Christmas with the Leavitts. Claire and Cady with their Truman cousins.
Christmas with part of my family.
So, I got new kitchen knives for Christmas....need I say more? Yes, they are indeed sharp, and yes I have a new found respect for them.
Doctor Bryce! How convenient that he just happened to have all of the supplies necessary to give me stitches sitting in our garage (old dental school supplies).
The girls were alternately fascinated and horrified by the sight of Bryce stitching me up. We used this as a lesson for them as to why they should never play with knives!
My new thumb with 4 stitches. This was my first time ever getting stitches. Bryce did an excellent job. However, I'm going to do my best to avoid this experience in the future!(Now if only I could figure out how to use my new apple slicer without cutting myself as well...) :D
Our house. We wanted to show you how much snow we are surrounded by. The ground in front of our house is completely flat, right now there is about 5 feet of snow piled up by the sides of our driveway. I find myself frequently thinking about summer and trying to wrap my mind around the fact that it really does exist and will return to MN at some point in time...
We love you guys!
Good to see you again! YIKES about your cute! Good thing Bryce came to the rescue!
post more often girl! Your little girls are adorable. No more knives for you!
Is Sara pregnant? Or am I just dreaming. Sounds like you guys are having fun.
How fun! We miss you guys lots! My girls especially :) Those are great pictures, too! I would LOVE to get whatever pictures you have of my little family from while you guys were here. You could just post them on the RR website if you want.
It was fun talking to you guys on the MAC the other night!
You are loved...five comments in less than five hours, and obviously missed.
I love the lesson on not playing with knives...that's a good way to make it stick.
I'm not even going to comment on the snow, because it just makes me sad.
Great post, Jean! The Christmas pic with part of your family looked lovely and warm. How I long to see bare-footed children again!
And you and those naughty knives! I'm sorry you got cut. Have you thought about taking up fencing? :)
Good to hear from you, it has been awhile. Sorry about your cut, good thing Bryce was there.
I'm so sorry about your finger! You seemed to handle it very bravely however. On a happy note, your hair looks great.
I haven't been on your blog in awhile. It is so fun to catch up with your cute family! Your girls are so beautiful! Their new haircuts are darling! Jean, I had no idea you had such a talent for sewing! I am so impressed! The girls' dresses are so cute! We sure miss your darling family!
PS- The other day I went to Jazzercise and I saw this girl that totally reminded me of you, Jean. She looked a lot like you! But, she didn't have your pretty smile. I came home and told Paul that I saw a girl that reminded of you, but she didn't smile. And Paul said, "Well, then she must not look like Jean, if she didn't smile. Because Jean is always smiling." We love your smile, Jean!
Stitches without anesthesia!?! Sounds scary! Congrats on the knives, though. Wish I had some good ones!
Nice to see your new post Jean!! I am an avid Leavitt blog fan. I don't know if I could have Ben stitch me up. You brave knife juggler you! By the way...nice tunage on the playlist! Thanks for the tips...mine is fully loaded and installed. So much fun!
Hi Bryce,
I don't think you'll know me, but you may remember my sister Camie Shunn. The funny thing is, I found your name off of Taralee's but I also know the Widdisons from Chicago. Small world!
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