Saturday, August 16, 2014

Monthly Update

I am hoping to create an update once a month. I haven't been very good about it, but there are so many changes and events that happen so quickly that I want to be able to track them. Here is a summary of the last few months and we'll do monthly updates from this point on. This post will have photos. The next post will have video.

March 2014

Julian turned 7. Tennyson turned 5. My Dad came to visit. It was great to have him here for a week. The kids were sad when he left. We had a blast while he was here.

April 2014

My Mom came to visit in April. We had fun with her for a few days as well. Grandma & Grandpa Bridges get to come together in August. :) It'll be great and we'll run them ragged!

May 2014

In May we saw the end of school. Julian had Mrs. Chrystler for 1st grade. She was my first grade teacher as well. She is still a fabulous teacher 25 years later! We love her!
We have a great clover patch in our backyard. Alanna loves to pick flowers for me there. She also loves to pick my just bloomed lilies from the front yard because once a flower blooms it must be put on display in our home. I have bowls of flowers with 1/2" stems in the kitchen. I'm so glad she loves flowers :)
In May Grandma & Grandpa Anderson were able to visit for about 10 days. JD & I got a few nights away with just 1 kid... hopefully someday it'll be no kids :) We had a blast.
In May, we built these benches. My Dad  helped me get them started in March and we finished the benches & shade in May. We've loved it. We've use it on and off until one of the planters caught on fire and proceeded to smolder for hours (unknown to us). Thankfully only the planter burned. We haven't fixed it yet, but we are excited to make it happen soon. We've loved having seating in the backyard.

June 2014

We found out about a week after school let out that Julian had broken his arm 2 weeks prior and then broke it again wrestling his brother. The Dr.'s put 2 layers of cast material on because when they asked how often they are active and my answer was at least 5-6 hours a day, they laughed and wanted it to be protected. He did great and had in on for 3 weeks.
We also attended a Welsh family reunion in June. This was the first time that JD's family was all together since Adam & Andrea were married 5 years ago. It was so wonderful! Our family has grown so much. There are now 9 and 1/2 grandchildren (Andrea is pregnant with baby boy #2). We had a blast.
 Tennyson lost his first tooth and then a week later lost his second tooth. He was VERY excited when the tooth fairy brought him $2.

July 2014

Emmeline cut her first tooth in July. She then quickly cut 3 more and is working on 2 more this month (August) for a total of 6 teeth. It's been a long month of teething and no sleep. :( But she's doing well!

We had quite the adventure in July. We decided to go geode hunting in the Dugway Geode Beds. It was awesome. However, it was unexpectedly extended! We got our first flat of the day about 1 mile from our destination. We heard the car get really loud and then JD saw the rubber of our tire roll past the car as we came to a stop. We changed the tire and hunted for Geodes. About 15 minutes before we finished we finally realized what we should have been searching for the whole time. 
On our way home, we got our 2nd flat of the day. We didn't have a spare. 
This is where we were.
In the middle of nowhere. 2.5 hours from home and 105*.  Our good friends came to our rescue and picked us up, vehicle and all, and towed us back to Provo. It was so fun though and we will do it again, minus the flat tires.
This year I turned 31 and we had some friends over for my birthday celebration. The kids made megaphones so cheer for more fireworks. 

 It was adorable.
I put 31 sparklers on my cake instead of candles. It was a bit warm :) But really fun.

August 2014

We went to the dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving Point and made some fossil casts. It was fun.
Some dear friends came to visit as well. Our families sure have grown since we left Law School!

We start school on the 19th. Julian will be in 2nd grade. Tennyson will be in kindergarten. Alanna will be in Joy School. Emmeline has bee walking for 2 months and just excited to follow Alanna around as much as possible. It's pretty great. Life is wonderful and we are moving forward!

Thursday, March 20, 2014


My sister Karlee came for a visit. We were able to take some photos of the kids while she was here. They turned out really cute :)
Alanna 2 1/2 years old

Julian 7 years old

Tennyson 5 years old

Emmeline 5 1/2 months old

Bowie 10 weeks old

We should have taken the group photos at the beginning...
... these are the best we got. They're cute though :)
I was trying to keep everyone happy with candy... it didn't work.

Monday, January 20, 2014

3 Months

Alanna 3 Months

Emmeline 3 Months

Julian 3 Months

Tennyson 4 Months

All of my kids have the same nose. Emmeline isn't as chubby in the face as the other kids were. But Tennyson and Emmeline chew on the same 2 fingers, which is cute. Emmeline, Julian & Tennyson have Bridges ears which is fun too. I love seeing their similarities. 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Conversation with Julian

Julian: Ha ha! I shot you with my invisible pistol!
Daddy: No you didn't. I have an invisible wall that stops invisible bullets.
Julian: Well I have a machine fart gun that goes through invisible walls.
Daddy: I have an invisible black hole that sucks up farts.

... and the invisible arms race went on and on...

Monday, December 16, 2013


I lied, apparently I'm doing one more post :) Just one quick photo of cousins. We did lots of fun things while Nick & Becki  were here. We made gingerbread houses, celebrated Thanksgiving, went to a duck pond to play, saw Frozen in the theater, stayed up way too late and watched lots of Dr. Who. This is 8 of the 9 Anderson grandchildren. We miss our cousins already and are excited to see them again next summer. 

Quick Update

This post will be rather photo heavy. We haven't posted since July... it's been a busy few months. We are really enjoying our house.
Julian LOVES first grade. He is becoming quite the reader and is really enjoying exploring new things.

 Tennyson can't wait for kindergarten so he's doing his best to learn how to write and read at 4 years old. 

 Alanna loves being a big sister. She spends her days dancing and singing which is super fun.

 Emmeline was born October 3, 4 days before Alanna's 2nd birthday. This picture shows a bit more attitude then she usually has. She's a great baby and we are so glad to have her in our family.

We blessed Emmeline on Sunday December 1. She wore a bracelet made by Grandma Anderson.

The sash was handmade by Great-Grandma Skinner.

The booties were sent with love from Great-Grandma Bridges.

The dress was made by Grandma Bridges and the blanket was made by Grandma Anderson. Her headband was made by me. 

We've had lots of fun with 4 kids. It seems louder and busier than before, but it's really wonderful. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I find it unlikely that I will be updating the blog again before 2014. :)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

So, we've been busy...

In short, we bought a house, Sam is having a baby girl in October and here are some recent pictures of the kids:

Sam made summer hats for each of the kids. The kids modeled them for us yesterday.