanted and leave it out in the elements to weather over time. Here was my bundle from February 2, 2009.
Part two - was the reveal of what the bundle looked like after a few months outside - You can see my original post here and a picture of what my bundle looked like on May 1, 2009. Part three- is actually the big revelation- to show what you've made from your bundle. It's the process of building something new from items that have gone through a disintegration process by weathering and time. Seth has posted many of the most amazing projects and works of art in his blog. He's also continuing to have a rolling posting of new participating artists which you can see here.
You can see the mixed media painting I created from my original bundle below.
I've used the original materials from the bundle including the pages from the National Geographic Book, the leather butterfly, the metal link chain and star, and material from the book cover. Additional materials include the cloth lettering from the book, rocks, small frame, Terra cotta clay from a sign being dismantled from a restaurant in NYC, labels, dye cut butterflies, found metals and a found replica eagle in Maine, wood from Hawaii, a feather, metal hearts, old keys and assorted other ephemera. Just as exciting as the materials used is my base canvas which you can see below. It's the first "background" piece I made in Julie Prichard's Layer Love On-line class .
The process of putting this mixed media piece together was such a joy- filled with fun, challenging thought and wonderment on what we can do with materials around us and what I would actually end up creating. Here are some additional close up shots.
What a great gift it is to be part of this amazing collaborative project, inspired and created by Seth Apter. It's been a treasure trove of meeting other artists' stunning, soulful and creative works, finding shared experiences, and reading about and seeing picture filled wondrous heartfelt stories to savor, reflect upon and learn from.


Unknown said...

This is a fantastic piece & a great souvenir of the Disintegration Project.

Julie Prichard said...

OOoohhh I love this!

Mrs Pretzel said...

So many wonderful THINGS to look at!! I enjoyed all the details!! So neat to be a part of this experience with people like you!!

rscoach said...

Jill - Mazel Tov! your piece is beautiful - feel honored to have been a part of this with you and Seth and all the other wonderful artists - I too had a great time working on this one - check out mine - CreativeRebelGal.blogspot.com - enjoy - getting ready to go to Phoenix on Thurs - Tues to Art Unraveled - artunraveled.org - will I ever be ready - soooooo much to do - hope you're having a great summer - I need a NYC fix - will let you know when I'm coming - maybe we can have coffee - hugs - Reva (Los Angeles)

Dymphie said...

love the collage you made, great job.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful work Jill. Love it.

Rita Vindedzis said...

How beautiful. I especially like how weathered and time worn the butterfly became. Very nice.

Ginny Gaskill said...

How wonderful your piece turned out. I love all the textures and richness that the rusted pieces added. Also love the butterfly.

Mary S. Hunt said...

i really really! like where you took this project
the collage turned out lovely!

nancy neva gagliano said...

great honoring of our natural world, with a little help from mother nature!

Wayne Pitchko said...

Nicely done Jill

Diane said...

What a great bundle of layers! Beautiful colors too!! I must agree, this project was full of joy for me =)

femminismo said...

National Geographic has lots of great material, doesn't it? I'm surprised as you are that New York didn't produce better (read "worse") weathering of your materials. The finished product is amazing though. Really great. - Jeanne in Oregon

Anonymous said...

all of the rust and contrast with bright colors is fantastic.

Debrina said...

Oh...So much detail, Jill! I could stare and stare at it for hours! I love the little framed picture and all those wonderful round rusty things. I can see it was a real labour of love!!

rivergardenstudio said...

This is a wonderful collage, so filled with mystery and images. I love the rusty bits, the framed flowers and how your paint ties it all together. I can feel how much fun you have had with this. Hope you are having a very beautiful week... Roxanne

Anonymous said...

REALLY wonderful!

Seth said...

Really love this creation Jill. It is filled with layers, and colors, and depth, and texture, and words, and found objects, and rust!! All things that inspire me. And how perfect that the base for the piece is from Layer Love!! SO happy that you are a part of this project!!

Lucky Dip Lisa said...

Wow! You've managed to include lots and lots of different elements onto one piece and it dosn't look the least bit heavy or crowded! It's a beautiful Aladdins Cave!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely fantastic

Julie Prichard said...

I remember.....thanks again, Jill! It's a fantastic collage...so awesome to look at!

Anonymous said...

Jill what an amazing result. Your work is beautiful. Love the detail and the various embellishments. Wonderful!

druga szesnascie said...

the mixed-media work is simply breathtaking.
one could dive in it and stay in the painting forever...

Anonymous said...

i truly adore your writing kind, very exciting.
don't quit and keep penning since it simply just nicely to follow it,
looking forward to find out far more of your writing, enjoy your day!

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