Friday, October 8, 2010

Fuzzy Wuzzies in a bottle and Reila's cheeks

Keizya and Ryu have been working so hard to fill up their jar with Fuzzy Wuzzies. They worked for about a month and a half on sharing with each other, saying please and thank you, cleaning up, eating all of their lunch, asking nicely to play with toys, and any other noteworthy act that would earn them a fuzzy wuzzy. Basically, anything that might melt a mothers heart for a second or make you particularly proud :) There were some very proud and grand moments in there...these two even helped me weed the entire garden once for a giant fuzzy wuzzy...I thought it was pretty sweet that not only were THEY being rewarded but so was I! And melted it my heart :) So here are the proud cousins, holding up their hard earned fuzzy wuzzies to go to the.....ZOO!!!!

Most of the pictures we tried to capture were of their two lil bums leaning over trying to see what new animal there was to see. What a busy exhausting day for them! And the moms too :) We spent the first three hours in the entry way after going on a silly 2 minute train ride, playing at the playground, looking at one exhibit and feeding was noon before we even ventured into the!

If you're wondering about the adventure pack you can your money :) Like I said, the train ride was 2 minutes long, and the carousel ride was equally short and silly. They never would have noticed if they didn't ride on them, but I guess they did enjoy them :)
Silly lil' monkeys. After looking at apes and monkeys...they were tired of watching the silly things. Maybe because they watch each other all day and are used to it ;) They could have watched the construction zone at the zoo all day...why did we pay to go to the zoo again? Maybe the next fuzzy wuzzy activity should be the nearest construction site...
Oh man...the Prairie dogs... If you look closely, the prairie dog standing at the top of the log has his little paws to his face munching on something...

That's when I looked over at Rei to see her doing the exact same thing! little Prairie dog...don't worry, I would never call you that, seeing as how that term has many meanings.

The kids were tuckered out before we made it to lunch and the Penguins. Ryu leaned forward on the stroller and fell fast asleep. Keizya was irritable until she got in her carseat. The funniest moment: Keizya crying a long drawn out "Mommmmmmmmyyyyyyy!!!!" and drops her head on the side of her carseat like she got knocked out and instantly falls asleep. I've never seen anything quite like it.

And I know that I still have a pile of birth announcements waiting to be mailed out, but Reila officially turned 3 months....a month ago. What a slacker I am! So sorry if you don't get her birth announcement til her first birthday party ha! Suzy helped me take these pictures of Rei the week after Lake Powell...which I have not posted either :( So here is a few of Rei for her short and sweet 3 month old photo shoot...she was smiling the entire time :) Thanks Rei!

Last a "whisper, whisper" and that is that!

Reila is definitely my chunky of the two. She is more smiley and giggly as well. She definitely already has her own little personality and I love seeing new things pop up every day. She is such a calm baby but knows how to voice when she needs something :) She eats like a champ and I feel like I never have enough Leche for her. But she continues to get chunky so I guess we're doing well. Her cheeks attract millions of kisses from me every day. I don't think I have once picked her up and not given her a big ole smoochie on her chunky cheeks...melts my heart again and again.

She sits up great, but on her own she just roly poly's it to her face. She lays on her belly pretty well and holds her head all the way up to look around. She even rolled over twice the other day from her belly to her back.

She has giggled a lot and just today I got some good belly laughs from her! I love it love it love it! Melts my heart! (I should have given her a fuzzy wuzzy for that). I was talking to her when she was in a daze, telling her how spoiled she was and she brightened up and giggled at me.

She never spits up or pees when I don't have a diaper under her. She even waits for me when I have to open an entirely new package of diapers...Keizya would have had the entire bed peed and pooped if I did that with her.

But, trying not to compare my children for better or worse, they are both very much the light of my life! I have an amazing husband who comforted me in knowing that it would be okay for me to quit my 'at home' job to be the mom and wife that I want to be. These little girlies won't be this little forever and I want to enjoy every moment I can :)

Keizya is 2 1/2 and making me swallow my words when I once said "what am I going to do with a girl?" She is ALL girl, with the exception of worm and grasshopper hunts with Ryu. She loves fairies, princesses, dresses, shoes, nail polish, purses, lipgloss, jewelry, and any brattiness that may come with it.

She throws a good tantrum but hopefully is slowly growing out of it. She has had more than her fair share of time outs and talks. Let's hope that I have been blessed with enough patience to keep teaching her and then when the next stage comes up, whatever it may be. I know I'll need it :)

Keizya is going to a Pre pre-school once a week. Ryu gets to go with her and they just love it. It's mostly for social time and getting used to having structure in a different setting...but it's so fun to watch them interact with other kids and see how their personalities might be when they go to school. Ryu is polite and quiet but answers things he knows, Keizya gets excited about the fun stuff and forgets I'm even there at all. She's very independent and demands that I allow her to do many things on her own...even the things I would much more prefer to do on my own...such as pouring milk, putting her shoes on the right feet, and even getting me toilet paper to wipe with. I guess she just copies EVERYTHING I do...with the exception of putting my shoes on the wrong feet...ha ha! Except I did realize half through the day once when I was pregnant that I was wearing two different shoes!

So, now that the stress of one work is gone, I get to enjoy the stress of being mommy and wifey and making jewelries and crafts. (Blog and website coming soon :) The Huntsman family of 4 is doing well...we are very blessed and are living our lives as deliberately as we can.

Laughing Together, Loving for Eternity, Living Deliberately

Friday, September 3, 2010

Kan you find Keizya?

After a fun filled night of chit chat and playing some beans with our friends...this is what we found. Keizya pulled all the covers off her bed...played around some, did some imaginary talking, flew to the moon and back again, danced around like a sugar plum fairy, did some rearranging and then keeled over in the middle of her play session....

At least that's what we assumed happened. It took me about 15 seconds to find her in the mess once I peeked in...and then I spotted her little stripies, in her favorite transportation method.

It was sweet. Nighty night lil Boogie!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Reila Blessing

Jeff gave Reila a beautiful blessing today. She is already 2 months old and I was so worried she wouldn't fit into her dress cuz she's getting so chunky! She had her 2 month well child check up and she sure measured up! She is in the 75th percentile in weight! Go chunky Rei! She proved to me her even temperament again when she ceased crying very quickly after getting her shots. She has her moments but she is so easy to fix...she is such a great baby!
So today I am grateful.
I am grateful for a family that loves me and appreciates me.
I am grateful for a husband who holds and cherishes his Priesthood and can give our family blessings in times of need and on special occasions. Thanks Bub!
I am grateful for my backyard and the many people it can entertain nowadays...I love having family and friends over!
I am grateful for those in my family who have helped me out so much, physically, mentally, spiritually and know who you are;)
I am grateful for food...mmmm....we ate lots of yummies tonight! Thanks everyone for helping with dinner!
I am grateful for people who can express gratitude to of my young women brought me a thank you card for a lesson I taught last week and remembered from a year ago what my favorite treats were and brought them to me....that seriously made me glow inside and out...her simple gift lifted my soul by millions!
I am grateful for the miracle of forgiveness...that also takes weight off my shoulders like you wouldn't, the ATONEMENT is real!!!!
I am grateful for my Temple Marriage and the amazing reassurance I have that I will always always always have my family to hold and cherish.
I am grateful to my little Reila, who smiled at me yesterday when I was having a hard time...
I am grateful to my big girl Keizya who noticed I was sad and tried to be extra helpful to make me 'very very happy' :)
I am grateful for the family I was so blessed to automatically have when I got married and the extra support and love they give.
I am grateful for the power of prayer and the immediate answers I receive so often, man am I blessed!

I could on and on and on...and it feels so good to know that I can. :)

Today was a great day. Yesterday, not so great. So here are some pictures of TODAY, Reila's blessing and the big August birthday bash!
The Huntsman Family of Four
Kei and Rei
The proud Mommy and Daddy

One set of proud grandparents

oh sweet kisses
Oh silly smiles
the dress.
The accessories. Made them at 1:00 am the morning of blessing. I'm such a procrastinator.

Oh the dress. Which she did poop on. Suzy said it, 'It wouldn't be a our baby if she didn't!'

I laughed so hard when I saw Halle's face...
Another set of proud grandparents.
the cheeks.
Grandma kisses.

the triple birthday bash. Happy birthday Bub, Mom and Sader!the faces say it all.

It was such a happy day. The weather was perfect. The food was delicious. The timing was right. The blessing was superb. Emotions were happy...for the most part. The homemade ice cream delish. Both families were here. I heard a great lesson in church today. I am grateful. Thank you.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Reila Marie Huntsman

I'm such a slacker...Here are Reila's newborn pictures that I'm finally posting. They were taken when she was 4 weeks old. Compare with Keizya's 4 week old picture on the left side they look like sisters?
Ash, you are the best! Here is cute Keizya and Miley while I fed Reila during her photo shoot

Ash helped me a ton while I fed Rei and made Keizya feel so special and not so left out...I love the pics she got of her!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Grandpa Shikashio

Grandpa you are a hero to thousands…and the greatest Grandpa to a few. We already miss you greatly but know that you are happy again.

Grandpa Shikashio died about one month after his 90th birthday. He had every strong positive characteristic that one could wish to obtain in their life time. He lived his life fully as Henry David Thorough wished to do , "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach and not when I came to die discover that I had not lived. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life." Up to his last months of life he was still out and about gardening, working in his now historical garage, and spinning rocks from his back wheels of his pick up to "kill the weeds".

Although it was one of the hardest funerals I've been to, we were able to have some bittersweet moments with the family. My favorite was taking a tour of the few items Grandpa didn't sell in his garage that is pretty close to the coolest museum I've seen. His chair was still sitting in front of his wood fireplace and it felt really empty in there, but at the same time felt him very close.

Keizya was able to meet some cousins she doesn't really remember…and after 2 generations of marrying non Japanese spouses, they still look alike J

We managed to get some entire family pictures. Grandma Shikashio sits in the middle with her entire progeny surrounding her, minus Andy and his kids.

It was so good to see everyone again, since it is so rare that everyone is in the same place at once.

Love you Grandpa Shikashio!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Fourth of July

Our Fourth of July was not extremely exciting. But it did mark the first 4 wheeler ride of Baby Rei's life...we went up Mona Pole Road and she did so great. Just slept and asked for one meal along the way...

I love sparkler pictures...We celebrated in our own backyard. It took Keizya a little while to warm up to the flames of the sparklers...but once she got the hang of it she knew what to do (with the help of Daddy's artistic abilities)

We had dinner with my side of the family and picked some cherries at Jeff's parents earlier. After wiggle cars and scooters in the cul-de-sac we spent the late evening at Jeff's parents doing fireworks with the fire going in the backyard.

And then the next day I bottled those cherries! They are extremely nostalgic for me...Thanks Grandma Shikashio for letting all the grandkids eat your bottled cherries. Now that they are long gone, I've got my own...and the best news is...they taste exactly like yours :)

Happy Fourth of July! Happy Birthday to our wonderful country we are so lucky to live in. Thanks Grandpa for fighting so hard to keep these freedoms alive, and thanks to all the soldiers who continue to fight to keep them real today.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Smiley Rei

I caught her! They say the best camera is the one with this case it was my phone. But at least I got her cute giant smiles...!!!The angels must have been visiting her this morning.

They were both in I took some pics of my two purple princesses

This is a daily, almost hourly ritual for Keizya...try to climb in and swing with Baby Rei. She is learning what 'swinging too high' means and when she squishes Baby Rei, she no longer gets to play with her. I am trying my hardest to be patient with Keizya without sacrificing Reila...any ideas? Keizya is adjusting pretty well, but all the things I was warned about are starting to come up. She whines a little longer, requests my help for things she insisted on doing by herself before, and has reverted somewhat in her potty training. It's rather frustrating because she is still getting lots and lots of one on one attention because Rei is such a good baby and sleeps all day and any ideas would be super helpful!

Keizya is always up for kisses and she definitely loves her baby sister. She is working on keeping her kisses down to the cheek and forehead instead of her entire face...There are many precious moments of Keizya being so sweet and soft to snuggle Rei or give her a soft kiss when she's sleeping. There are also many moments of Keizya being overly helpful and trying to pick the baby up or readjusting her head or trying to snuggle a little too closely.

Despite the hard moments and my lack of patience, I love love love my girls and can't believe I've been a mom of two for over two weeks now. It's still surreal to me, maybe once the hormones ease up on me I'll figure this thing out! I never in a million years imagined myself with two of the cutest little girlies in the whole world, and I never imagined I would love it so much. They have both been so good to me and I am so blessed to have them.

Rei went to her 2 week appointment and she gained 9 ounces and stretched 1/4 inch longer...we're back to measuring like fish. Her hip has tightened up, which is progress and her jaundice was good after her third test.

Rei has already slept through the night about 4 times and usually only wakes up once during the night. She eats great, poops like a rocket, and sleeps like a rock. She got me when I had her bum in the air at 2:30 in the morning...shot half way across the room! She has some powerful bowels. But is very similar to Keizya in that her poo smells like buttered popcorn as well...Ever eaten a buttered popcorn jelly belly? Smells just like those taste,...don't worry I never liked them anyway.

She lost her umbilical cord on her 2 week birthday and has a pretty happy temperament. Her cries are minimal; when pushing a rocket poop out, taking a bath, hungry, pricked on the foot or sissy's squishing her, and as soon as she realizes she's getting assisted, she stops crying. Her cries are nothing compared to Keizya's blood curdling scream cry that made everyone around us think we were beating our child.

I was super worried that Rei would be a more difficult child because Keizya was a pretty good baby, but somehow we have been extra smiled upon and Rei has been even better! If this is the pattern I'll keep having kids...