Showing posts with label good news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label good news. Show all posts

Monday, April 23, 2012

Good news in the interim

Got written confirmation today that I am authorized for spring semester leave from teaching at full salary.  Will teach full load in the fall and then have spring 2013 totally off from teaching.  (It is not a sabbatical as such but rather a benison of the mysterious TFRP; it does not affect sabbatical eligibility for one semester in 2015-16.)  I like teaching very much indeed, but there is no doubt that this is extremely good news!

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Blissful news

I've been sitting on this since the end of last week.  Now it is official, I can announce it publicly! 

In general it always makes me happy to have positive arrangements sorted out for moving forward, but I'm particularly thrilled to be working with  Ed Park, longtime friend and literary co-conspirator: the conversation I had with him a couple weeks ago about what I might do to make the novel even better (book-writing is never done, and I am afraid I am an inveterate draft-writer!) was one of the most inspiring I've ever had.  Let the revisions begin - once this semester is through!

Guggenheim recipient and Columbia professor Jenny Davidson's THE MAGIC CIRCLE, revolving around three women friends in their thirties who all share a passion for gaming, with shocking results, to Ed Park at Amazon Publishing, for publication in Winter 2013, by Kathleen Anderson at Anderson Literary Management (World English).