Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The last few months

The last few months have been busy. I obviously haven't been blogging much, still working on getting the motivation. But, I figured since it's been awhile I'd at least update. The boys are doing great - busy growing and exploring. I am currently 8 months pregnant and starting to jump into nesting mode. We're working on finishing up some projects that have been hanging around for a LONG time. JD is busy with work and Young Men's. Here a quick recap of July & August.

 My brother Barry moved back to AK in July. We miss him lots but he is excited about being back home.

 Julian wasn't being as cooperative with photos, but this one of he and Tennyson is super cute. 
 The week after Barry moved back to AK Grandma Bridges came for a quick visit. We didn't get a ton of photos (I really need to be better about that) but did get a few before she left. The boys crashed on the way to the airport.

Grandma helped them climb the tree... I wish we could have moved the branch though... we'll just have to try again.
 My mom and I. People say that we look alike - my sister is nearly her twin but I am looking more like her as I get older. I like it :)
 We had a MAJOR rain storm in August and the boys had a great time playing in the rain and mud of the backyard.

  Julian LOVES to help weed whack. We have to get them started young right? Don't worry he is always supervised :)
 We had lots of friends come to visit in August - these are some of our close friends, the Oblad's. JD and Tyson graduated from law school the same year and they have since moved to Texas. It was so great to spend a few hours with them during their most recent trip. Sara and I are pregnant and due only 2 weeks apart. Makayla (in pink) and Tennyson are only 2 weeks apart as well. It was great that we picked up right where we left off... the mark of true friends :)

 I've been participating in bountiful baskets here in Utah. I got all this food for $15. The food is from local or small farms. If you are interested in participating go here. They have organic baskets and other supplemental items like bread, granola, or other seasonal fruit you can use for preservation. 
We grew a garden this year and it's doing so well! I pick at least 12 lbs of zucchini a week (sometimes more) and about 8 lbs of tomatoes a week. I'm so excited. We've got peppers and jalapenos and peas as well. Maybe next year I'll even get it better organized so that my tomatoes don't crush my zucchini plants. 

It's been a fun few months and it's just going to continue. Baby sister will come in October, then Thanksgiving with family and Christmas with family. It will be great. Hopefully I can be more regular with posts.

How Did They Know?

I got a letter from "The Scooter Store" yesterday. They want me to take a FREE Personal Mobility Assessment to see if I could benefit from a new scooter. I thought it was rather timely as walking it starting to get exhausting. They are all yes or no questions.

1.) Do you sometimes feel left out by not being able to get together with family and friends? Yes, I wish I could make it to everything but I get to 3 PM and I want to sleep for the rest of the day.
2.) Do you have health-related issues that limit your mobility? Yes, this 8 month pregnant belly makes it difficult to stand, sit, walk, bend over, etc.
3.) Are you having trouble getting to your kitchen or dining facility by yourself for a meal? No, especially if there is an Oreo Shake or really spicy salsa involved.
4.) Is it difficult for you to get to the bathroom on your own? Sometimes. Especially when I have to roll myself out of bed in the middle of the night.
5.) Are you unable to easily access your clothes and dress yourself each day? Sometimes. Some days getting out of bed is hard enough.
6.) Have you lost the ability to operate a manual wheelchair inside your home? No, unfortunately I don't think I'd be the one using it. My boys would think it was WAY too cool.
7.) Are you feeling like a bother to others due to limited mobility? Yes, my kids think I am WAY too slow.
8.) Have you fallen in the past 12 months? Yes, I can be quite clumsy, luckily I haven't fallen YET with this pregnancy. Maybe an autumn baby isn't so bad, I don't have to deal with ice and I can wear flip flops or tennis shoes everywhere.

Then it says "If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions please call us." Apparently I could get a scooter... it made me laugh pretty hard, I wonder how they knew it was getting hard to walk. 6 more weeks and this little lady will show her pretty little face.