Friday, September 3, 2010

Kan you find Keizya?

After a fun filled night of chit chat and playing some beans with our friends...this is what we found. Keizya pulled all the covers off her bed...played around some, did some imaginary talking, flew to the moon and back again, danced around like a sugar plum fairy, did some rearranging and then keeled over in the middle of her play session....

At least that's what we assumed happened. It took me about 15 seconds to find her in the mess once I peeked in...and then I spotted her little stripies, in her favorite transportation method.

It was sweet. Nighty night lil Boogie!


Ashley Schoenfeld said...

LOve them kiddos!

Kelda said...

oh that is so sweet!

Devon and Alicia said...

I can't believe we didn't hear her doing any of that. :0 That is hilarious! Love that little girl. Thanks for a super fun night!!

A New Life Student said...

That is so funny and cute! I have somehow convinced Julia that she can't get off her bed unless I'm in the room. I am just waiting for the day she realizes she can in fact get down and once that happens, I know this exact same thing will happen. Cute Keizya!

stephanie said...

that is so cute! what a darling little girl

Matt and Tiff said...

That's really adorable! What a cute little girl!

MIMI n' LINCOLN RULE!! said...

i still can't find her... just kidding. i wish i could have been in her mind when she was playing.

Kandas said...

That is funny! What a busy little girl. She is too cute!