Showing posts with label family of four. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family of four. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

'A' is for Aiden- Chico, CA Newborn Photographer

This newborn session is so close to my heart. Aiden's older brother Liam was the very first newborn I ever photographed. Their mom Lori has become more like a friend rather than just a client. Although a lot of my clients end up being more like friends! I instantly fell in love with this little one the moment I held him! He is such a sweetheart. One thing I can already tell Aiden has in common with his older brother Liam is they are both strong willed! Aiden was great at falling asleep but once asleep he did NOT want to be moved. I ended up keeping him in basically the same position because that was just how he liked it. I was so happy that we were able to shoot his photos outdoors. We started early, about 9:30 but the shade was the perfect temperature. Warm enough to keep Aiden asleep but not in the sun! I just love the natural light! I can't wait to photograph these boys as the grow together and become best friends. Thank you again Lori for choosing me to be your family photographer! I really do LOVE your family!!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Zepeda Family- Chico Family Photographer

It's crazy to me that I have known Robyn since high school. She actually used to cheer with my older sister. When I first started this amazing photography adventure, her and Mario's wedding was my very first. In my last post about baby Warner, I had mentioned that one of the reasons I love my job is being able to witness other peoples' life events, watch them change. I have been able to witness so much with this family. I started with Robyn and Mario's engagement session, then wedding, baby Giovanni and now baby Josiah. It's such an honor to be able to be the one to capture the photographs they will be able to reflect upon. I seriously just LOVE MY JOB! This was a very quick session, both boys were NOT very happy about taking photos. It actually didn't surprise me since even at Giovanni's newborn session he wasn't having any of it! Even though we had to work around some crying and running around I think the photos still turned out great! You would never have guessed! Thanks for choosing me again Robyn and Mario! I can't wait to see what's next in your lives! Love you guys :)