Showing posts with label pinterest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pinterest. Show all posts

31 October 2012

Pinned It, Did It: DIY Custom Mason Jar Tops

Another toddler related DIY project to share with you all. I guess that's what happens when a hurricane keeps you locked up in the house with a 15 month old for two straight days. Technically I didn't actually pin this one. This is a DIY project that I've seen a few times around Pinterest, but a friend of mine recently pinned it and brought it back onto my radar. I had seen a few of these mason jars used as toy storage with animals glued to the tops and spray painted. Such a creative and cute storage idea. I love using mason jars and already use them around the house to store Lucy's crayons, my makeup brushes or paint brushes, etc. You all may know my affinity for spray painting things gold (here and here just to name a few), and apparently my sudden interest in painting small plastic animals. This little project seemed right up my alley.

all images via Pinterest

I wasn't even planning on tackling this project anytime soon, but this past weekend while waiting for a prescription to refill, I found myself perusing the local Dollar Tree. I came across some mason jars. For $1.00 a piece I was tempted to stock up on several even if I didn't have an immediate plan for them. After walking the aisles a bit trying to find some easy toys to keep Lucy distracted during the storm, I found a few plastic Disney Princesses. Jackpot. My DIY was decided at that moment. You all know I already have a hefty supply of gold spray paint.

The steps for this DIY are pretty easy and self explanatory. 
1. Glue the toys to the top of the mason jars (I used super glue and a lot of it). 
2. Next spray paint your lids whichever color you desire.
3.  Fill the jars with toys or goodies and display.

What a great and easy addition to Lucy's 'big girl room'. I liked the idea of using the princesses over the dinosaurs and animals to give them more of a 'young girl' touch.

What are you pinning and doing?

24 September 2012

Pinned It, Did It: Miniature Animal Menagerie

I love Pinterest. Who doesn't? It provides you with all the ideas that you wish you thought up on your own, and allows you to 'steal' those ideas for yourself. Ok, maybe steal is a harsh word, but I think you all know what I mean. I have no shame in my Pinterest game and this project is proof of that. Plus I'm always willing to give credit where credit is due.

I pinned this Miniature Mounted Menagerie just over a week ago and I immediately knew I had to do it.. and soon. Last weekend I gathered my supplies and got to work. The great thing about this project is it cost me next to nothing and took just one day to complete. The only things I needed to purchase were the plastic toy animals (a bag of 12 animals found in the Target party favor section for $3.00) and a can of metallic gold spray paint (maybe $5?). I already had the white spray paint and the frame was from an old wooden 'paint by number' piece that my mom was going to donate to Goodwill. I snagged it knowing I could chuck the print and use the frame. Good thing I did. 

Similar to the author of the original post, I found the hardest part of this project to be cutting the animals in half. I used a sharp knife as we don't have any sort of tool that could be used. It wasn't until my last two animals that I finally found a good method for cutting them in half easier. Oh well.

A few quick coats of white spray paint on both the frame and cardboard it came with and some gold on my freshly halved zoo friends and all I needed to do was glue the animals to the framed cardboard.

I love it! It looks pretty similar to the original, although since I had a larger frame I opted to use all 12 of the animals. I have yet to hang the animals although I already know where they are going to go. I just need to take a few things down and patch up the wall space before I reveal the home for this little art piece.

Do you have a Pinterest project you just had to do as soon as you pinned?