Showing posts with label Sunrise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunrise. Show all posts

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Pied Wagtail and an Eagle

After photographing the crows in my previous post, I came upon this little Pied Wagtail perched nearby in the dim blue light of dusk:

If you're wondering what it's standing upon, it's this sculpture of an eagle (or osprey), photographed at sunrise way back in 2005:

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sunday's Sunrise

As penance for wasting a sunny Saturday by catching up on sleep and watching the rugby, I kicked myself out of bed before dawn on Sunday, and headed down to the beach. There was just enough time for a twenty-odd-minute exposure of this tree, capturing a few star-trails, before it got too light:

The same tree with the developing sunrise behind:

I put my 500mm lens into action for this shot of the Port Talbot steelworks across the bay:

I used the same lens for this pan-blur shot:

                        this shot of the Meridian Tower near the city centre:

and this picture of the dawn sky over Mumbles Lighthouse:

The colours became more intense:

That tree again:

A couple of my patented pan-blur shots, the aim being to reduce the scene to its essentials and remove distracting details (or something pretentious like that!):

The sun rising near the steelworks:

More-subtle light looking south-westwards towards Mumbles:

A final shot looking back across the rising tide towards the town:

and then it was off for some bird photography.
It was definitely worth getting up early for!

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Swansea Sunrise

I was up early yesterday morning, so I decided to walk down to the beach to see if an attractive sunrise might develop. It did!
Here are a few of the pictures I took:

I put polarising and neutral density filters in front of the lens for this shot, to give a long exposure time of several seconds to blur the waves of the incoming tide. This combination seems to give a pink tone to the image, which I decided to leave in:

The Meridian Tower in Swansea Marina, with a windfarm on the hill behind:

Finally, I turned my camera and tripod around so I was facing about ninety degrees to the sunrise for this shot, pointing my lens out to sea and using a long exposure:

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Chilly in Rhossili

I didn't sleep too well on Friday night, so was up early on Saturday morning. The sunrise lured me out into the chill morning air, despite the temptation for a lie-in:

I decided to head for Rhossili, at the south-west tip of the Gower Peninsula, wondering if the Red Kite which was there on my last trip might still be there, and also hoping I might connect with a Peregrine Falcon.
The day was chilly, and a hazy sunshine greeted my arrival in the village. I walked along the clifftop towards the Worm's Head, stopping to photograph a couple of passing gulls on my way:

Before long, I arrived at the tidal island of Worm's Head:

I looked across to the head, where I thought I saw a couple of seals basking on the rocks. I often see Choughs around this area, too, but didn't see any today.
There was no sign of any kite anywhere, so I continued my walk around towards Fall Bay and Mewslade Bay:

 Many of the local sheep were sporting natty pink hairdos:

As I peered over into a field, a Buzzard flew up from the ground where it had obviously been feeding, and circled obligingly overhead:

 The rocky coastline here is often a good place to spot Peregrine Falcons; and, sure enough, I soon spotted one zooming across the sea to my right. It flew inland a bit, before circling round overhead a good way in front of me. I took a few pictures, but they are very small in the frame and not worth posting. I sat down in the cool March air, hoping the bird would eventually return. It didn't! I got fed up and cold waiting around in the sea breeze, and lack of sleep was beginning to get the better of me, so I took the short cut back to Rhossili across the fields, stopping to photograph this lamb on the way:

Then home to catch up on some sleep!