
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Grandma turns 100!!!!

My Grandma Evans turned 100 on Valentines day this year!  It was also Arizona's 100th birthday--so she was well honored.  She was the grand marshall of the parade and most of her family came--there were 100's.  We love you Grandma!
I hope I can look this beautiful when I'm 100----

after the parade the kids got to sit on a horse:)

My siblings (but missing Jennifer)

My Dad and all his siblings with their mama

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About Me

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Well, this is our family. Jeremiah and I have been married 9 years. We have 3 kids (Wendel 7 and Reagan 4 and William 2). We live in Albuquerque and love New Mexico. Jeremiah is an Attorney and I work part time as a nurse, but am home with the kids for the most part. We have a beautiful family and feel so blessed to have each other and our children:)