It's that time of the week again. Yes Funky Fairy's new challenge has started.
We would love to see
You are free to create one in your own style.
This week you can win 1 of FFP fabby downloads and we have a Donated prize!!
Joanne is donating her Beautifull Doorhanger to the winner of the doorhanger challenge! That doorhanger would look so good on my room!! ;)
Please don't forget to look at the rest of our Design Teams work, they explain their work on their blogs.
Here is my proect this week.
I have designed my door hanger and sweetie bag around easter for my children. And as we will be away for easter in the caravan, the dor hanger will be hung on the caravan so that the easter bunny knows where to come.
DP: Funky Fairy's Dots are Distressing
Images: Penny Black and Whiff of Joy.
Computer generated Sentiments.