Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fall 2011

I composed this post months ago but am just now getting around to posting it. I am such a slacker and NOT into blogging lately.

We have been bbq-ing a lot before it gets too cold.

Johnny got tubes in his ears....so long ear infections!! The poor kid has had constant ear infections for the last year.

The boys carved some pumpkins.

The Skinner Crew. Batman, Robin, and a ladybug.

Downtown Trick-or-treating in Athens

Robin..or as Johnny says "Wah-min!"

Dane made hawaiin style pizza and Johnny made pep and cheese:) They were super yummy!

Ryan took Dane to a hockey clinic which Dane thought was the coolest thing ever! He got to put all the gear on and the OU hockey team taught all the kids how to skate, needless to say, now he wants to be a hockey player.

All suited up and ready to get on the ice.

I Love all of the colors during this season. I have never seen anything like it before. The bright reds, oranges, pinks, and yellows are amazing! These pictures don't do it justice.

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